HomeMy WebLinkAboutEttner's and Wing's AdditionI � f__1_ L7 -L TIL M -LEL R—L � ,, l l �� � l � 1 � -L1 Z � - � �V 8S ��6 - DDITI0,1 14ENNE PIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA Scala !'=50' May, 1954 _EC�AN, FI-EL.D NOWA-K —�— Denoles Iron Monumeol E jinecrs Sur�eYo�s U1V P L, A T TL' D 11444 \` _ Rp o mad NC do WIN � 3 NO O use/IV ` 9yC5 . kmon� 286 79 �aed} ` (E a 9r We/ 'v _535 I \� kow I > I � (� I ^�, O ¢ a n l t2o I I m � I Iti Ih tz �C I I Q I M /20 I I I tR II o v 17 i I I H ti line �para//e/ ri�/h and 3/i'ao 1be soulfi /we al.*n /9 '. , 5_ /20 I ass I /33.06 60 — 278.06 — I t a4 I UN PL, A 7- TED The fine�oln¢ roved and aclbaydonfythe -ll�Cof E.d,n, Ancvla al aq held hlst^re¢u/ar mealinthereo 1954. VILLAGE COUNCIL of EDlNA, M/NNL-SOTA Chcc4cd and approved i5zday of au �i%; bar AS, 1954, by w, cl"k Ncnnepin Coan/y, 5urvcyor y KNOW ALL MEN BY THE5E PRESENT -5, that Elcanor L. Effner and Cool-, c J Lilner, her husband, owners and ro rie lors o thelollown- dc5crl6cd ro rl silualc in the State al Mi�ne.523, and the Count o /lenne in lorvil:- PP f ,PPcY Yf P Thal art o� the SyY- oe 514'- of Section /9 Townshi 28, fan¢,e 24, descrided a51011OW5 = �c6/nn» of a omf P ¢f � P P on the East line a the Wesl 50 rads o said SW' fhc 5yY-' distant 621, 6 {cel north o the 50v/h 7Me o Said 5whon 4 � `j' ` /9; thence north aloy the Cas/ line of the said Waif 50 radgIn {eel fo the South /he of galley Yew ,goad; thence NNly alonJ¢ the 5ovfh /ne said galley Uicry Qoad, 290. / leel fo f%ie yYcSf line the Earl /1 rods o� the said `f'cs/ 50406; (hence 50vfh /90.6 ed a/0n$ the Mesl the of ke Said Easl /7 rads lhemol fa a Point 683.6 feel north of the South the 0/ said Sec/ion /9; (hence 5E'/ ?97.2.3 eel k the/ace de ronin ; And that Crai IV Yin and Dorolh J {'Yin , h/s wile, owners and ro ricfors o thelollowli� descr/bed ro erf 5�lua�e m the stale o� llilinnesola, and Ae P P f , ,Pp Y , Count o Nenne in lowil = - That art o the 5#j o the 5fY- of heel/on /9, Town_ A! 28, pan c 24, described 35 Yf P .P f 4f ¢ P .�. ffofll�wSNlnnln of a pon� in the L9,51 lne of the lyes/ 50 rods of sa/d 5N of fhe 5W4 , dIslanl 31/feel norA o(tie 5oulh line said seclion ; (hence north alonJ the Fall /ne W said A(e51 50 rads 3/0.6 feel; Aence AW %y, A a point rn the h'esl line of the Ea5l nrods of Said M5l 5o rad5, di 6l 683.6 feel north of the 5ovfh 1ne of said section; thence oouA alxJ7 (fie }Nest line of said East /7 rods 972,6 �el h a Point 9// feed norlA o f the South 9Va f saio� sccllon; thence east to the Pointof be inning¢, /as caused )tie same fo 6e 5urVeyed 2nd platted as ETTNE Q'S AND W11Va16 ADDITION; and oo hereby donate and dedicate /o the public or the public Use forever the avenues a5 shown on ff� annexed P/al; a/50 511, - l /0 lll//ilr easements a5 s own on the annexed p/al for Use Of mun/c/paGlY Or other ublic vl�/l/e5 ; or f1`i . ma�nfenance, �1�cill116 inslalled /n or oyer said easamenls k 5erre adacenlP f . or other premises /n the vicinity. In w/lne5s whereof 5a/d Eleanor L. Effner and Geo2�e J. L-Ancr, her husband, a/ad Cra� W. Wrnb and Dorothy J. Ni 6, his wile, have hereunto sal their hands and seals of A. D. /954. A5 k Eleanor L. Effner NO Gcor e J. Effner Oc � l 45 to Cra;o w MOO and Dordhy J. Win •'= ✓I 51a1e o Minnesola County �)qenn�pip s.s. On this aY of_ A.O. /95�, k fore /m a /j/olgr . public, within and for said Counlr and Stale , personally appear E/canon L. Ellner and dco oo J. Ellner, her hush8 d and Cl lie J. Wnv h/s rv� e /o me ,mown to he Ae, arsons described m and who executed the w Wi_¢ and r f , /' fors" �ng1rulnel)l and th � ac�now/ed¢cd Thal Ther execU�ed the same a5 fh �r' orin free act and deco! Notary,OW)c; Hennepin' `i / - hli;�nc5ofa My Commission Expires .dale �Mnnemla / / Cave/ o f/ennc !n s. /da Acrd coli that / have survc cd and /a/fed the ro er1! d�5cridcd on lhis /at 85 Y f P Y fY Y P P P Y ETTNERS AND WINGS ADD/TION; that Phis p/a//s a correct representation of said survey; that a//dlsfances are correc/ly shown on the p/al In feel ano(decima/5 / a /00/; fha/ the monuments laryu;dancz of fulvre surveys have been corneal/y placed in theSround as shown oo /iia plal; Yhal the ouAide boundary /nes are correcllk des,nalcd on the plat; Thai 1he lopIrp� oo f the /and 15 correctly 5/own on h6e plat, and that there are no wel lands or 6/c h/ hrra s is k des nafcd on sa/d /al other than as shown Amon. 5urmcYo Minne3ola 66e 1 ration N° 2264 Above cerlilcale subscribed and sworn fo ,delve Incthis_ da y of AD 1954, JZT/,/uR E• 7'tu,V� Notary Rib/c, Hennepin Count , N1�nnesofa ,Ny Commission Expires l / 9 G o The l rgoinJ¢ p/al was aP , omcd and accepted h the Plann/� Commission of the Y//a¢e of EOiM , Afil)Mso/a, al a r u/ar zneelin • fhereo held lhlk. , d2 0 D. /954. � � � Yf IVNING COMM155/01V of YILL.AGE COONCIL of EDINA, MINN, by GU —h(, Chairman