HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnoch Sward AdditionENO C H SWARD ADDI TION HENNEp/N COUNT Y, M/NNESOTiq SCALE-/' CALE-/ = 80 North /ire ofLof /9, dad. Sub No. /72 �I-onhlon. 82 82 /0/.4 oa , 38 - --- l75------ ,z. ti 3 N 2 r`!viii Ti.J" NO, -117;11,6 of 49 fI � as shown on i ([/ Y ;� C h t� •C o r� \JO� Ali` - `o//gd6Suh ob. /72 HENNEp/N COUNT Y, M/NNESOTiq SCALE-/' CALE-/ = 80 North /ire ofLof /9, dad. Sub No. /72 �I-onhlon. 82 82 /0/.4 oa , 38 - --- l75------ ,z. ti 3 N 2 r`!viii Ti.J" NO, -117;11,6 of 49 fI � as shown on i ([/ oninon. 38 - --- l75------ 3o `o//gd6Suh ob. /72 o -t-^�-----�-� ---`�- 3 I O 4 TH N�. /ran Mon. CT• N_� \ Aoufh /ire of fhe NZ-Yoo`the Sf% olfhe NE % of S'ec. /8 7-28 R24 W M) Know a//men by lhesepresents fhaf we Enoch Sward and f/rnfonia Sward fioshand andrvife, owners andprolor/etors of the fo/%winy described properly s/filated in the State of /Y/innesofcr and Coanly of hennepin lo W/'/,.. - A// lhal pa/ -f of the Sou7her/y 14-3 feet 401117e .South /'I/a/f (S%2) of fhe /Yartfieast Qc/arler (NE%/ of fhe Qoarfer ( YP o/ fhe Narfheasl Qoarler (/Ye%) of Section 5/0teen(/8/ Town rhP 7_wenly-eight (2B/ Ran9e 7 -went) -foot (24j //in9 EQs7`er/y of fhe Westerly 82 feet kereal 47no /yii�y Wester/y of f/% Easter/y 3/3 feet thereof except fhe�Soufher/y 20 feel f/7ereof deea'ed to ffie Y%/aqe ofEdii7a for 14/c.7/ 4F64 I -eel have caased ffie some fo he ".EwOCII JSWARO 11,019/r/aN'' In witness whereof Noyem �3� � f!/�. /9✓r3 /n presence we have hereonfo set our hands zwd sea/s th/s o27 day of ,Seo/l Enoch XWard HntonicI Sward ,f' ale O��/n/JG°Sof4 Ss County of hennepin On f l -F day of&011 4_1e /10 /9✓r3 hefore me, a /S/ofary Pub/c W11h117 and for sola' County, persona//y appeared Enoch Sworc/ar�c�'9ntania Sward /10 me /aersona//y known/ fo he the persons described in and who execufec/ the foregoing insfrumenf and ac�naw/edged that l/iey execofed the same as fhe/r free act cinddeed. Notary Pub/icy f/ennepin County, X11717erollv, My commission e(12/res` I�� ,2T Ga ........) �. �tso�r kE�n::c.pin Covnip, :.o ,z 4sion ExPim low. 27, Thereby certify fhaf Ihave surveyed ander/alfec�' file properly described in fh/s p/af cr..r E*oel/ SwaR/2 ADvIrio/v ;, fhaf this p/af /s c� correcf represenfofion oysoiiy'survey; fhaf cr//cll.stances are correctly Shawn on feel and c%cima/s of elloaf; What fhe monorrmentr for fhe 9urdance of fG/ture sur vet's have %een correct/y /Q aced /i� fhe 9rocUna' &,r shown On the /J/a't)- )hal fhe oafs/de 601/1?dor y ///7ex are correctly c�si9naf�' on fhe p/af • //7 ell 7h 10100fraohy of'the /rind is correctly rhown or7 fhe p/af and flialffiere are no wet /ands or pu6/ic high ways to 6e c%si9naled on /`hep/at other thah os shown thereon. Above cerlificale to before me file / v 4 r bL Reg/sfered Sur veyor x//88 - day of ��'�-�• A./J./953 *ofibry PohAi Aenneo/n Coanty, Minnesala MY cornrr/ixsion T 7-71S pial wax o/oproveal and accepted fey f/ie lei//aqe Counc/% of E�ha Minnesota al c/ regu/e/r m ee1/12 g thereof lie/d 1,17/s c/a y o/ Z IV r L/erg iZ�_ • I_A_