HomeMy WebLinkAboutElmwood TerraceJOHN E.CARDARELLE SURVEYOR. SCALE, I" a 50' zl% aS1.S9 ELM -WOOD :S..i i.•r .» TERRACE HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA. •_-.- 659.94 ---- /1�/ii:PW , .;E , --- 616.31--- JULY 1954 33' 1 KNOW ALL 1`JEN BY Tftf5E P11?E5ENT5:-Thal we 6 f-1ansorl and Jennie Hanson, his wife, owners ar&lvroprie forsof {he following described property situated in IheCounly of Hennepin of 5/0fe of Minnesota The Norlh filly four and 99/ioo(54.99) feel of lhe5oulh one-half(' )o{theNorlheaslone-quarler(NZ Y4a)oftheAlorlheasf one -quarfer(I.f%>ofiheNorlheaslone, - p6rler(Nf 4) 5eclionn11?efeen(19),Townshjo lwenlye�171(28), Range /wen/y four(24>, and}he 5ou1h llfly four and 99//oo (5499)feel of the Norlh one hu»drednine and 98/ioo(lo998)%el of the 5goull? one-half(%� oflhe Norlheasl one-quarlert/VEy) of the Norlheasl one-quarler (Nf %) of {he Norlheasl one-quarler(/1/EAa) 5ecfion rarraeleen (j9), Township lwentyei ht (28J, Range lwenty four(24),andErwii?CPfeiffer and Fern Pfeiffer, his wife, owners and proprielors of thalpari of /he Norlh one hundred nine and %/ioo(lo9.96) feel of the 5oulh one hundred sixly four and 97/ioo(/64.97) feel of the Norlheasl one - quarler (Nf %) of the Norlheasl one -quarler(Nf_ ,�) of the Norlheasl one-quarler(N£ i, lying West of the fast three hundred s/,rly two end6711oo (3s2.67)feel 1prny w/ hin the aforesaid seclaon� 10wns/a1�0and ran J4e and Theodore L. Vallacher and Catherine Ca//roan Val/ocher, his wife, owners andproprielors of the 5oulh filly four and 99l/oo(54.99) feet of /he NorAheast one - quarter(NE %) of the Norlheasl one quarler!Nf 4) of the Norlheasl one-duarler(Nf %J lying¢ wi/bin the aloresaiad seclion, /ownshlp and range; end Karl T. Hoflbaurarxl Jessie Rrloffbaur owners and proprielors of fhalroarl of the North one-half (i2) of the 5oulh one-half oflhe Norlheasl one-querler(Nf_ 4) of 1/7e Norlheasl one-quarrer(NEl) of5ecllon nine leen (l9), 7-own5h1p lwentyer hl (Z8), 1?,gye Iwenly four(Zd) commencing al lhe,tiortheasl (/KE)corner of r/'ae North one-ha/f(N%z) of fhe South one-ha/{(S %z o/ ine/1'orr'rieast One-quarler(NE %4) o{ fhe Norlheasl one-quarler (N.E /a), /hence 5ouih one hundred (/oo) lee/, thence Wes/ Jive hundred ninety two and Silo (592.5) feel to /he center of lVinoe hahe Creek, thence Noriheasler ly (N.E L. Y) along the center line of Minnehaha Creek one hundred f welve andone ha/f(12.5) feel, thence Casl to poinl of be�innin�r five %a.jradred forly one and i/io (541 /)feet.and Fred 5. Welsh and Inez A.WeIsh, hts wife, owners and proprietors oifhalarl of the Norlheaslone-quarler of /he Norlheasi orae-quarler(/1!E. !)of5eclton ninefeen(19), Township Iwenly et hf (28)Rarye lwenly four (94) described as follows : Corn mencen al /he 5oulheas l corner of the Norlh one -half of fhe 5oulh one - half of l/he Nor lheasl one -quarler/N..f.4) of >lbe Nor/heasl one-quarler(N.f %) of5ec/ton naneleen (/9), Township twenty eyh/(Z8), Qgf!f e fwen/y jou r(U). /hence Wes/ six hundred fitly nine and 6/io(6596)leeli lhenceMor lh one hundred MOO .0) feel; lhenw&isi 51X hundrea/ fifty nineand 6/io(6596)lee /; lhence Sou /h ornehundred(ioo.o)fe--/ /a Po/ n/ ofbeyinniny, and Louise A Newborn, (3 widow, andfrnes/ L. Newborn,sir?�ie, owners andpropne ors of lhaiparl of the North fifty (50) feel of Me the South one-quarter(%4) of the Norlheasl one-quarlerllNE �) of the Norlheasl one -quarler(N.f %) lyins East of Minnehaha Creek m Section nineteen(19),Towship lwentyea�hf l28), Ran�e twenty four(24),and Vir�inia�'Beard and IDudleyC.Beard, her husband, owners andproprieiors of the followl,-ydescribedproperly; cornmenctny ala point in the fall hne of lhelVorlh one -ha/f !h)o/1he South one - half ('h) of 1heNorlheasl one -fuarler !N.f y)of the Norlheasl one-quarter(/ilf. %) 5echon nineteen!/9), To Iwenly ei hllZB), /fa e twenty four(24) and in the center of franceAvenue which oinl is one hundred (ioo.o) feel Norlh frorn the 5oulheasl corner of said hlorih one-half (N. 11z) of the South one -hal{ (5. %z o{ fhe Norlheasl one-quer/er(NE!14;'-of the Norlheasl one-quarler(Nf.. y); lhence al rtyhl enyles Wesl and parallel to the '504Wlh line ofsaid Iracl six hundred fifly rune and 6//oo (659.6) feel to the ee nler line of IVtnnehdhaCreek; lhenceNorlherly elan the cenlerline of 561d creek /oa poiraf /herein, whichPoinl as d/stance two -hundred 1hirly(Z90.o) feel Norih at qh/ angles horn ihe5ouih line of said tract) lhence Eas/ to a piiinl to the center lrne offranceAyenue which point is disIan l one hundred /hirty090.o)Norlh from porn/ of beyinniny; fhence5oulh alon�said center lri�e to /he poin/of be inninJ distant one hundred lh1r/y(i3ao)feel. Pave caused the Borneo lobe surveyed and palled as "iL17W00p TERRACE "HennepiraCoun iy, Minnescla, and do hereby donate anddedicaie to the public forpubbe use foreverlhe avenue and laneas shown onlhe annexed play and subjecl to the existing publiculililies e(9semenls ar)d the easernen/s forpubbc ulila'lies and draine5eas shown on iheannexed plat In wilness whereof; we have hereunla Bel our hands andel iXed ourseals this da o f A.D. /954. /� In presence of o- -,.ii--tom-- xe'1�-- U tie Ze 5aleofMinnesolass Onthd_s yof 1 A.D. /954,beforeme,anolar ub/ic within and forsaidcounlyandsla/epersonally CounlyaHennepinj appeared 6 Hanson and Jennie Hanson, hrs wife, and ErwinC: Pfei ffer alv�fern Pfeiffer, his wife, and Theodore L. Vallacher and Catherine CallinanVdIlecherhas wife,l(arl T. Hoffbaur and Jessie R. Hoflbaur, his wife,Fed5.WetshdndInez 14h✓e/sh, his wife, tourseA. Newbornwsw , le and Uylnia E Be(6rdand DudleyCBeard, herhusb47nd, )omepersonaltyklvwn) whoeachbeinfdu/y swornd a say that lheyexeculed the lorefoinfree l amend deed. tggoy F. ORTER "T 7-tidferyftbiic,Hennepin Co , StaleofMinnesola s s j hereby certify /hat 1 iia ve surveyed andp/al%d theproperly descrlbedon Ahrs plat as "fl MW000 TERRACE CounlyofHennepin HennepinCounly, Mrnnesola,/ho'llhisAleiisacorrecirepresenlalionofsaidsurvey, /ha/ thedi5{at�cPsare correclt, shownora lhepldl in fee/ anddecirna/s of aloof, /hal /he monument for lheguidance of fulure Surveys here beencorreclly placed in the_�roundas show ora the plal dod Thal Berg are no wel lends orpubllc hyhw,6f5 lobedesynaled on said /al olher tronas shown thereon. --- John Z_Cz6i3relle Minn- fles No.566 Above certificate subscribed andsworn to .before me -_day of T17i5plal was recommended for approval by the PlanolnyCornmissionol The Y1Ylayeoffdine' N10ne this 4 clay of Thts p/al was aPprovedendaccepledby the l/llayeCounci/of fauna, Minwesola, at a reyu day of Ghec/sed and approved /his day of M /794. LEROY P. PORTER of I Notary Public, Kenn,,pi 1,1n4y> h1t . i / t,.. My Commission'ExotreSA.Af1LL8' 1958 'arerulermeefiny /hereof held ll Z2�z l CHAIRMAN i hereof held this q Q.iif;fJ1ENT llennepinCounly Surveyor Ni i I 1 ih 1 la 'n• ( 1 �. ..._ I t6 1.• z 3 3.'i l 30... Ii 2 Oil • f � � .S'O, J//JP O! / iiJP IV � of 1'ijP .SO. �1 Ol �� �¢ . . 1 --. 302-31 ... 253.74 ! 1 rh � 1Mon• i 18 tl 263 64 ��.. ..288.70... .Zro/J f?7Dr9Cl�j7P/7frS4fQ���Or�?PrS , .;E , --- 616.31--- JULY 1954 33' 1 KNOW ALL 1`JEN BY Tftf5E P11?E5ENT5:-Thal we 6 f-1ansorl and Jennie Hanson, his wife, owners ar&lvroprie forsof {he following described property situated in IheCounly of Hennepin of 5/0fe of Minnesota The Norlh filly four and 99/ioo(54.99) feel of lhe5oulh one-half(' )o{theNorlheaslone-quarler(NZ Y4a)oftheAlorlheasf one -quarfer(I.f%>ofiheNorlheaslone, - p6rler(Nf 4) 5eclionn11?efeen(19),Townshjo lwenlye�171(28), Range /wen/y four(24>, and}he 5ou1h llfly four and 99//oo (5499)feel of the Norlh one hu»drednine and 98/ioo(lo998)%el of the 5goull? one-half(%� oflhe Norlheasl one-quarlert/VEy) of the Norlheasl one-quarler (Nf %) of {he Norlheasl one-quarler(/1/EAa) 5ecfion rarraeleen (j9), Township lwentyei ht (28J, Range lwenty four(24),andErwii?CPfeiffer and Fern Pfeiffer, his wife, owners and proprielors of thalpari of /he Norlh one hundred nine and %/ioo(lo9.96) feel of the 5oulh one hundred sixly four and 97/ioo(/64.97) feel of the Norlheasl one - quarler (Nf %) of the Norlheasl one -quarler(Nf_ ,�) of the Norlheasl one-quarler(N£ i, lying West of the fast three hundred s/,rly two end6711oo (3s2.67)feel 1prny w/ hin the aforesaid seclaon� 10wns/a1�0and ran J4e and Theodore L. Vallacher and Catherine Ca//roan Val/ocher, his wife, owners andproprielors of the 5oulh filly four and 99l/oo(54.99) feet of /he NorAheast one - quarter(NE %) of the Norlheasl one quarler!Nf 4) of the Norlheasl one-duarler(Nf %J lying¢ wi/bin the aloresaiad seclion, /ownshlp and range; end Karl T. Hoflbaurarxl Jessie Rrloffbaur owners and proprielors of fhalroarl of the North one-half (i2) of the 5oulh one-half oflhe Norlheasl one-querler(Nf_ 4) of 1/7e Norlheasl one-quarrer(NEl) of5ecllon nine leen (l9), 7-own5h1p lwentyer hl (Z8), 1?,gye Iwenly four(Zd) commencing al lhe,tiortheasl (/KE)corner of r/'ae North one-ha/f(N%z) of fhe South one-ha/{(S %z o/ ine/1'orr'rieast One-quarler(NE %4) o{ fhe Norlheasl one-quarler (N.E /a), /hence 5ouih one hundred (/oo) lee/, thence Wes/ Jive hundred ninety two and Silo (592.5) feel to /he center of lVinoe hahe Creek, thence Noriheasler ly (N.E L. Y) along the center line of Minnehaha Creek one hundred f welve andone ha/f(12.5) feel, thence Casl to poinl of be�innin�r five %a.jradred forly one and i/io (541 /)feet.and Fred 5. Welsh and Inez A.WeIsh, hts wife, owners and proprietors oifhalarl of the Norlheaslone-quarler of /he Norlheasi orae-quarler(/1!E. !)of5eclton ninefeen(19), Township Iwenly et hf (28)Rarye lwenly four (94) described as follows : Corn mencen al /he 5oulheas l corner of the Norlh one -half of fhe 5oulh one - half of l/he Nor lheasl one -quarler/N..f.4) of >lbe Nor/heasl one-quarler(N.f %) of5ec/ton naneleen (/9), Township twenty eyh/(Z8), Qgf!f e fwen/y jou r(U). /hence Wes/ six hundred fitly nine and 6/io(6596)leeli lhenceMor lh one hundred MOO .0) feel; lhenw&isi 51X hundrea/ fifty nineand 6/io(6596)lee /; lhence Sou /h ornehundred(ioo.o)fe--/ /a Po/ n/ ofbeyinniny, and Louise A Newborn, (3 widow, andfrnes/ L. Newborn,sir?�ie, owners andpropne ors of lhaiparl of the North fifty (50) feel of Me the South one-quarter(%4) of the Norlheasl one-quarlerllNE �) of the Norlheasl one -quarler(N.f %) lyins East of Minnehaha Creek m Section nineteen(19),Towship lwentyea�hf l28), Ran�e twenty four(24),and Vir�inia�'Beard and IDudleyC.Beard, her husband, owners andproprieiors of the followl,-ydescribedproperly; cornmenctny ala point in the fall hne of lhelVorlh one -ha/f !h)o/1he South one - half ('h) of 1heNorlheasl one -fuarler !N.f y)of the Norlheasl one-quarter(/ilf. %) 5echon nineteen!/9), To Iwenly ei hllZB), /fa e twenty four(24) and in the center of franceAvenue which oinl is one hundred (ioo.o) feel Norlh frorn the 5oulheasl corner of said hlorih one-half (N. 11z) of the South one -hal{ (5. %z o{ fhe Norlheasl one-quer/er(NE!14;'-of the Norlheasl one-quarler(Nf.. y); lhence al rtyhl enyles Wesl and parallel to the '504Wlh line ofsaid Iracl six hundred fifly rune and 6//oo (659.6) feel to the ee nler line of IVtnnehdhaCreek; lhenceNorlherly elan the cenlerline of 561d creek /oa poiraf /herein, whichPoinl as d/stance two -hundred 1hirly(Z90.o) feel Norih at qh/ angles horn ihe5ouih line of said tract) lhence Eas/ to a piiinl to the center lrne offranceAyenue which point is disIan l one hundred /hirty090.o)Norlh from porn/ of beyinniny; fhence5oulh alon�said center lri�e to /he poin/of be inninJ distant one hundred lh1r/y(i3ao)feel. Pave caused the Borneo lobe surveyed and palled as "iL17W00p TERRACE "HennepiraCoun iy, Minnescla, and do hereby donate anddedicaie to the public forpubbe use foreverlhe avenue and laneas shown onlhe annexed play and subjecl to the existing publiculililies e(9semenls ar)d the easernen/s forpubbc ulila'lies and draine5eas shown on iheannexed plat In wilness whereof; we have hereunla Bel our hands andel iXed ourseals this da o f A.D. /954. /� In presence of o- -,.ii--tom-- xe'1�-- U tie Ze 5aleofMinnesolass Onthd_s yof 1 A.D. /954,beforeme,anolar ub/ic within and forsaidcounlyandsla/epersonally CounlyaHennepinj appeared 6 Hanson and Jennie Hanson, hrs wife, and ErwinC: Pfei ffer alv�fern Pfeiffer, his wife, and Theodore L. Vallacher and Catherine CallinanVdIlecherhas wife,l(arl T. Hoffbaur and Jessie R. Hoflbaur, his wife,Fed5.WetshdndInez 14h✓e/sh, his wife, tourseA. Newbornwsw , le and Uylnia E Be(6rdand DudleyCBeard, herhusb47nd, )omepersonaltyklvwn) whoeachbeinfdu/y swornd a say that lheyexeculed the lorefoinfree l amend deed. tggoy F. ORTER "T 7-tidferyftbiic,Hennepin Co , StaleofMinnesola s s j hereby certify /hat 1 iia ve surveyed andp/al%d theproperly descrlbedon Ahrs plat as "fl MW000 TERRACE CounlyofHennepin HennepinCounly, Mrnnesola,/ho'llhisAleiisacorrecirepresenlalionofsaidsurvey, /ha/ thedi5{at�cPsare correclt, shownora lhepldl in fee/ anddecirna/s of aloof, /hal /he monument for lheguidance of fulure Surveys here beencorreclly placed in the_�roundas show ora the plal dod Thal Berg are no wel lends orpubllc hyhw,6f5 lobedesynaled on said /al olher tronas shown thereon. --- John Z_Cz6i3relle Minn- fles No.566 Above certificate subscribed andsworn to .before me -_day of T17i5plal was recommended for approval by the PlanolnyCornmissionol The Y1Ylayeoffdine' N10ne this 4 clay of Thts p/al was aPprovedendaccepledby the l/llayeCounci/of fauna, Minwesola, at a reyu day of Ghec/sed and approved /his day of M /794. LEROY P. PORTER of I Notary Public, Kenn,,pi 1,1n4y> h1t . i / t,.. My Commission'ExotreSA.Af1LL8' 1958 'arerulermeefiny /hereof held ll Z2�z l CHAIRMAN i hereof held this q Q.iif;fJ1ENT llennepinCounly Surveyor