HomeMy WebLinkAboutHansons 2nd AdditionSCALE I INCH= 50 FEET o INDICATES IRON MONUMENT 0 HANSONS 2H2 ADDITION VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINN. , .... . N..k7e of E.2 OfN.E.1 of s.E.z of N.W¢ of Sec.36 T. //7, R.2/ .--324. 64 AVC_ m 75 .O 75 I 90 75.03 — T — — — 5 � I &I I g L O C K0 N E o la I M P a h 0 '& o 3 a I; I 4 `. O P p m. ro I /o�j-- — Ufi/ify Dromoge osement �— O i--- --------75 7s o i\ s S A`'��tio Line para//e/ fo and /60'Soulh ofNorlh lone or" of N.E.4 ofSE.-!of Ngl4 of Sec.30 I LQ mQ 01 M w <y �k o tzO Ctia p � C ti O This plat was recommended for croproval4 fhe al a reqular meet/7y thereof helo' this s c by I L- 24 R7 CD -"— o� r �p Ct) O 24.4 F _ Li— Comm/ss/on of the 141/lay'e ofEdina, M/nnesola �`\A.D. 1999. its Cha/rman This plat was approved and accepted by fhe V/l/aye Counc//of V//lage o -Edna, Minnesota of a regular meet/req fhereof held this ro u-- day of rCA,/ A.D. 1958. VILLAGE COUNCIL 0 THE VILLAGE OFEOINA , MINN. by ' I =7 ar2,6 by �� !/ l /is n4agora 1 JAMES M. HALVERSON SURVEYOR KNO W A L L MEN 9 Y THESE PRESENTS, That Hopkins Rea/fy, /ne., a Minnesota corporation, owner and ropriefor, and Henry Hanson, purchaser under contract offhe fol%wing described,oroperfyy, sifuafedin the Countyy of enneV aid Sfafe of Minnesota, fo wit: That part of f ie East i of the Northeast -' of the Soulheasl ! of the Norfhwesl in Section 30 Township //7Morth, Ranqe 2/ /'Vest, descrihea'as follows: Comm eneinq al fheNorlhwesl corner Jf the Easf -1 of lhe"Wortheasl i offhe¢Soafheasf' of fhe NorMwesf ! ' fhence South/8 0 0 feel' thence South 45 deyrees Easl a distance of e6.az2{el; fhence Eastpa ollel lo fhe Norlh //ne ofsaid Easf 2 lo ifs gn%rseclion with a /he o'rawn para/lel lo and 75. o feel Cas/ oflhe DYesl //ne of said Easf ?; thence North along said parallel line to ifs infersecfion with a line arawn para//el lo and /60.0 feel South offhe North //ne ofsaidEasf 2; thence Easf along sa/dpo'rallel //ne fo fhe Easffi76 ofsaid Norfheasf oflhe Soufheasl; offhe Norfhwesf 4 thence Norfh along' sa/d Easf //ne fo fhe Norfheasl corner ofsryid *or�heasf 4 offhe Soufheasf ¢ of fhe NA hwesf ¢; fhence Xesf along The Norfh k7e {hereof to fhe p/ace ofbey/n1/n9'• Have caused fhe same lo be surveyed and plalled os HANSONS 2ND A00/�'/ON and do hereby donafe and ded/cafe lo fhepublie for pub//e use forever The avenues as shown on fhe annexed plat; and also subfecf to the of//ify and drainage easements as shown on fhe annexed plat. In witness whereof /have hereunfo set my hand and a{fxed my seal and f e Nopk/ns Zea/iy, /nc., has caused these oresenfs lo be slFned by ifs proper officers and /ls corporate seallo be hereunto of{/ned fh/s day of A. D. /958. lnpresence of, Signed: 9010K/NS REAL T Y,%/NC. S TA TE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OFHENNERN1 S'S' On lh/s_-�- r clay o{ R A.D. 1958, bel -ore me, a Nolary pub//c within and for sa/d County and Slate, didpersonally appear Henry Hanson to me personal/ known fob the person descr/bed /n and who executed the forego/nq /nstrurr�enf a.7d 9 0 J G x) acknowled ed fhe same as h/s own free act and dee . War'Pub//c, YenpKep/n Co4r&y,F/�iA@?LAND My Cbmm/ss/on Exp/res Noup, PubI x Hc,,-pic.,...,,y. M;cn. My Commission Exp!.eD May 11; 1962, STATE OF MINNESOTA s.s. COUNTY OFHENNEO/N On Phis day of A.D. /958 before me, a Notary public with/n and for sa/d County and Slale, d/o'persona/ly appear Arthur T. Nessa and Sylvia GundIrson to me personally known, who each beinq duly sworn dIdsay thaf they are respective/y fhe President and Secretary -Treasurer of the opkins Rea/f y, /ne., a Minnesota corporal/on, the corporal/on names' /n fhe forey'o/ny /nsfrurnen/, fhaf fhe seal affixed fo sa/d /nstrumenfis the corporate seal ofsal'Qlcorooral/on; and lhaf sa/a'inslrumenf Was signed and sea/ed /n behalf ofsa/d eor oration by aulhority Ofl'15 Board of dhrectors, and Arlhur T. Nessa and Syly/a Guno'erson aeknow/edged 117e /nslrumenf lobe f� free acf on'7'deed of sa/d eor/ooral/on. C x ennepm C, oun7 /rtinn. omm/ss'on Ex/o�remmy J. BERGLL7ND My Commission Expires May 11, 19BZ.- / hereby certify fhaf / have surveyed and p/ailed the properly descr/bed on th/s p/al as HANS ONS 2 10 ADD/ TION; that th/s plat is a correct represenlal/on of said sarvey; fhaf all d/stances are correcf/y shown on fhe olaf /n {eel and deci' a/s ofa foot' fhaf fhe monuments for qu/dance offulure surveys have been correel/y placed/n fhe groand as shown on fhe plat; fhaf fhe outs/de Xouna'ary //nes are correctly designaled on the plat; and fhaf there are no wel lands or,oublie h/ghwoys to be des/gnaled on saidplaf other Phan as shown thereon. Req(sfered Land Surveyor, STATE OFMINNESOTAS.s COUNTY OF R� I The above certificate was subscr/bed and sworn to before me, allolary'Pub/ic w/lh/n and for said County C7170'Sfafe on this 28' day Of f"e6rUo. A.,9, A - This plat was checked and approved on Phis Z74 day o{ A.D. 1958, County 541ryey6r, Notary Pub//s amsG� Counfy, Minn. My Comm/ss/on Exp/res ✓u/za 4p /563 ennepin County,