HomeMy WebLinkAboutEdwards AdditionEDWARDs ADDITION
SCALE - //Yv -,3'0 f7.
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�Narfh 11126, or,579114L o/'N5% o.7` Jec_/9 728R24
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PLACE 30 1 ��e 9Co a cn %V Ci
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/ron_moA ,j" 10j Ilk Iron man^
` South line of h'% of SW% ol-'AMj4 o{Sec. /9 7-29, A724-
.ihere6y certifyy that Zhave ral-veyed alndplaffea' 7`he,oroperly described 117 fhlx plat as ZvNaRDS fI/»/T/or/;
Thal thisR1 /s c1- true and Carred represe17falia0o{ sQi4' rurvc�/, lfiaf a/l distances are correelly shown o/7
M6 Plaut. feet ancl'decirnols o{a,foo,�,• 7ha.1 fhe rr7onurne1?& far fhe _Fa adar/ce of future surveys have
hee17 oor-recf/y jJ/oceClli7 fhe 9rou/nd asv-hOwn on fhe10107; fhallh�; outside hour�darylines are carrect/y
desi�rlatedonfliep/af,' that fhe toPo9ralohy of'fhe lona` is correct/y shown on fhe p/af co (kat {here
are no wet lands 01-104",611C hlyhway.s to al`edon fhe p/afofherfh0n crsshawn ffierC0/7,
Sfafe o{ ✓Ylinnesofa)) S S ;
County ofHe1717epl;7 Surveyor ,Pey, No. //88 `
14hove cerficofe su6scri6ec/ ar7c,'swarr7 ic0 /Jere 177e 7`h/s v day
IYOo ary Pub/�' lyernr76,01 ' County, �%inrlesofc/
Checked and approved'1h15- L" c(,/ayo/ ,�r,;6,j/(///)�Q//{/�//95"�.
!//ehneoln Cduiil y S'urve yor
179 Carr7rnisslon of fhe Vil/acre of �c%ircf Mi�rr�esofG
11,0prevec/ by fhe Plaal7
7"hisp/af yNas approves/ ane ace 6,/,v a b y /h e Yi//cy9e Co4.07 of �elinca /Y/.
meefin9716ereof helc(,'his. ,23rv' day of� 14,0. /95G, YlZr-A
✓know all men by these presents fh4f 4rfhur 0.541wamis crud Gai✓ %Anq wapnl_ls' hush W and e f� � o Sr
anc/pr°prle�`ors and Narfh western �edera/�"avih9s ancr'Loan "Ad
,I e or O a'91� i�9de� 4
property, situate in {fie Sfafe of %l�innesafa 0176/ County of 'fi�anneoir� to `v/f. - T� l/orfh 94 feel` of'/iic 1?/es7`
164.9 feetar`fihe Eas><Ha/f (E%z%ofh5e Nor>rh C�uarr�r(N/��offhe �ouiwesfC�uorfer(S�t/%� offhe /YorfheQsP4
gaarler(NE%✓ of.7ecf/on /1ii7e%en (l9), Tayvnsh/p Tive-eighf(28J� ,PAr7ye Twenly-four(24) excePffho�oorf
or�saia'prernises he vAi are conveyed fo fhe Vi/ aqe o c�'ii�af°r hi9hwQypurposes ana'su6Jecf fo on e4semenf
fir e✓ri ve way purpo.'es overfh e East lZ feet thereof an dsoicl ArIh4lr 0.6a war46- anar C7 -a/ Ecr'�varc/s,
owners anclprooriefvrs of/hal par/offhe Werl164, 9 feefo{/fie Ec sf %2 affhe/S/ar� %office SW% ol''hhc li'E%
ofsaia'Secfion /4 /yin9 Zufh ofylic,✓»l/owlh7c%scrihed'hbe: of
set/6`/,6%2 offhe SW% offhe NE% ofa-oid�'ecf/cv✓ t9alisfonf /54>&efSou4 of'ffie/jlorfhwesfcor/�er fhaf,
thence East arollel with the #01-1h /ripe q"f e SW% o/�/he N46%4ofsaid 17666010 / y�sfaa ree of 3o feet `
Souh`Jeorjer/y olmt7a rlrv% hl11he hO aRO/%JIOo/7 �!r' �4���/�c� O�fi�ie Wes,'c/6g.9feefof",�fie ze-%2 ol`,74he;' yW/jie
S'W%of, ie ✓YE%afsarc/�'ecfiol� %�a'isfa�f/69fee>�sou�h of'fheMorfheasfccv ev-fhe�of
and W l✓iam /6,i ces�e..ronclC/ar4Le�� cerh?r,. har6c�nd "a,w� owne s nd101-.0 riefars crud iisfiYcrfionc9'/
,� corp 1-q !on or ze r'0d rt ows f1 s oF/�/inr,es, �
�or7kof Gi/�ierl`/Y/ii��eso1`a /nor�9o�ee, o'>�'�i`�o>�"jaar o �.9/`eetof'fhe E%a of`fhe N/v al>*
<S!Y/ o fhe NES %c4 oi``saio''7ecl�or2 /q/y�n9,roufh of"1ie Narfh 94 feefffiere0veanc//yin9 /yorr�h of fhe
fo//0Wh;9 O'escribec4/ii�e; he9inninya�apoir;fon fhelyes{/ii�P ofs4icl %2 ofichefiyeX;Y offhe
1Y6/� 0-'70/61 <SerflOn l9 d �fvnt /5'� feef�5'oufh of fhe /Yorfhwesf eorr2erfhereof; {hence Ecvsfpal-gMel w11h 1!6,
/Yorfh Line of fhe SIt/% o/`h/ie N5ff- of'sa/i`/�ecfior✓ /9 �c/isfcrute of'�o few; thence 'o4v1heosfer-1y a1o17c7 gxfraighlli e
toa�vlrifon fhe Easf/ihe of fhe 1't�esf /6�, 9feer�mf'/fie E%Z of he/Y%y� affhe 3'GY% of ie/YE% ofsAic%Sc�-/icv�
! 9 /Jtanf ✓� 9J4ee�,5'oaM ol'� e /Yarfhe4sf corr;er thereof, ha v cc;Usec/ fhe so1ne fo he surveyed 011-1,0/0lfecl
as E0WARD5 A/JO/7.10N and do here{ y c%1-? afP eincl clec/ico74e fo fhe 104",6/e- for fhe use oII17e pub/ic
forever 1 -he sfreel'and Qvepue as.showo on fhe elrrnexedp/at o'a6jecffo easerr;er;fsfor 1_1111111 6, 7 and
driveway Qsshawn on fhe a1717exeda/al
In witness whereof we have hereunto set0411- hands and sea/.s Ard saics1 coI-Rorafions .have caused these
presents.>`o be signed6 y fheirPraper a/`j%icr/sand fheircorporo� sea✓s fo 66, hereur;fo a'ffiXecl�.
Si9neCy.-- /�/or✓hWe.s�✓n pec%ra/,favi17g5_& aa17 AjsrOCi�on
inloreE' 016 /_3Y /lu-,C.G,l/�-c<.�'<a� g '
1 Ili presence of
/n/oresence of
o¢.a, !U•4ir�a�d- — CftshiEE'
�S7`afe o{/}'I�r�nesofcr Z � S �1
C04(/?/y 0fHe1217epir2) 0/7 /firs 3" day beforeCnP, 41 m0laryy %0a%/ic within 0176/
for salt/ Caun;`y enc/ Mate persona//y appeared�fl rthur 0 �c%vards (7,701 Cai/.Teo/2 pwardr, h/1- wife and
W /Barr/ Le/ cesl`er crud ClOra Lel 66,7{6,1- his wrfe, fa r/7e10ersonal/y hi�ayv17 fa 66, the persoris narnec7'ii/an4'
W/70 executed fhe fore9oi17' 'Y sarr/eQsfiieir
free act 47r7A'a'eed.
Notary Pcr6/c, f/er�nepirl lou /y, Minnesa/a
My C01771771ss1a1? expires
S/a/e of /Yir/r/eso147 Z
Caunfy offyer�ne,ainJ s� 01//7/-1 a5 dayof % 14./0 /Q5a f✓efore me, g1161oryPud/c wifh1na17t-1f r
s0id Cour//ycrr;d Si e persona//� a�opearecx /r��S e. •�,�Ex , and rigid •� T E via Ifo me 10ersor7al/y ir�orvr� t ho A?//y
b me du/y swm/Y9 are resp�crive/y ✓ F kArEs. ander— o/``/Yorjhwesferri
q'era/ �avir/9s &Leon a9ssoc14,
/afian, fhe cor�orafion named /n 117e IG,eyoir737 ;rrsfrurner> ' fhaf fhe s eci/a/�Xec�'
to sere/ insfru/ncr�f/s fhe off c/a/sea/of ,s-oid oarporofior�, fhe/ sole✓%r�s�`r.�rner�f vvas s/ Jr�ed arrd sea/edirr belie/f
of °said corporation d y cru;`horh`y of ifs,6oara'o f 0irecfors and fhaf sale' r A�i .01 s 017d
achrtow/edl ed Baia' 117sfr-urner/f fo be fhe free arc/' cl-7d deed of s -Old Colpol-ohOn ,
Notor y Pub /ic //(1717 6,p in Cour?
My commission expires
�'tafe o �✓Y/i/�17esota / / f / y pub/ic `vifhI17 anti
�unf� af�fLouis� S.S On/his ��� day a �Tu �v� fl1�1956 be ore me allo¢ar
r saia County 0176103�i`afe personally appeared h� o� and�� �F2 �`c /rreper7ons//y known tylia 6C
me duly sworn diel say that /hey are 0176( C? R - of rsf /laAi 00 16ak Of
/6erf IWII rterofQ fhe cor-porafiari 170rMei'/h the fore9a1i1� Insfrurrie17f //76r/�ie.seal cyf�xed 1-10 7014' irlslcrumegf
fhe o ff cic� / seal of said 601-1001- of/ar�� fhaligio' instramen.f was si ed and sac./ed 10 6ehol�ofsaiq
C_�( /-' scion 6y aat`(7ari6X C,'./ f30o1-d 47.J60irecfors 0041 fhaf sal , �> I � c �. uncC��`:� �t eQchn°wlea9c�q'
laic/ ire /rurrierlf fo be fhe free act 6r17d deeq' of o'g1c/ carnorar`ior2 • r _
A,M �Ir.EsorA
NofQry , ,Sf, L o4" i"s �'our»`y �nrles-ofcr
M COIW M iss/ol7 expire s
NOf $Y PUBLIC, Si. Louis Couniy, p4innl.