HomeMy WebLinkAboutHaney's AdditionNORTH gWrings ore assumed I W Scale / &' June, /959 H A NJ EN**f'S ADDITION VILLAGE, of EDINA COUAITY op HENNEPIN CARDARELLE &AssoczATES, /NC. SURVEYOFZ Irm Monument— TOWER STREET 'P'tit:,t�. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE MESEMjrS - thof Oscar 6 Haney and Anna 0 Haney, his w4e, owners and proprietors of °fbe Allowinq describ�dproperty situate in ffr Coamty aj'Hennepin and State ol'Minnesota, lo wit - Lofs 7, 8,-9, /o, // and /2, Block 4, Suhdi vision of LiHe / Park; and Phot lose A. Burshr si n,9le� mart aqee o)'the)GIlowinq described rowlrAq situate in the bounty of Hennepin and State opkfinnesota, town- Lofs 7, 49and Mvt pnrto7L 110 lymq m-sfol'ff� west 24 We fhereof; B/a�ek 4, Subdivision of L;ft/e Park ; haw coused the some to be surveyed and plolled as NANEYS AM MAI, su�(ecf io ibe Utility and Drainage Easement as shown on the annexed plat, �or use o�'municl, ity, or oif�r puhA utilities �ar /irsfv//anon and IWin termme o�' jodAbis installed in and over s01d W -V) M4 fo serre o+d ocenf ar� offer penises in fhe vianitc�. /n wriness wlxree-izi dm7r 6. Haney and Anna D. Haney , his wi#, have ht'reun%se) theirf> ya dseols this `dayo�'_ v �,r A.0/959, and also in w;fness whereopsaid cI ph A. Bursh, s;nl le , has hereunto set his hoed and -al this 0L& day qP 1v4i '410195-9 In Presrr/\/rce o�-�///�/ As & Oscar- G. Hamq and Anna V. Honey As lo Joseph A. Bursh 51gmd QOSCAV- G "'"7 (MINH D. H/bNEY) , 1� \ Sea/ (tjosFni P. eu"m ) State oPAilrnnesofe� S.S. County opHennepin On fhls day ale Z = A.D. /959 &)G1re me, o Nofarq Public, within and j4rsaid County and Scale did personally appear Oscar 6. Haney and Anna 0 Hone , his wl# I to me personally known, rrho beinq each duly sworn, did say that they are thepersons descrihed in arxlwbo executed Am )a-egoing rnsfrument and acknowledged that they executed ffe carne as f/Wir own Free al d deed Alelary Rib/ic, Hennepin County, MInnesofa My Cornmimon Expires km Mmumenf This plot was tivammended IGrapproYal by Me P�annmq Cannicssion o/'the Y%loge 0j)Mida,Mlnnesata,a/arequ/oi-meei'if� #wvgP, held fhrs_ L ohy oP. L G_ 7 A.,0 /959. PLANN/it/6 CDMr. S/Ol o�f�e YILLA6E, ,MINN. Chairman 7 is plat was approved andacwpif Y by the IQloge Council o1'Edina, Minneso%, aha regular meet/nq thereoP, held this doyA. D. /959. VIL/.A66 COUNCIL sPEO/AIA, M1,VA1. X, The outside boundar;es alibis plot hove been checked and Found lo le lwkemafical/y carred' 1h1.s--LLJ day a�' ✓Jae A.D. /959 County Surveyor, //ennepin Cvrinty, Minn. Slale o 'A,6nesofo1 County ol'Hennepin J S s On this -" o day of -1 >> 1-4 -E A.D. /959 Wore me, o A/ofarq Public, wifh/h and fir said Counfy and State did personally appear closeph A. Bursh, si ncyle, to me�°�'sonally known, who *q duly smom, did my that he /s {he�/�rson c&scribed in and wha executed the rrego;nq instrument o/xl acknowledged that he executed fire same as his awn �� actcv�ddeed 0., C�) (" Po_ AloiveyG/'ub/�a, Hennepin CW17ty, Minnesafo My Commission Expires mota, / My - rtes . = v 24, A / hereby cerfiPy fhof l have surveyed and platted A? property deco;led m this plot as NANEYS ADD/T/OAJ; chat fhis fof /s a correct rf,r�resentation o said surrey; that of/distances are mr�etly shown an the plot /ir f f and &6mals ol'a �dof; tho�Me mrviumenfs for guidance o �uhir� curve ys have fen correctly placed /� tfie ground os shown on the plat; that the outside %unofary /fres ore c�rrec /y desig/xrfed an the plot; that there ore no wet lands orpr/bl/c highways lo l� designated crrsoid pkf otf�r hrian as shown ih�eon; and tfxf Etre topography o�'the /and rs carr�cf/y shown on sr�rd P/of CARDARELLE Cr ASSOCIATES, /A/C. E.Con/are/le3 Winnes�&- Qegisfrafron A/4566 State o, j'Minnesoto1 Coup/yol'Nennep#7 Abore cerliPcafe subser;%d and sworn fo le�ar' e me, a A/ofory Pub/G, 64s cb(/ o/'. A.D. /959 Notary Public, Hennepin County, Miimesofa My Carnmiss;on Expires IJ Iron Monumenf Iron Monument ------�2---- -- �1 ------ 5' Uf"'f4 and Oros ------ Easement 2------ ---- 12----- — 12------ :Y I 1-7 �— 24 l2 Irm Monument— TOWER STREET 'P'tit:,t�. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE MESEMjrS - thof Oscar 6 Haney and Anna 0 Haney, his w4e, owners and proprietors of °fbe Allowinq describ�dproperty situate in ffr Coamty aj'Hennepin and State ol'Minnesota, lo wit - Lofs 7, 8,-9, /o, // and /2, Block 4, Suhdi vision of LiHe / Park; and Phot lose A. Burshr si n,9le� mart aqee o)'the)GIlowinq described rowlrAq situate in the bounty of Hennepin and State opkfinnesota, town- Lofs 7, 49and Mvt pnrto7L 110 lymq m-sfol'ff� west 24 We fhereof; B/a�ek 4, Subdivision of L;ft/e Park ; haw coused the some to be surveyed and plolled as NANEYS AM MAI, su�(ecf io ibe Utility and Drainage Easement as shown on the annexed plat, �or use o�'municl, ity, or oif�r puhA utilities �ar /irsfv//anon and IWin termme o�' jodAbis installed in and over s01d W -V) M4 fo serre o+d ocenf ar� offer penises in fhe vianitc�. /n wriness wlxree-izi dm7r 6. Haney and Anna D. Haney , his wi#, have ht'reun%se) theirf> ya dseols this `dayo�'_ v �,r A.0/959, and also in w;fness whereopsaid cI ph A. Bursh, s;nl le , has hereunto set his hoed and -al this 0L& day qP 1v4i '410195-9 In Presrr/\/rce o�-�///�/ As & Oscar- G. Hamq and Anna V. Honey As lo Joseph A. Bursh 51gmd QOSCAV- G "'"7 (MINH D. H/bNEY) , 1� \ Sea/ (tjosFni P. eu"m ) State oPAilrnnesofe� S.S. County opHennepin On fhls day ale Z = A.D. /959 &)G1re me, o Nofarq Public, within and j4rsaid County and Scale did personally appear Oscar 6. Haney and Anna 0 Hone , his wl# I to me personally known, rrho beinq each duly sworn, did say that they are thepersons descrihed in arxlwbo executed Am )a-egoing rnsfrument and acknowledged that they executed ffe carne as f/Wir own Free al d deed Alelary Rib/ic, Hennepin County, MInnesofa My Cornmimon Expires km Mmumenf This plot was tivammended IGrapproYal by Me P�annmq Cannicssion o/'the Y%loge 0j)Mida,Mlnnesata,a/arequ/oi-meei'if� #wvgP, held fhrs_ L ohy oP. L G_ 7 A.,0 /959. PLANN/it/6 CDMr. S/Ol o�f�e YILLA6E, ,MINN. Chairman 7 is plat was approved andacwpif Y by the IQloge Council o1'Edina, Minneso%, aha regular meet/nq thereoP, held this doyA. D. /959. VIL/.A66 COUNCIL sPEO/AIA, M1,VA1. X, The outside boundar;es alibis plot hove been checked and Found lo le lwkemafical/y carred' 1h1.s--LLJ day a�' ✓Jae A.D. /959 County Surveyor, //ennepin Cvrinty, Minn. Slale o 'A,6nesofo1 County ol'Hennepin J S s On this -" o day of -1 >> 1-4 -E A.D. /959 Wore me, o A/ofarq Public, wifh/h and fir said Counfy and State did personally appear closeph A. Bursh, si ncyle, to me�°�'sonally known, who *q duly smom, did my that he /s {he�/�rson c&scribed in and wha executed the rrego;nq instrument o/xl acknowledged that he executed fire same as his awn �� actcv�ddeed 0., C�) (" Po_ AloiveyG/'ub/�a, Hennepin CW17ty, Minnesafo My Commission Expires mota, / My - rtes . = v 24, A / hereby cerfiPy fhof l have surveyed and platted A? property deco;led m this plot as NANEYS ADD/T/OAJ; chat fhis fof /s a correct rf,r�resentation o said surrey; that of/distances are mr�etly shown an the plot /ir f f and &6mals ol'a �dof; tho�Me mrviumenfs for guidance o �uhir� curve ys have fen correctly placed /� tfie ground os shown on the plat; that the outside %unofary /fres ore c�rrec /y desig/xrfed an the plot; that there ore no wet lands orpr/bl/c highways lo l� designated crrsoid pkf otf�r hrian as shown ih�eon; and tfxf Etre topography o�'the /and rs carr�cf/y shown on sr�rd P/of CARDARELLE Cr ASSOCIATES, /A/C. E.Con/are/le3 Winnes�&- Qegisfrafron A/4566 State o, j'Minnesoto1 Coup/yol'Nennep#7 Abore cerliPcafe subser;%d and sworn fo le�ar' e me, a A/ofory Pub/G, 64s cb(/ o/'. A.D. /959 Notary Public, Hennepin County, Miimesofa My Carnmiss;on Expires