HomeMy WebLinkAboutElizabeth TerraceELIZABETH TERRACE Village Of Edina -- Counfq of Hennepin 1, NOr11, y4 corner Sec -7 — ___ 350' N.88°49'30"E.____ � North 11f7e dp5ection 7, Township 11C,,Raoqc Z/ I ("I / h(orlh line o/'the South 298 3 f l ar& A/,,, -/h 488'o/'h rYest 950'ol'lhe 0Vy' ej'1he A/E¢ of Sec, 7 N.88049'30"E. Tis plot was recommended l r approval bel the p/onnir7y commission orlhe V//0ge o{Edirna, Vlhnesolo , a/ a rwa/Qr meelinq Thepfof, ' held lhis day A.D./959. PLAA/NlA/G LoT 1 rol 7-1 Z S. 88° 49' 30"W South line of die aorfh 488 ,�Gef of ' the NW¢ o)' 6- NE¢ op Sec. 7 Tis plot was opproved and aaepled bq Ile 011loge Council ,0f &ino, M�i7nesolo, a/o r�ulor meelin ere , held this �,day off' A.D. /959. VILLAGE COUNCIL sPE01YA,M1A1". The outside boundaries ol'fhis p1V hove been checked and 1CWnd To be Inelhemolically correct 1hisl2L day o1P Ja.�., A. D.1959. Hennepin County Sur✓eyor� Moyor� � 1, NORTH Stole / =� dune,1959 5eorings orV assumed 0 Ceiiores /roil Nroa, CAROARELLE & ASSOCIATES ,INC. — Surveyors — KNOW ALL A11EN 5Y THESE PRESENTS - that Elizabeth Oohs, widow, also known as Lizzie Yitgli5 , owwrand proprietor, and that 6eol-qe 419arsh and Morgoret /lo/�sh, his wife ,morfgogee of"tfie lollowinq described Properly sifaole in the .Slate ePA/linnesofo and County of Hennepin , fowit he .South 298.3 fleet ol�fhe ,Uorlh 488 %e/ of West iso feel o{ Me Alorlhwesl ¢ o�'lhe A/oriheosf ¢ o�'Secfion 7, Torvnshipde6 Alorhh ,Qan�e 21 Nesf ol'ib/rthe 5 `/' Princyol Mer/dion , hove cadsed the some to be sur✓eyed and plotted as EL l Z A 8E TN TERRACE ;'sued ���byAoroie ddicokfefhepiJd^�cuserorenr zQrodosshown�'lheonnexeAybt; k the !/fi/ify and Drainage Easement as shown on the annexedp/al, for use q�'municipaliIII, OroflUrPub/�c ufi/dies fo'r insfa//ol/on 017d 17701171emnce ol'Acililies insfa//ed in andorer said eosemenl /o .serge o!�omnf or other premises in the Yicinify. /n N;h7ess whereot'said Elrzabelh Molls, widow, also known as Lizzie Y to%s , has hereunlo set her bond and ag'lxed her seal 61s_a4 r yC — A.0.1959, and Thal said George W. Harsh and Marffel 11orsh, his mle' hove hereunlo se/ lhieir hands and 0 fined Ileirseo s Phis .2 dOq 0/' --7 1959. /n Presence o�' S,jned p As {o �zabeih Yifalis o/so t �o��v ,f e� (Seol ) two iJind V/%0//5 ELIZABETH virP�is) (5ea/) y��jC�,`� �GEORCaE ARSH� Asfo George w Ndrsh � and ,Ulor9aref orsk (Seoo (MARGPQeT ,+PRSH� Slaie ol'Minnesola C0017111 of hennepin 017 this _" doq al'A. D. /959, &1�re me, o A/olory Public, within and {or said County and Stole did c�rsona/1q olopear Elliohelh Ymahs, w!fo0w'-31v,a1so known as Lizzie �/a/is, to me �rsona//y knorun, who leinq du,�/ sworn, didsoy Aaf She is The Person described rr7 and who execuled he 1,171egoin9 insTrarrren/ 017d acknowledged 1hol she -execuled the 501M aS he -r- Own {lee oaf and deed. Stale 00441;NW50161 Nolary Pub/rc I /leanepin County, Minnesota Counkl of hk(poepin 017 this 2-WrA doy ),p A.O. /959, My Commission Expires [,�, �% %� {� /'� (� www J. g41Apn Wore me ig A/olary / �ib& Wlf� 17 and �r.Sard 60dkl ( and ✓tole d1d X -t- Y ruhlli MaPXdpflV FSrrPfli1, �Iiil�= s a My Ccrort6ey(pt Ly ,,1ft H t i. lS Persona//y appear George w. Harsh 0170( Morgare/ harsh, his rvile� , to me perso170`/111 known, who beln9 each duly sworn, did soy lballhey are the Persons described In and who executed flee 1'regoinq rnslrumenT andocknowled9ed lbal Aeyexecuted The same as their own Free ocl and deed. /1/o/ary Pub/c, Nennepin County, Minnesota / herebq cer/i/y fhol /heye surveyed and plofled the My Com6r,; n Expires q proRer%l described on As plot as ELI ZABE TH TERV CE, flat Phis Plot is o correct represenlahon gt'wla'sur Yecl; /hat all dislancesare correclly shown on the plot /n Feel and decimals ora 7600l; &hal /he monumenls far quidame o ( ulure surreys hone been correct/y �o/aced rn 1ie ground as shown on The plol, that the outside boundary hoes are correctly d 51 (fled on The plot; Thol There ore no wel lands or pubbc highways to bre designated on said plat other llbn as shown lhel eon ; and Thal lfe lopogroph y o{' &e /and Is correcT/y shorvn on sold plat CARDARELLE E— ASSOCIATES, /AVC. Slafeof'Arlinneso% s.s. County ol'Hennepin *ye cerhficale subscribed ondsworn To Lure me, a Alolary Public, Phis day otP— A.D. 1959. J� r.Cordore/!e , Mi�/�soto Sfote Re9isfrotion N° s66 Notary Public, Hennepin �Carnly, Alf;l e,50ia My Commission Expires ` " . i�' 33. ^, O O O N o o D 33• / 33' a Tis plot was recommended l r approval bel the p/onnir7y commission orlhe V//0ge o{Edirna, Vlhnesolo , a/ a rwa/Qr meelinq Thepfof, ' held lhis day A.D./959. PLAA/NlA/G LoT 1 rol 7-1 Z S. 88° 49' 30"W South line of die aorfh 488 ,�Gef of ' the NW¢ o)' 6- NE¢ op Sec. 7 Tis plot was opproved and aaepled bq Ile 011loge Council ,0f &ino, M�i7nesolo, a/o r�ulor meelin ere , held this �,day off' A.D. /959. VILLAGE COUNCIL sPE01YA,M1A1". The outside boundaries ol'fhis p1V hove been checked and 1CWnd To be Inelhemolically correct 1hisl2L day o1P Ja.�., A. D.1959. Hennepin County Sur✓eyor� Moyor� � 1, NORTH Stole / =� dune,1959 5eorings orV assumed 0 Ceiiores /roil Nroa, CAROARELLE & ASSOCIATES ,INC. — Surveyors — KNOW ALL A11EN 5Y THESE PRESENTS - that Elizabeth Oohs, widow, also known as Lizzie Yitgli5 , owwrand proprietor, and that 6eol-qe 419arsh and Morgoret /lo/�sh, his wife ,morfgogee of"tfie lollowinq described Properly sifaole in the .Slate ePA/linnesofo and County of Hennepin , fowit he .South 298.3 fleet ol�fhe ,Uorlh 488 %e/ of West iso feel o{ Me Alorlhwesl ¢ o�'lhe A/oriheosf ¢ o�'Secfion 7, Torvnshipde6 Alorhh ,Qan�e 21 Nesf ol'ib/rthe 5 `/' Princyol Mer/dion , hove cadsed the some to be sur✓eyed and plotted as EL l Z A 8E TN TERRACE ;'sued ���byAoroie ddicokfefhepiJd^�cuserorenr zQrodosshown�'lheonnexeAybt; k the !/fi/ify and Drainage Easement as shown on the annexedp/al, for use q�'municipaliIII, OroflUrPub/�c ufi/dies fo'r insfa//ol/on 017d 17701171emnce ol'Acililies insfa//ed in andorer said eosemenl /o .serge o!�omnf or other premises in the Yicinify. /n N;h7ess whereot'said Elrzabelh Molls, widow, also known as Lizzie Y to%s , has hereunlo set her bond and ag'lxed her seal 61s_a4 r yC — A.0.1959, and Thal said George W. Harsh and Marffel 11orsh, his mle' hove hereunlo se/ lhieir hands and 0 fined Ileirseo s Phis .2 dOq 0/' --7 1959. /n Presence o�' S,jned p As {o �zabeih Yifalis o/so t �o��v ,f e� (Seol ) two iJind V/%0//5 ELIZABETH virP�is) (5ea/) y��jC�,`� �GEORCaE ARSH� Asfo George w Ndrsh � and ,Ulor9aref orsk (Seoo (MARGPQeT ,+PRSH� Slaie ol'Minnesola C0017111 of hennepin 017 this _" doq al'A. D. /959, &1�re me, o A/olory Public, within and {or said County and Stole did c�rsona/1q olopear Elliohelh Ymahs, w!fo0w'-31v,a1so known as Lizzie �/a/is, to me �rsona//y knorun, who leinq du,�/ sworn, didsoy Aaf She is The Person described rr7 and who execuled he 1,171egoin9 insTrarrren/ 017d acknowledged 1hol she -execuled the 501M aS he -r- Own {lee oaf and deed. Stale 00441;NW50161 Nolary Pub/rc I /leanepin County, Minnesota Counkl of hk(poepin 017 this 2-WrA doy ),p A.O. /959, My Commission Expires [,�, �% %� {� /'� (� www J. g41Apn Wore me ig A/olary / �ib& Wlf� 17 and �r.Sard 60dkl ( and ✓tole d1d X -t- Y ruhlli MaPXdpflV FSrrPfli1, �Iiil�= s a My Ccrort6ey(pt Ly ,,1ft H t i. lS Persona//y appear George w. Harsh 0170( Morgare/ harsh, his rvile� , to me perso170`/111 known, who beln9 each duly sworn, did soy lballhey are the Persons described In and who executed flee 1'regoinq rnslrumenT andocknowled9ed lbal Aeyexecuted The same as their own Free ocl and deed. /1/o/ary Pub/c, Nennepin County, Minnesota / herebq cer/i/y fhol /heye surveyed and plofled the My Com6r,; n Expires q proRer%l described on As plot as ELI ZABE TH TERV CE, flat Phis Plot is o correct represenlahon gt'wla'sur Yecl; /hat all dislancesare correclly shown on the plot /n Feel and decimals ora 7600l; &hal /he monumenls far quidame o ( ulure surreys hone been correct/y �o/aced rn 1ie ground as shown on The plol, that the outside boundary hoes are correctly d 51 (fled on The plot; Thol There ore no wel lands or pubbc highways to bre designated on said plat other llbn as shown lhel eon ; and Thal lfe lopogroph y o{' &e /and Is correcT/y shorvn on sold plat CARDARELLE E— ASSOCIATES, /AVC. Slafeof'Arlinneso% s.s. County ol'Hennepin *ye cerhficale subscribed ondsworn To Lure me, a Alolary Public, Phis day otP— A.D. 1959. J� r.Cordore/!e , Mi�/�soto Sfote Re9isfrotion N° s66 Notary Public, Hennepin �Carnly, Alf;l e,50ia My Commission Expires ` "