HomeMy WebLinkAboutHarold Woodsf L (A VI LLAOE OF E.01NA, COUNTY OF i AENNt✓Pl1V �c MUM, RIELD 3U NOWAK 0 m r 4 En !i neers i Surveyors Scale 1"=60' •'o-' Deno}es Iron Monument January 1955 "•, 1�1 r' w. 1 L- c -i r •_� .tet Q •� Norih Line -t E.asi k 4 NW4 of SE 30, Township 11.1, Rants 21 -69.11 — INTERLACHEN ROAD 160 (GO 0 Ccq KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:- that Ruth M. Schaeter , widow, owner and pro PriJor 4 the following described Properly si�vate in the Sta% 4 Minnes4a and County of Hennepin toW4-- The North 417.02 �J o� the East the Northwest• 4 of the Southeast 4 of Section 3o,TownshiP III, Ranj" T 6ein�i a Pari o� Lot it, -Audi�or' Subdivision N° 325, Nennepin County, tVlinneso6 Have caused the same to 6e surveyed and ?lathed as PAROLD WOODS and do hereby don -4e and dedic4e, io tine public for public vse jorever the Roads as shown on the annexed Flak. In wi+Hess wliereo{ saki Ruth M. Schae{er, widow, has hereun+o sJ her hand and seal daY A.R 1955. In 9f',esence As to Ruth M. Schauer(seal) S+a+e 4 Minnesota Cou4y of Nennepin On this f `4i) daY o� +- f: �'�n�v A.O.155' bef ore me, a tAJary Public within and for said County and Stare, personally appeared Ruth M. Schauer, widow , �o me known to 6e the Person 8escr16ed in and who executed the f�ore2o nS in4rume4 and sire acknowled jed 4-va� �6 execu�ed the same as her own free act and deed. Notary Public, Nennepin County, Minnes4a My Comrr kssion Expires o: i•.. : $ i.z n�57, S+a+e o{ Minneso+a S.S. Iffy Cou4y o{ Hennepin I do here6y cert'ily that I have surveyed and platked the prope4y described on this pla+ as 1-IAROLD WOODS,�ha� this plat- is a correc% represen+a+ion o{ said survey; that all distances are correc+ly shown in {ee� and decimals 4 a foo+ ; that the monumen+s {or guidance 4 {uiure surveys have logien correctly placed in the round as shown on the pla+; that the ou+side boundary lines are correctly desva}ed on tine pt4 -, 46a; the +opo!5ap6y 4 the land is correc+ly shown on the play and that there are no wed lands or public highways �0 6e desira+ed on said play other than as shown thereon. Surveyorr- "Minneso+a Re851r4ion N° 2264 Above cer+i f ic4e subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary( Public this day( 4 i Notary Publio, Hennepin County, Minneso+a My Commission Expires /y`� The �oregoin� plat was approved and accepted by the Planing Commission of }he Vi 1126P- Mins, 126Edina, Minneso+a,a+a revlar mee+iny thereof held this_&i�day o{ 1�� , A.0.1955. PLANNING COMMISSION of VILLAGE o� EmNAy . 9 M INN ESOTA by The {oregoino Plat- was approved and aceep+ed by the Villain Council of Edina, Minn- es4a, at a regular meJinco thereo� held 4hisLf-k day A.1,.1955. VILLA COUNCt -• _ EDiNA,MINNE50TA by its Mayor by ids Cler IC. Checked and approved this dayofi % c'draiary A.Q.1955. 1 Hennepin County Surveyor