HomeMy WebLinkAboutEverthSCALE: I INCH = 50 FEET o INDICATES IRON MONUMENT BEARINGS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED -------j D HALIFAX A VE. Y O I J O CO z w /33.4/ Plaf I•••/32.96•••Meas. S89°4315 V r oho •':.`::�� 132.96 � '. EVERTH HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA East line of Lot 6, Edna Bet -Air 41!' Div. ,, d� I if Utility Easements v o ; m� 4 Tad w -In *-- -.../32.96 ---------- I=------i- I kSouth line of Lof II, Block I, Edina Bel -Air 6 ip Division I r i I JAMES Mo HALVERSON SURVEYOR KNOW ALL MEN BY THEE PRESENTS that Everfh G. Thernell and Alice M. Therne//, husbond and wife owners andproprie1ors of the following described properlsi uafedin the County of Hennepin. Sfafe of Minnesota, fo W/'?. - ,y ' Lots 11, 12 and 13, Block 1, Eina 3 el -Air 6 t' Division as plane and on record in fhe o rfl' e of Reyisler of Deeds, Penned Coanly, MI/ 717esola, and Lot 6, Bel -Air 4 th Division os platted and on record In the o free of Reyistrar of &G, Hennepin County, Minneso �a, Have caused fhe same to be surveyed andplafled as E VER TH,' and subject to fhe ufi/rfy and drainage easements as shown on fhe annexed plat. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals Phis day o{ A.D. / 958. In presence of and Signed: as to and Everfh G. Thernell Alice M. Thernel/ STATE OFMINNE50TAjS.S. C 0 UN T Y OF )) On &Sday o f A • D. 19 58, before me, a No tar y Pu�he wifhin and for said Counf y and stale, personally appeared Everlf 6'. Thernel/ and A/ice M. Thernel/, us and and wife, to ine persona/ly known lo be fhe persons described in and who executed the foregoing insfrumentt and acknowledged the same as (heir own free act and deed. 5//c County, Minnes ssion Expires 1 hereby cert# 1 That 1 have surveyed and,o/alleod fhe properly described on this p/al as E VER TH; fhaf fhis plat is a correct representation of said survey; fhaf a//distances are correct/y shown on fhe plat in {eel and decimals ofa fool; fhaf fhe monuments {or guidance o{{uture surveys have been corrgclly placed in the ground as shown on the plat; fhaf the outside boundary /#nes are correct/y designated ole fhe plat; fhaf fhe topography of the lan4d is correelly shown on the plat; and fhaf there are no wet lands or publl" highways to be des/ynaled other than as shown (hereon. tered Land Surveyor, 13 STATE OFMIN,NES0TA1s.s. COUNTY OF ece J The ab ve cer locale was subscribed and sworn lo before me, a Notary Pub/ic wifhin ana' for said Counly and Stale, on this =� _ day of>u A. D. 1958, This plat was checked and approved fhis 4t� day of 4z�a5 A.D. 1958. Notary fustic, &�rIz ; 2e lColl y, Mian My Comrn%SS/on Expir`es___ � Dtlaw F. am, , 9 Public,r ra vw � nty, . af'.commis4pr<::x� :e "^: r a, 1915: This plat was recommended for approval by fhe P/ann/ny Commiss/on of fhe Village o{Edina, Minoesolo, at a r i ar meabt79�th�r-eof held fhis 6 y� day of �,�� = r A.D. 1958, � �_ by / i}s Chairman This ,nlal was gpproved and accepted by fhe Village Council of the Villaye of Edina, Minnesota, al a regular meeting thereof held this ,z Z,--/ day of_ KT Sz A.D. 1958. VILLAGE10�NC/L OFTYE-2V/LLAGE Of EO/NA,M/NN. by , by Mayor ifs Village Manager N 45K �0 V- C1 )t_ , Q v , ---------------- LL_-- ,, d� I if Utility Easements v o ; m� 4 Tad w -In *-- -.../32.96 ---------- I=------i- I kSouth line of Lof II, Block I, Edina Bel -Air 6 ip Division I r i I JAMES Mo HALVERSON SURVEYOR KNOW ALL MEN BY THEE PRESENTS that Everfh G. Thernell and Alice M. Therne//, husbond and wife owners andproprie1ors of the following described properlsi uafedin the County of Hennepin. Sfafe of Minnesota, fo W/'?. - ,y ' Lots 11, 12 and 13, Block 1, Eina 3 el -Air 6 t' Division as plane and on record in fhe o rfl' e of Reyisler of Deeds, Penned Coanly, MI/ 717esola, and Lot 6, Bel -Air 4 th Division os platted and on record In the o free of Reyistrar of &G, Hennepin County, Minneso �a, Have caused fhe same to be surveyed andplafled as E VER TH,' and subject to fhe ufi/rfy and drainage easements as shown on fhe annexed plat. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals Phis day o{ A.D. / 958. In presence of and Signed: as to and Everfh G. Thernell Alice M. Thernel/ STATE OFMINNE50TAjS.S. C 0 UN T Y OF )) On &Sday o f A • D. 19 58, before me, a No tar y Pu�he wifhin and for said Counf y and stale, personally appeared Everlf 6'. Thernel/ and A/ice M. Thernel/, us and and wife, to ine persona/ly known lo be fhe persons described in and who executed the foregoing insfrumentt and acknowledged the same as (heir own free act and deed. 5//c County, Minnes ssion Expires 1 hereby cert# 1 That 1 have surveyed and,o/alleod fhe properly described on this p/al as E VER TH; fhaf fhis plat is a correct representation of said survey; fhaf a//distances are correct/y shown on fhe plat in {eel and decimals ofa fool; fhaf fhe monuments {or guidance o{{uture surveys have been corrgclly placed in the ground as shown on the plat; fhaf the outside boundary /#nes are correct/y designated ole fhe plat; fhaf fhe topography of the lan4d is correelly shown on the plat; and fhaf there are no wet lands or publl" highways to be des/ynaled other than as shown (hereon. tered Land Surveyor, 13 STATE OFMIN,NES0TA1s.s. COUNTY OF ece J The ab ve cer locale was subscribed and sworn lo before me, a Notary Pub/ic wifhin ana' for said Counly and Stale, on this =� _ day of>u A. D. 1958, This plat was checked and approved fhis 4t� day of 4z�a5 A.D. 1958. Notary fustic, &�rIz ; 2e lColl y, Mian My Comrn%SS/on Expir`es___ � Dtlaw F. am, , 9 Public,r ra vw � nty, . af'.commis4pr<::x� :e "^: r a, 1915: This plat was recommended for approval by fhe P/ann/ny Commiss/on of fhe Village o{Edina, Minoesolo, at a r i ar meabt79�th�r-eof held fhis 6 y� day of �,�� = r A.D. 1958, � �_ by / i}s Chairman This ,nlal was gpproved and accepted by fhe Village Council of the Villaye of Edina, Minnesota, al a regular meeting thereof held this ,z Z,--/ day of_ KT Sz A.D. 1958. VILLAGE10�NC/L OFTYE-2V/LLAGE Of EO/NA,M/NN. by , by Mayor ifs Village Manager N