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Gildred's First Addition
GILDRED" S i3'oi//�H'�'c�Corn¢r o/ E. ZO 4Cr¢s ai5. iY�4 o/SH'� Sec. /9, m Nor//�w¢sfforner o/�i�inia 6ar�ns .G�/�o� — .... -•- 172.0"--� i — — �;-�—...•.. so,ol•..,— .—moi— —j— — � I � � I I I I I I o I I h I i I I o I I. I 0 e� 1 If '? ----------------------- ..... rrz.o..... -15p q �f d '0 o� oc �R O O .fa�e :"• "D¢nales /tors /ylonumen! FIRST ADDITION c. 2' C 0112 7 ZW �- .?¢gis dr¢ Land Surv�or XNO:V ALL 41 IY By lyESE ?QESENTS Tfiaf w¢ Dona/d E, Pdrry,ano�E/¢ahor,? v2rry, his �rrf¢, and B/gnrh¢ C, C'oc/¢, �i�w, o�n¢rs �ndproPri¢fors offii¢ �o/%n'/r,J� o'¢scri6eq/,oro oBrly sifUdf¢ i/J f/i¢ lours! of ydnn¢/oir�, Slat¢ of iLliiyn¢sofa fd �Yij T/iaf arf off/i2 Sa�r!%�dsi4varf2r�S`Y�J a�f%¢ Soul/i�vesflS.ii//) ofSeefio/� N�efedn(/9� T�nshij� Tiverly-¢�/i/(8Nr!/i,,Pang'e Tw��fy;•four(Z4�f1/ds�c/`'scr�6eo/as�//o,vs=¢s'in�i�g'alapoirfonflie�r�li/i�dafsaic'Soulfisy�sf Quarjer(S.��Jo�lho SoulhWest Oaaridr�S.lY/Q)ds��`On¢�no'rdo/Sd�i�n�-f�o172jf elyl'¢s!o<�!/d /t!drfdsl Corre�r oif/i¢ EasjT/venfy�ZOJaer¢s ofsaio/Soui/i jt'eSf Quarfer(S, lf!/ J CIAO Souf/i�v2s/Qaarfdr(51�'/J saio//1/orf/�ly¢,sf rorr�er oif�e� EasfT�ydnfy(?OJaerds 6d�igg !/�d /i/rl/iovesf vorr�¢r of�r�/nie Aver/ue Ao%ifior�; //idnce Soulfi�ara//¢/�Vrf/� !/i 2 Easf /%�e afsadsoul/in66f 4a8rfFr�S. `1!//4J oif/ie SoulLifvosfQaaridr(S. yl!%Ja oisfar�c2 Dills o f/unr7r¢v/SdYdn le e,17 aro Scrdy fy• e11 17 4/Z lr¢d%hs,12/778if2el lo 1,40 acfua/,00ii�fo%6¢ /r�nm ojf/id fracfol/ar7dfo62 o/¢scri6¢o� f�encd confii��ir7�Sva�fipara//e/moi /i 1/i2 Easf/%7e of said .soul�ryesQao�rfer(S`Y/J. of f%2: Soafflls�e�Sf Qaarf¢rsfl/%a:sfane¢/i/Uno/r¢dNii�e-�y -;4¢e .717o/Al 5jf 2f mord or/dss to a Poi/�f /h flee i1/orili¢r/y /tee of !/e//¢y �¢�,?oao; fhd�ee rurn/n� Norlhrs d�sldr/y a/on f/id �rf/�Qr y/i�d o�saia' 1r8 /dy yisv,Pogo%g/if�o arrdSXfy-di�lj ,l/uno/rddf�s(B2.6B je¢f more or /dS6 f a oinlst�liicii /s oisfanf 7rs oi/vn�eo/Fiffddf yYdsf oif/ie `f'2sf /��e 1o�f/idEasfT�enf IZD�atrds ofsaia'So�rf7�ds/ Quarfdr�ly/�ai/ill5�uf��%'¢sf4uo'rfdr�i%'%%as�ndasur2da/onydd/i7E/J2ro'/�K'rfhlrfi2/�r/� /i7d a%SarO/Sou��iYds/ 4uar1¢r�S.iY. �¢�ofr/1d �af�rYG/sf�uarf�i'(�%y/.¢), .saio'GYQsf/rid oifheEaslTis�d!17/ orQs 6ein� a/so1/�e Iydsl�i�d oily 'i�ia,9v2oa¢�Io%i�iorl% 1/idnce r�r�ni�,�s�rf/i/oara//e%ifji I e 1asf/ir7Q o/saiA'�yodiirvesj :> QuarfdrlS. �f'/% olliie SoulhwdsfQuarjdr S.fy%J ale flandr¢d fi hf six` nd Fourfe¢r� //uno/rdo///is�/Z6. /41 Fdf mor¢ or/ess 1 apo��fty/iic/i /s Two �no�r¢o' lel re ano/S/,rfy• o'ix 114�lordo//�sIZO✓� 66J lSouf% off/icr�r/� i�2 o s idSov/iiwesf lvarjr�S.lY%% oFf/io Soul/i�dsfQadr�r�.Sly%Jas m¢daured6/on a/ne - %aara//a/fvifio, 4o Easf/i17e el.Vio'Soa�/iwdsf4uar/dr�S.li'/joiffidSaui/i�VesfQvarfer(S./Y/�Jj fiienedrunni�,�Soufhdasfdr/yEp/ify-onea�a Fivd,�/�no�dff�s��/a-V �' �Qdl rJ7or¢ or/dJ'd- fo f/7d acfl�a/�✓o/�)t oi6¢�t%i»/i� : /'ave taus¢ f/id same fo 6d 'sarvyev/a�o'p/affeo'as GlZD.+°ED =� F/�sT ilDO/TjO�! /n �ifndss �Viiereaf eve hev¢ hdrdanfa sef our hano/S ano/ sda/s or fii/sem day of /954 �I O. I ' Si,�tne�' /n lhe�rdsdnee oj• `° o$�n¢d: /n l e�resene v�- BLANCHE C. CODE I ELEAN02 .e. P,O,C,Cy , 7hzs ,0/0/ moo BPprov¢dandgce¢/oled6y !hd Y%/aid Cou.�ci/aFfhd �//age of Ea�ha, iY/inndsofa, of a r¢gu/ar m¢dfin�p' f/ier¢oj'he/d f/i!s��y of /9S4A. Y/L LAGE COUNC/L OA -1 /%E Y/LL,10,6- Or £0/414, /L111V" 'or,4 /fs Ar¢sioell STATE OF COU/VTy OFN,1/NEliAY y On !/iis�da 954!1, 11 6djr¢ m¢ a Nojer pub/rc tyilfiir�and�r saidCouro� ai�a/S/af¢ /odrsona//y ap�¢grQa'Dona/dE. PoTrry andE/¢anorR. Parry, his �i�d, ano/B/anc/i¢ C. Codd, wio'o,w, fo m¢p¢rsona/IyykiioKn fo 6d j/i¢persons d¢scrifedir� ana/ysfio sXQcule�ffidor¢�oing insfrum¢n! dnd Ss/�' l7o�a/o/E, Parr, y and E/¢a?or 1Z ,Garry, itis wrf¢, dnd 4/anclie. C Code, )w1o%rv, aFlrm andae�non/¢o',g¢ Bial fii y ¢ r¢eufdq'!!�e sam¢ as t4¢ir own frde aef ana/ deed -- �Yly iom/�issio/� fr�/rQ.i M YW 'ublfv, Hennepin t asrare�son zj res 9r Zr ihdra y Cerfij fhaf /ho^v¢ Survey¢den�/ /vlfdo/jijd /anr/o/¢seri6do/i%�.j/ie 4f6vv¢ qleoicafion asG/LD/IEO'Sf/PS1" 4P0/T/oi1, corr¢cf reordsenlal/on oisai�surY y; !/gal a�oisfa�ees ar¢ eorree!/y shower on So�ioafi.� figar¢s o/d�ofir� �d¢f ancf�¢ei�a/s o!s foof, lhalfhe monuments for lhe,8uida ee oj�ufure sarvQys /iave been corr¢cl/yp/ac¢o�ir� j/id�rovna'as sfiorVn a� saidp/sf, /ffhe fo�o�ra�ofi�; oii/ie /a�dis c-orreel%y sfiais'n on oaf fee f/i¢ ou/sroe 6o�rndari¢s oi!!�e /arro/ar¢ CorrQel/ d¢s nald d o� saio/%o%'l; and j/iaf fh¢r¢ are �o 0'; /aho's orpa6/ro /i %irsays 106e o%s i�aleojon sa>dp/af ocher AP7 ar¢ O�oWll fherevn, . ,i'epis ¢red Lano/SarVQ• yor %slra�on �°2,58 — ST,4TE- Or /YJ/N.VE6oT9 LOUNTy o�' „�ENNEP/N ss , Abos'e c¢rlijicaf¢ was su6acr6¢o��+roiarvorn l0 6¢forem¢ a /V fary.oa6/rc �iil�in ano%r 6aia'G°anf andSfBfe on f/i/6 8 `h dy OfNo ✓ernd�r /9.5�.�0, /t/fary �°u6/rc, r��neroir� lou/ y, �lii�n2so�a. X,fj' / Tliis�✓/.�l�Vas c/72c,�¢oiano/accP�pj¢da/f ��is/z a/ay o% �t/o1�cm6�,- /y6.>si1 D �c r ors�rrr�' . f'cr.� - f�• �G-„u. ,�,.---, �1�.---y - f/enn¢/o%r� C"oan J' Ss/rVe Or — I � I' I \ N\ I I o I I h I i I I o I I. I 0 e� 1 If '? ----------------------- ..... rrz.o..... -15p q �f d '0 o� oc �R O O .fa�e :"• "D¢nales /tors /ylonumen! FIRST ADDITION c. 2' C 0112 7 ZW �- .?¢gis dr¢ Land Surv�or XNO:V ALL 41 IY By lyESE ?QESENTS Tfiaf w¢ Dona/d E, Pdrry,ano�E/¢ahor,? v2rry, his �rrf¢, and B/gnrh¢ C, C'oc/¢, �i�w, o�n¢rs �ndproPri¢fors offii¢ �o/%n'/r,J� o'¢scri6eq/,oro oBrly sifUdf¢ i/J f/i¢ lours! of ydnn¢/oir�, Slat¢ of iLliiyn¢sofa fd �Yij T/iaf arf off/i2 Sa�r!%�dsi4varf2r�S`Y�J a�f%¢ Soul/i�vesflS.ii//) ofSeefio/� N�efedn(/9� T�nshij� Tiverly-¢�/i/(8Nr!/i,,Pang'e Tw��fy;•four(Z4�f1/ds�c/`'scr�6eo/as�//o,vs=¢s'in�i�g'alapoirfonflie�r�li/i�dafsaic'Soulfisy�sf Quarjer(S.��Jo�lho SoulhWest Oaaridr�S.lY/Q)ds��`On¢�no'rdo/Sd�i�n�-f�o172jf elyl'¢s!o<�!/d /t!drfdsl Corre�r oif/i¢ EasjT/venfy�ZOJaer¢s ofsaio/Soui/i jt'eSf Quarfer(S, lf!/ J CIAO Souf/i�v2s/Qaarfdr(51�'/J saio//1/orf/�ly¢,sf rorr�er oif�e� EasfT�ydnfy(?OJaerds 6d�igg !/�d /i/rl/iovesf vorr�¢r of�r�/nie Aver/ue Ao%ifior�; //idnce Soulfi�ara//¢/�Vrf/� !/i 2 Easf /%�e afsadsoul/in66f 4a8rfFr�S. `1!//4J oif/ie SoulLifvosfQaaridr(S. yl!%Ja oisfar�c2 Dills o f/unr7r¢v/SdYdn le e,17 aro Scrdy fy• e11 17 4/Z lr¢d%hs,12/778if2el lo 1,40 acfua/,00ii�fo%6¢ /r�nm ojf/id fracfol/ar7dfo62 o/¢scri6¢o� f�encd confii��ir7�Sva�fipara//e/moi /i 1/i2 Easf/%7e of said .soul�ryesQao�rfer(S`Y/J. of f%2: Soafflls�e�Sf Qaarf¢rsfl/%a:sfane¢/i/Uno/r¢dNii�e-�y -;4¢e .717o/Al 5jf 2f mord or/dss to a Poi/�f /h flee i1/orili¢r/y /tee of !/e//¢y �¢�,?oao; fhd�ee rurn/n� Norlhrs d�sldr/y a/on f/id �rf/�Qr y/i�d o�saia' 1r8 /dy yisv,Pogo%g/if�o arrdSXfy-di�lj ,l/uno/rddf�s(B2.6B je¢f more or /dS6 f a oinlst�liicii /s oisfanf 7rs oi/vn�eo/Fiffddf yYdsf oif/ie `f'2sf /��e 1o�f/idEasfT�enf IZD�atrds ofsaia'So�rf7�ds/ Quarfdr�ly/�ai/ill5�uf��%'¢sf4uo'rfdr�i%'%%as�ndasur2da/onydd/i7E/J2ro'/�K'rfhlrfi2/�r/� /i7d a%SarO/Sou��iYds/ 4uar1¢r�S.iY. �¢�ofr/1d �af�rYG/sf�uarf�i'(�%y/.¢), .saio'GYQsf/rid oifheEaslTis�d!17/ orQs 6ein� a/so1/�e Iydsl�i�d oily 'i�ia,9v2oa¢�Io%i�iorl% 1/idnce r�r�ni�,�s�rf/i/oara//e%ifji I e 1asf/ir7Q o/saiA'�yodiirvesj :> QuarfdrlS. �f'/% olliie SoulhwdsfQuarjdr S.fy%J ale flandr¢d fi hf six` nd Fourfe¢r� //uno/rdo///is�/Z6. /41 Fdf mor¢ or/ess 1 apo��fty/iic/i /s Two �no�r¢o' lel re ano/S/,rfy• o'ix 114�lordo//�sIZO✓� 66J lSouf% off/icr�r/� i�2 o s idSov/iiwesf lvarjr�S.lY%% oFf/io Soul/i�dsfQadr�r�.Sly%Jas m¢daured6/on a/ne - %aara//a/fvifio, 4o Easf/i17e el.Vio'Soa�/iwdsf4uar/dr�S.li'/joiffidSaui/i�VesfQvarfer(S./Y/�Jj fiienedrunni�,�Soufhdasfdr/yEp/ify-onea�a Fivd,�/�no�dff�s��/a-V �' �Qdl rJ7or¢ or/dJ'd- fo f/7d acfl�a/�✓o/�)t oi6¢�t%i»/i� : /'ave taus¢ f/id same fo 6d 'sarvyev/a�o'p/affeo'as GlZD.+°ED =� F/�sT ilDO/TjO�! /n �ifndss �Viiereaf eve hev¢ hdrdanfa sef our hano/S ano/ sda/s or fii/sem day of /954 �I O. I ' Si,�tne�' /n lhe�rdsdnee oj• `° o$�n¢d: /n l e�resene v�- BLANCHE C. CODE I ELEAN02 .e. P,O,C,Cy , 7hzs ,0/0/ moo BPprov¢dandgce¢/oled6y !hd Y%/aid Cou.�ci/aFfhd �//age of Ea�ha, iY/inndsofa, of a r¢gu/ar m¢dfin�p' f/ier¢oj'he/d f/i!s��y of /9S4A. Y/L LAGE COUNC/L OA -1 /%E Y/LL,10,6- Or £0/414, /L111V" 'or,4 /fs Ar¢sioell STATE OF COU/VTy OFN,1/NEliAY y On !/iis�da 954!1, 11 6djr¢ m¢ a Nojer pub/rc tyilfiir�and�r saidCouro� ai�a/S/af¢ /odrsona//y ap�¢grQa'Dona/dE. PoTrry andE/¢anorR. Parry, his �i�d, ano/B/anc/i¢ C. Codd, wio'o,w, fo m¢p¢rsona/IyykiioKn fo 6d j/i¢persons d¢scrifedir� ana/ysfio sXQcule�ffidor¢�oing insfrum¢n! dnd Ss/�' l7o�a/o/E, Parr, y and E/¢a?or 1Z ,Garry, itis wrf¢, dnd 4/anclie. C Code, )w1o%rv, aFlrm andae�non/¢o',g¢ Bial fii y ¢ r¢eufdq'!!�e sam¢ as t4¢ir own frde aef ana/ deed -- �Yly iom/�issio/� fr�/rQ.i M YW 'ublfv, Hennepin t asrare�son zj res 9r Zr ihdra y Cerfij fhaf /ho^v¢ Survey¢den�/ /vlfdo/jijd /anr/o/¢seri6do/i%�.j/ie 4f6vv¢ qleoicafion asG/LD/IEO'Sf/PS1" 4P0/T/oi1, corr¢cf reordsenlal/on oisai�surY y; !/gal a�oisfa�ees ar¢ eorree!/y shower on So�ioafi.� figar¢s o/d�ofir� �d¢f ancf�¢ei�a/s o!s foof, lhalfhe monuments for lhe,8uida ee oj�ufure sarvQys /iave been corr¢cl/yp/ac¢o�ir� j/id�rovna'as sfiorVn a� saidp/sf, /ffhe fo�o�ra�ofi�; oii/ie /a�dis c-orreel%y sfiais'n on oaf fee f/i¢ ou/sroe 6o�rndari¢s oi!!�e /arro/ar¢ CorrQel/ d¢s nald d o� saio/%o%'l; and j/iaf fh¢r¢ are �o 0'; /aho's orpa6/ro /i %irsays 106e o%s i�aleojon sa>dp/af ocher AP7 ar¢ O�oWll fherevn, . ,i'epis ¢red Lano/SarVQ• yor %slra�on �°2,58 — ST,4TE- Or /YJ/N.VE6oT9 LOUNTy o�' „�ENNEP/N ss , Abos'e c¢rlijicaf¢ was su6acr6¢o��+roiarvorn l0 6¢forem¢ a /V fary.oa6/rc �iil�in ano%r 6aia'G°anf andSfBfe on f/i/6 8 `h dy OfNo ✓ernd�r /9.5�.�0, /t/fary �°u6/rc, r��neroir� lou/ y, �lii�n2so�a. X,fj' / Tliis�✓/.�l�Vas c/72c,�¢oiano/accP�pj¢da/f ��is/z a/ay o% �t/o1�cm6�,- /y6.>si1 D �c r ors�rrr�' . f'cr.� - f�• �G-„u. ,�,.---, �1�.---y - f/enn¢/o%r� C"oan J' Ss/rVe Or —