HomeMy WebLinkAboutHawkinson AdditionSCALE: I INCH= 50 FEET o INDICATES IRON MONUMENT N 50 W ztW C O LQ 4C J 50 63 RD HAWKINSON HENNEPIN COUNTY, S TREE T ofLot Io, AS, Normandale Second Add. .a 9 MINNESOTA JAMES M. HALVERSON SURVEYOR KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Lawrence Alva Wi/son and The/ma Maxine Wilson, husband and wife owners andproprWors, and Robert E. Hawkinson and Virginia V. Hawkinson, husband and wife, purchasers under, eonlracf of fhe follom/j described proper{y, situated in the Counfy of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, to wit Lots 20 to 27 inclusive, Block 5, Normanda/e Second Addition. Have caused the same lo be surveyed and plaffea( as HAWK/N5ON ADD/T/ON, and subject fo fhe 411111'ty and drainage easements as shown oa the annexed PW. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hano's and affixed our seals this zl-day of ���� ;� A.D. /9 In presence of: �� d _a STATE OF MINNESOTASs COUNTY OFHENNEP/N On thls�day State, did persona//y appear Lawrence Alva W1/son husband and wife, fo me personal/y known fo be f as their own free aef and deed. S/gne : Lawrence Alva Wilson Robert i' Hawkinson The/ma Maxine W1/son f irain/a V• Hawkinson of before me, a Notary Pubhi within and for said Counfy and an he/ma Maxine Wilson, husband and tke, and Robert E• Hawkinson and Virginia V. Hawkinson, he persons described in and who executea' fhe foreq%nstrumenf and acknowledged the same __,._,,•_,.•,-r.,• ---..,,, . ..--- .----- Commission expires W. CRAVOS Nota;uau ua Honneptn Com 8' 1962, MY Commission Sxpitas Aug. l hereby certify that /have surveyed and platted fhe properf described on Phis plat as HAWK/NS ON ADD/T/ON that this p/at /s a correct representaf/on of sa/d survey; that a// distances are correef� shown on the p/at in feet and decima/s of a foot; fhaf the monumenfs for 9u/dance of future surveys have been correct/y p/ace d /n the ground as shown on fhe plat fhaf the outside boon�ary /nes are correctly des/gnafed on fhe plat; and fhaf fhere are no wet Jands or public highways to be designated on said p/a� other than as shown thereon. yor, M/nne n STATE OF M/NNESOTAIS.S. COUNTY OFR�JJ The above cerfif/cafe was subser/bed and sworn to before me, a Notary Publ/e w/ffi/n and for sa/d Counfy and State on this 21 s day of .46 A. 40. 1952 This ,olal was checked and approved on this 3/ — day of / ��C �' C — A.0 �Qmsu, County, Minnesota exp/res /9 This plat was recommended for approval by the P/arming Comm/scion of fhe V/llage of�Zx* a; this 8" day of .Tern uarA.D. by of a requ/a h/ 7q (hereof he/d ifs Chairman This /at was approved and accepted by the V//lage Course/l of the V//lage ofEd/na, Minnesota at a regular meeting fhel-eofhe/d Phis /3 day of A. D. 19��. VILLAGE COUNCIL OF - by by 'E VILLA GE Of C)INA, MINNE SO 1A E> Its Vl//age Manager ifs Mayor P.5, Normondale SecondAddi 135.0 :. " /35 z r..a i L '•L i 'j• I CDO S¢ur¢�Easem¢nt z Wim---- i 1 L fit' tot's p _3_ 135 °' �t o .c o0 23 0 r. 4 �� n l35 ofLot Io, AS, Normandale Second Add. .a 9 MINNESOTA JAMES M. HALVERSON SURVEYOR KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Lawrence Alva Wi/son and The/ma Maxine Wilson, husband and wife owners andproprWors, and Robert E. Hawkinson and Virginia V. Hawkinson, husband and wife, purchasers under, eonlracf of fhe follom/j described proper{y, situated in the Counfy of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, to wit Lots 20 to 27 inclusive, Block 5, Normanda/e Second Addition. Have caused the same lo be surveyed and plaffea( as HAWK/N5ON ADD/T/ON, and subject fo fhe 411111'ty and drainage easements as shown oa the annexed PW. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hano's and affixed our seals this zl-day of ���� ;� A.D. /9 In presence of: �� d _a STATE OF MINNESOTASs COUNTY OFHENNEP/N On thls�day State, did persona//y appear Lawrence Alva W1/son husband and wife, fo me personal/y known fo be f as their own free aef and deed. S/gne : Lawrence Alva Wilson Robert i' Hawkinson The/ma Maxine W1/son f irain/a V• Hawkinson of before me, a Notary Pubhi within and for said Counfy and an he/ma Maxine Wilson, husband and tke, and Robert E• Hawkinson and Virginia V. Hawkinson, he persons described in and who executea' fhe foreq%nstrumenf and acknowledged the same __,._,,•_,.•,-r.,• ---..,,, . ..--- .----- Commission expires W. CRAVOS Nota;uau ua Honneptn Com 8' 1962, MY Commission Sxpitas Aug. l hereby certify that /have surveyed and platted fhe properf described on Phis plat as HAWK/NS ON ADD/T/ON that this p/at /s a correct representaf/on of sa/d survey; that a// distances are correef� shown on the p/at in feet and decima/s of a foot; fhaf the monumenfs for 9u/dance of future surveys have been correct/y p/ace d /n the ground as shown on fhe plat fhaf the outside boon�ary /nes are correctly des/gnafed on fhe plat; and fhaf fhere are no wet Jands or public highways to be designated on said p/a� other than as shown thereon. yor, M/nne n STATE OF M/NNESOTAIS.S. COUNTY OFR�JJ The above cerfif/cafe was subser/bed and sworn to before me, a Notary Publ/e w/ffi/n and for sa/d Counfy and State on this 21 s day of .46 A. 40. 1952 This ,olal was checked and approved on this 3/ — day of / ��C �' C — A.0 �Qmsu, County, Minnesota exp/res /9 This plat was recommended for approval by the P/arming Comm/scion of fhe V/llage of�Zx* a; this 8" day of .Tern uarA.D. by of a requ/a h/ 7q (hereof he/d ifs Chairman This /at was approved and accepted by the V//lage Course/l of the V//lage ofEd/na, Minnesota at a regular meeting fhel-eofhe/d Phis /3 day of A. D. 19��. VILLAGE COUNCIL OF - by by 'E VILLA GE Of C)INA, MINNE SO 1A E> Its Vl//age Manager ifs Mayor