HomeMy WebLinkAboutEl Rancho AdditionEL RANCHO ADDITION JOHN E.CARDARELLE, SURVEYOR. WATERMAN AVENUE 330.0--- iY.P7°S3 SO'E Zao.O - 0 6 0 ...... �° 5 " t' POND 239.95' •. 50 49.96 IRON MONUMENTS INDICATED A.S., 1 e o ly p, > • 2 � d $ iolm�, � - � F a ..:I..." 5 a 5 .02 40 4:68 - ^ \N „ 3 �.IL • V- �y Mme`p i , T ..... •' �� +yl� ora o Zi ' 154.99 Mats. ; Kno W ALL MEN BY l h'E5£ IORE551V7, — ihsf we 5werf E O/son end Edns Olson, his wife, end 1�inry A. Anderson end Made/on L,Anderson, hs wife, owrars endPropriafore of fh¢ tCo/%w/n� described prop¢rfy JULY, 1954 sitvafad m iha County of Hennapin, sisle of M/nnesoia, 4// of fhef/oerf of B/ock thirty�'YVM¢n0(0450hn Addition /yin Wee/ of /h¢ E®sf on¢ hundred filly /•/va SCALE, 1 " >r 50' fhar¢ 4 end fhPf prr/ of 07c E8s/ enehudrad !if/y fi"ve(/Sf) lee/ of 5,01d b/ock/yin North of the South ona bund ;'ad ninar`y f/va (/95)f¢a1 /hereof A/So C/er¢nc¢ f. RraScolt®nd /Ziff4 Al, PrdsCoit, hit Wife, own¢rs endpraprietors of the fol/0W described property SiiUWAe in eforessid eoun/y ands/ata, The Ees f one hundred fi Py f/ v¢ (/SS) fee f of fha 5ouf h ona hundred nir�af y !/ va (/9SJ fa¢ f of B/ock fhir/y N/andelssohn Addilioh Have coused fha Sarna to ba sure land v/Bf lard es "EL 1FANCHO ADD/T/O/V " and do hereby donate and dedicate fo lhepublie for Public , use fore ver t h and the easements for /lie Pub/ic ufi/i{ies snddrgins.�e SS shown on A4 0/7/7¢x¢4(,0/ef In witness whereof, wa have haraun/o sat our h®ndS and attired our Saes fh/s dayol A0 /9f4, In present¢ of swer4 E. Olsen, Ute, olx.n and os 'lo HerrY A. Anjers.n, m%Aelvti 4.Anjzxs.� - EDNA'0150AI — -- r/ENKY d Cn7BERjon v M94PON G . z-0 CI.AREAtCE f P PESCO TT io GlorenteF.Fres c>ic{jestie M.Preacett �RfSCOIr \ i , 5TATEOfM/NNES01"Ass. COUNTY Of"HEWP/N On this day of _ A• 0, /9,9'4, belora m¢, s Notary Publics wi/bin end for said counf y ®n4( slsfa� /o¢rsona//y Rppaarad 5war/ E O/son and Edne O/son/ h/s wife, and Henry A. Anderson A1174(14dWon L. Anderson, h/s f f tnd jaesia M Prascof f, h/ s wife, fo ma loarsomally known, whoeach bainydu/y sworn did say !het They axacu tad the Tome o/n� ins/rumanf of dadicaf /on ss (hair Arae ac/ 0/7d dead, _.-_... __ . . . •;> . r Y ti .. _...:) • *v IIF,. ._.... �" n....�.". _-. -� 5r47*f01CMI1AVbES01rA S5. COlJN1`YOFHENNEP/N I harabyc¢r11fy Thai I surveyadand p/affad fha provarfy dascribed on this p/ales " EL R�4/VCHO ADD 1 T I o N , " this plat is s eorrecf rapres¢dfabm of said survoy, fhaf all dis/snces are earraef/y shownon fha p/e/ /n feat and dacimsls o!a fool, lhef fha monumanis for-fuidar7ce of {ufura surveys have bean eorracl/y placed /n fha fi'oundas shown on The end fhaf !hare era no waf /ands cr pyblli IF' WOys to be dasiina/ad on said Plat ofhar Than as shown fhareon. SURvEY%l - M//VN. REG. NO _565 Above carflficafa subscribed Bnd sworn fo before ma dey ofa ®'" A• 0. �9f4. This plat recommandad for approval by fha p/anni� f of lhs til/eta of Edens, Mi1,7n65oie, al a rafu/ar maefin� fhareof fie/d fhrs " day af_ __ % r A, D. i9f4. This ,o/al wdi soorovadgnd auapfad by fha 0110 0e Council of Edina, /Y9/nn050fe, of a ra fu/ar moos ;/7f lharaol' ha/d ibis dey of PEcoRO£R Checked end epproved this daycf 4''o, /9f4. HEniNEG1N cOUNrr SuR!/EYOF _ i s o, H � y n d `II 9 v f 4; ��a 0 1 o Q � N E J I W 1 • ; /ZS.O _50_:06 - - ---/S3.o Decd--- _ /5494 Meas. �o �, o INTE_RLACHEN to ROAD 30-_i✓8��•0E ---- — -� Sou/h /ir�p o/%8/O�k 30, �- Hom/Pf oiMPntle/sso/+�7 ' o P ren � Kno W ALL MEN BY l h'E5£ IORE551V7, — ihsf we 5werf E O/son end Edns Olson, his wife, end 1�inry A. Anderson end Made/on L,Anderson, hs wife, owrars endPropriafore of fh¢ tCo/%w/n� described prop¢rfy JULY, 1954 sitvafad m iha County of Hennapin, sisle of M/nnesoia, 4// of fhef/oerf of B/ock thirty�'YVM¢n0(0450hn Addition /yin Wee/ of /h¢ E®sf on¢ hundred filly /•/va SCALE, 1 " >r 50' fhar¢ 4 end fhPf prr/ of 07c E8s/ enehudrad !if/y fi"ve(/Sf) lee/ of 5,01d b/ock/yin North of the South ona bund ;'ad ninar`y f/va (/95)f¢a1 /hereof A/So C/er¢nc¢ f. RraScolt®nd /Ziff4 Al, PrdsCoit, hit Wife, own¢rs endpraprietors of the fol/0W described property SiiUWAe in eforessid eoun/y ands/ata, The Ees f one hundred fi Py f/ v¢ (/SS) fee f of fha 5ouf h ona hundred nir�af y !/ va (/9SJ fa¢ f of B/ock fhir/y N/andelssohn Addilioh Have coused fha Sarna to ba sure land v/Bf lard es "EL 1FANCHO ADD/T/O/V " and do hereby donate and dedicate fo lhepublie for Public , use fore ver t h and the easements for /lie Pub/ic ufi/i{ies snddrgins.�e SS shown on A4 0/7/7¢x¢4(,0/ef In witness whereof, wa have haraun/o sat our h®ndS and attired our Saes fh/s dayol A0 /9f4, In present¢ of swer4 E. Olsen, Ute, olx.n and os 'lo HerrY A. Anjers.n, m%Aelvti 4.Anjzxs.� - EDNA'0150AI — -- r/ENKY d Cn7BERjon v M94PON G . z-0 CI.AREAtCE f P PESCO TT io GlorenteF.Fres c>ic{jestie M.Preacett �RfSCOIr \ i , 5TATEOfM/NNES01"Ass. COUNTY Of"HEWP/N On this day of _ A• 0, /9,9'4, belora m¢, s Notary Publics wi/bin end for said counf y ®n4( slsfa� /o¢rsona//y Rppaarad 5war/ E O/son and Edne O/son/ h/s wife, and Henry A. Anderson A1174(14dWon L. Anderson, h/s f f tnd jaesia M Prascof f, h/ s wife, fo ma loarsomally known, whoeach bainydu/y sworn did say !het They axacu tad the Tome o/n� ins/rumanf of dadicaf /on ss (hair Arae ac/ 0/7d dead, _.-_... __ . . . •;> . r Y ti .. _...:) • *v IIF,. ._.... �" n....�.". _-. -� 5r47*f01CMI1AVbES01rA S5. COlJN1`YOFHENNEP/N I harabyc¢r11fy Thai I surveyadand p/affad fha provarfy dascribed on this p/ales " EL R�4/VCHO ADD 1 T I o N , " this plat is s eorrecf rapres¢dfabm of said survoy, fhaf all dis/snces are earraef/y shownon fha p/e/ /n feat and dacimsls o!a fool, lhef fha monumanis for-fuidar7ce of {ufura surveys have bean eorracl/y placed /n fha fi'oundas shown on The end fhaf !hare era no waf /ands cr pyblli IF' WOys to be dasiina/ad on said Plat ofhar Than as shown fhareon. SURvEY%l - M//VN. REG. NO _565 Above carflficafa subscribed Bnd sworn fo before ma dey ofa ®'" A• 0. �9f4. This plat recommandad for approval by fha p/anni� f of lhs til/eta of Edens, Mi1,7n65oie, al a rafu/ar maefin� fhareof fie/d fhrs " day af_ __ % r A, D. i9f4. This ,o/al wdi soorovadgnd auapfad by fha 0110 0e Council of Edina, /Y9/nn050fe, of a ra fu/ar moos ;/7f lharaol' ha/d ibis dey of PEcoRO£R Checked end epproved this daycf 4''o, /9f4. HEniNEG1N cOUNrr SuR!/EYOF