HomeMy WebLinkAboutHeath GlenSCALE: i INCH = 100 FEET INDICATES IRON MONUMENT BEARINGS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED 1:1 HEATH GLEN HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA South line of Norlh 20 rods, 5.W , 5 E. #, 5e c. 8 S89°54"45'E 660.0 ••--- :S' �'- \ \ 5r; Draine�a�U>`;lity Easement � �i f I CIS ' 4, ��� OUTL OT 1 I a CtA vo I �ti H Tr�iB� •. ^ v/ 20.42 \4�apo� `�\ o ci` (�() r � 4ot4 $4 I C 3 c oma' c aye c\ Apt o s 9 ` a� V4 140 6 5 i s3 ii 63" \ \ To 135 81. • may/ S. if Cor o{ SE ¢ , Sec 9, T 116', R Z/ JAMES M. HALVERSON SURVEYOR KN 0 W ALL MEN 9 Y THESE PRESENTS, - that we, Chauncey /- Austin and Mary C. Austin, husband and wi{e owners and proprietors, and F/ora Watkins, widow, mortgagee o{the {o/%wing descr-ibed,oroperfy, situated in the County of Henneain State of Minnesota, to wit. the West 40 Rods of `the Southwest Quarter (S. WT') Of the Soyytheast Quarter' (S. E -') .of Section 8, Township //6, Range Z/ /yinq North of State Highway Number Fitfy - two (52), now ca//eog §r ;ay Numbers Five (5) and One Nunofred (/00), excepting, however, from the above described prgoerty the North ZORodsthereof. Have caused the same to be surveyeand platted as 'HEA TH GLEN', and do hereby donate and dedicate to the pub/ic for pub/ic use forever The drive, as shown on the annexed 10/at; a/so sub, ject fo the utility and drainage ease/77e/71S, as shown on the gnnexed p/c/ /n witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands acrd affixed our seals this day o7'—AO In presence of.• Signed' a Q Mary" �C. A41#in lora Watkins S TA TE of MINIVESO TA S.s COUNTY OF y iaf , On tliis�day o{ A.D. 1956, be{ore me, a Notary Pub/ic within and for said Count an State, did per5017CA appear a cey H. Austin and Mary C. Austin, husband and wife, and Flora Watkins, widow, to me ,Oersorra//y known to e 5`he persons described in and who executed The foregoi179 instrument and acknow/edged the same as their owrr free act and deea! expires l hereby certify that /have surveyed and p/acted the ,orooerty described on Phis ,o/at as 'HE9Tf/ GLEiV',' Thar this,o/at rs a correct representation o{said survey,' That a// distances are correct/y shown on fhe,o/af in feet and decirna/s of a .root; that the monuments for '(7(ance of future surveys have been correct/y p/aced in the ground as shown on the plat,- that the outs14e boundary /nes have been correct/y designated on The ,t�/aT,' and that there are no wet /ands or public Highways to be g'esignated on 506iO/C/ other than as shown thereon. / l __ -a / „ Land Surveyor Minnesota S TATE of MINiVES0 TA Ss COUNTY OFHENNEP/N The above certificate was subscribed and s rn to before me or Notary Pub/ic, within and for said County and State on A. D. /956. n ivOrary r--uaiic, r-rennep) My Commission expires This p/at was checked and approved on this 6 6 day of�/'� A.D. /956. This p/at was recommended for aoprov by the P annn CO/W, requ/ar meeting thereof held Phis day of A. This p/at was approved and accepted by t/h,e it/aqe Counci rrlee ting Thereo { he/d this day of "e, A.D. /9 Chairman X&717esota d,e EAF.TYKA. 56. / Of the Vi//aqe o{Edema, Minnesota, aa t I-'eqular >F ED/NA, MINN. V 1/aqe Manager Mayor