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Edwards Terrace
A 11 ITITLAIN HENNEPIN SCALE: I INCH=100 FEET o INDICATES IRON MONUMENT / 9 BEARINGS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED / yo r / /��ti�Aq° 11, l� so 'i,7- say°36'53"w-� j11jItIv and Drain Oullal 3 D^ 0 0 c 0 J 436 43 \�yc Ali/i{y and D 90 Z. 30 ro nage Easements N77°15•w 465.87 COUNTY, MINNESOTA JAMES M. HALVERSON KNOW ALL MEN 9Y THESE PRESENTS, that Frank ,/ Ciskovsky and Doro/hy Ciskovsky, husband and wife, owners and proprietors and V. B. Edwards and Edith M. Edwards husband and wife, purchasers under coalracl of the following described property, silualeo' in The Counfy of Hennepin, Stale of lVh7nesolo', to wit: Trac/ B, Registered Land Survey No. 590. Nave caused the same /o be surveyed and p/alled as 0WAROS TERRACE, and do hereby donate and dedicate to the public for pub/ic use forever fhe circle as shown on fhe annexedplaf, also sahlecf lo the ufi/fy and drainage easements as shown on the annexed,olal. In witness whereof we have hereunto sel our hands and affixed our seals this t;Jt1 day of`z A.D. 1957. In presence of Signed: Frank /. Ciskovsky dorolhy Ciskovsky V. B• Edwards Edith M. Edwards STATE OF MINNESOTA SS. COUNTY OFHENNEP/N} On fhis day of A.D. /957 before me, a Notary Publie within and for said Counfy and Stale, didpersonolly appear Frank ./ Ciskovsky and Dorothy Cis%ovskyy, husband and wife, and VB. Edwards and Edilh M. Edwards, husband and wife, to me personally known to be fhe persons descrihed in and who executed fhe foregoing inslramenf and acknowledged fhe same as (heir own free acf and deed. Notary Public, Hennepin Counfy, Minnesota My Commission expires l hereby cer•lify fhaf /have surveyed and palled fhe roperfy described on fhis plat as EDWARPS TERRACE; fhaf fhis p/af is a eorreclrepresenfalion of said survey; Thal a/1dislanees are correcfly shown on fhe p/af in feel ano'deeima/s ofafool; Thal fhe monumenfs for guidance offufure serves have bee17 acedia fhe ground as shown on Theple; fhaf the outside boundary lines are eorrecf/y designated on theplat- and flaf (here are no wef /ands" or pub/ie highways lo be deslywoled on saidp/af ofher Phan as shown (hereon. n / Surveyor; Minnesola Reg411-orAw No. 39/3 5 TA TE OF MINNES OTA 1 S. s, COUNTY OF E�rrrscy j The above cerfifi'cale was subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public within and for said Counfy and Vale on fhis X0"5 day of ©cLe A.D. /957. My cvommissi"on expires ✓%l This plat was checked and approved on fhis ZY6 day of 4c liar A. D. 1957. This p/af was recommended for aojrova/ by the Planning Commission offhe I/ 01y ,Vf E'ipa; Mnriesofa' of a requ, meefirq thereof held this& day of A.D. 1957 C Chairman This plat was approved and accepled by fhe Village Council offhe Vlllaye of Edlna, Minnesota of a regular meefirq (hereof held this_ day of A.D. /957. VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OFEDINA, MINNESOTA by ils Vi//age Manager by �� ���''' -ifs Mayor : / o�a� f �' •' E ¢ns W le b • D C 0 Oullal 3 D^ 0 0 c 0 J 436 43 \�yc Ali/i{y and D 90 Z. 30 ro nage Easements N77°15•w 465.87 COUNTY, MINNESOTA JAMES M. HALVERSON KNOW ALL MEN 9Y THESE PRESENTS, that Frank ,/ Ciskovsky and Doro/hy Ciskovsky, husband and wife, owners and proprietors and V. B. Edwards and Edith M. Edwards husband and wife, purchasers under coalracl of the following described property, silualeo' in The Counfy of Hennepin, Stale of lVh7nesolo', to wit: Trac/ B, Registered Land Survey No. 590. Nave caused the same /o be surveyed and p/alled as 0WAROS TERRACE, and do hereby donate and dedicate to the public for pub/ic use forever fhe circle as shown on fhe annexedplaf, also sahlecf lo the ufi/fy and drainage easements as shown on the annexed,olal. In witness whereof we have hereunto sel our hands and affixed our seals this t;Jt1 day of`z A.D. 1957. In presence of Signed: Frank /. Ciskovsky dorolhy Ciskovsky V. B• Edwards Edith M. Edwards STATE OF MINNESOTA SS. COUNTY OFHENNEP/N} On fhis day of A.D. /957 before me, a Notary Publie within and for said Counfy and Stale, didpersonolly appear Frank ./ Ciskovsky and Dorothy Cis%ovskyy, husband and wife, and VB. Edwards and Edilh M. Edwards, husband and wife, to me personally known to be fhe persons descrihed in and who executed fhe foregoing inslramenf and acknowledged fhe same as (heir own free acf and deed. Notary Public, Hennepin Counfy, Minnesota My Commission expires l hereby cer•lify fhaf /have surveyed and palled fhe roperfy described on fhis plat as EDWARPS TERRACE; fhaf fhis p/af is a eorreclrepresenfalion of said survey; Thal a/1dislanees are correcfly shown on fhe p/af in feel ano'deeima/s ofafool; Thal fhe monumenfs for guidance offufure serves have bee17 acedia fhe ground as shown on Theple; fhaf the outside boundary lines are eorrecf/y designated on theplat- and flaf (here are no wef /ands" or pub/ie highways lo be deslywoled on saidp/af ofher Phan as shown (hereon. n / Surveyor; Minnesola Reg411-orAw No. 39/3 5 TA TE OF MINNES OTA 1 S. s, COUNTY OF E�rrrscy j The above cerfifi'cale was subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public within and for said Counfy and Vale on fhis X0"5 day of ©cLe A.D. /957. My cvommissi"on expires ✓%l This plat was checked and approved on fhis ZY6 day of 4c liar A. D. 1957. This p/af was recommended for aojrova/ by the Planning Commission offhe I/ 01y ,Vf E'ipa; Mnriesofa' of a requ, meefirq thereof held this& day of A.D. 1957 C Chairman This plat was approved and accepled by fhe Village Council offhe Vlllaye of Edlna, Minnesota of a regular meefirq (hereof held this_ day of A.D. /957. VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OFEDINA, MINNESOTA by ils Vi//age Manager by �� ���''' -ifs Mayor