HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmil P Erickson AdditionEMIL P. ERicv,.5oN ADDITION HENt4ww COUNTY, MINMLSOTA% Caswell Engineering Co. Engineers And Land Surveyors -1 I 33 �i Eos/ /10,$414 t t S ' Eoseme.ff a' o �t IO tl, h Q /O d{,l /y on�4ro nage f� �e -, 'nose-merri b . 1 N-- I V ^ ♦: NN t\ � i;j � 4 a ( v, IS I Q1 r J W `•. � iQ 33 Z ( 33 V , N I /37.¢Z o �} N D 33 33 �'7COVE ST!?EET I I � 0 0 0' 0 { 33 ` /.i Oe�o <is /yon Morrume�� Scale /" = .SD' 1� s3 1 33 !_— _.._._ __._..__._ A// .bear//rJt9s bos¢ll ort 1 E/4 COrn2r of i2C 32, 05sun7¢d 1 T-//9) .4-2/ r/enn¢ in N �SCON/Jflf, MOnyrit2gl� U 14,1,10W ALL MEN BI( THESE GREsENTs", Tha+ Emil P. Erickson and Minnie J. Erickson, huaband and wile, owners and proprietors i That par+ o'r +he Soufh 264,,9f"1oiO Loi b, Garden Pork, Hennepin County, Minnesota Q f Notary Public, Hennepin County, MinneaQ+a Pave caused +he some +o be surveyed and ploNed as EMic P. ERICKSONACoi-ric3N qnd do hereby dono+e and dedico+e +o+he public -'or Public use forever, the Road, sfreef, uNli+y and drainage eosements as shown on +he orilhexed plat. In witness whereoF said Emil P. Erickson and Minnie J. Erickson, husband and wile, hove hereunto sef their hands and seals Phis day oP19 ,A,D. IN PIs 9: 4 Sr CrNEO v t,' d v � I -mil P. Erickson and —E innie J. Erickson State o� Minnesota I County o� aennepin +ed by the `C V1 M (1 • +he persons described mond who exec ed +he W J'; free ac+ and deed. Oe�o <is /yon Morrume�� Scale /" = .SD' 1� s3 1 33 !_— _.._._ __._..__._ A// .bear//rJt9s bos¢ll ort 1 E/4 COrn2r of i2C 32, 05sun7¢d 1 T-//9) .4-2/ r/enn¢ in N �SCON/Jflf, MOnyrit2gl� U 14,1,10W ALL MEN BI( THESE GREsENTs", Tha+ Emil P. Erickson and Minnie J. Erickson, huaband and wile, owners and proprietors of the following described property situated in the State of Alinnesota, Coun+y of Kennepin, to Wi+: That par+ o'r +he Soufh 264,,9f"1oiO Loi b, Garden Pork, Hennepin County, Minnesota lying Eos+ o'i Me Minneapolis NorfH+'ieId and Southern Railroad Righ+ o* Way. Notary Public, Hennepin County, MinneaQ+a Pave caused +he some +o be surveyed and ploNed as EMic P. ERICKSONACoi-ric3N qnd do hereby dono+e and dedico+e +o+he public -'or Public use forever, the Road, sfreef, uNli+y and drainage eosements as shown on +he orilhexed plat. In witness whereoF said Emil P. Erickson and Minnie J. Erickson, husband and wile, hove hereunto sef their hands and seals Phis day oP19 ,A,D. IN PIs 9: 4 Sr CrNEO 57 an -mil P. Erickson and —E innie J. Erickson State o� Minnesota I County o� aennepin +ed by the on +his % day o-� O �19�-��A.D. be�ore me, o noiary public within Emil P Erickson Min»ie �. Erick husband +o and for said Coun�4y and, S+oietpersonal���// appeared and on, and wit¢, me personally Known to bo +he persons described mond who exec ed +he foregoing ins+rumen+ and acknowledged tho+ +hey executed the same as their own free ac+ and deed. 3'4au D RN , 1946(n_, A. D. klotory Public, 14e.nnepin Gounty M inne sotq My commission ex pyres �-/ 3i �gi 4 V 4t -i I hereby certify +hot I have surveyed and plotted the property described in this plot' as D Coach/ 'f!�,r EmiL P. F-atcKsoNADDrriomi +hot this plc ' 31. 1 a correct represen+o+ion of said survey; that all distances ore correctly shown on the plot In feet and decimals of a foo+; that the monuments for 9uidonce of future surveys have been Correctly placed in the ground as shown on the plat; that the outside boundary lines are correctly designated on the plat-, and thai there are no we+fonds or public h69hways to be,desic3no+ed on said plat other +hqn as shown +hereon. Regis+er#A' Land Surveyor state of Minnesotan Mineso+o Registro+ion o. County of Pennepin The above cer+lista+e was subscribed and sworn to, before me, chis day o 2;19 �A.D. A e Notary Public, Hennepin County, MinneaQ+a My commission expires ED" ' nnegn u y, nn. My Commtosion. Exptrec Jan. 1 i, 1984. This plot was approved and acce +ed by the Planning n Commissioof the Village of Edina, Minnesota, a+ o regu I a r meeting thereof held +his '.;I_ day o'f 3'4au D RN , 1946(n_, A. D. y Plonn o , lla of Edina, Minnesota by 45 chairman This plot was approved and accepted by the Viiloge council of the Village of Edina, Minnesofa, of o regular meeting thereof held this t'Ith day of J14,vag Z \/ilinge Co it of no, Minneso+Q by ;+s Mayor by jts Manager The boundaries of this plat and the boundaries of the black therein have been mathematically checked and approved. No determination has been made +o ascertain that the legal descrip+ion agrees wi+h said plc+. Dated this day of ,19 A.P. by �. I�ekerson Coun+y Surveyor, Hennepin County, Minntsoi'a