HomeMy WebLinkAboutHighwood Addition To Edina HighlandsHIGHWOOD ADDITION TO EDINA HIGHLANDS JOHN E. CARDARELLE 2 STRIP ()11T1 OT 'A" SOUTH L1/JE N. gS ACRES OF W.z ofN.W9,SEc.32T.//>rz.zl EDEN PRAIRIE HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA UNPLATED MAY 1954 I� SCALE - 1"= 100 ourH L,NE N.ESec.32-T.117-R.z1 w ( _ 'I J 4. 5 4I o G �j P `moi = o Iza o 30 30 R�15.r.9 ROAD d P`x o l 2\2 l(now dl men by flies¢ pr¢s¢nfs, - fhdt we, the Edina Development CO3- ordfion, a Minnesota Corporation, ownars and propri¢iors, c9nd the Lutheran Brotherhood, a M/nnesotd Corporation, Mort d ee of the fol/owin£l described property situated /n the county of Hennep%n, Stat¢ of Min/?esoid. Thatpdrt of the Northeast Qudrt¢r of ihz Nor/h West Quarter of Section .32, Township 117Nort1z, R417g5e 2/ In/est of St/L P.M. descr/bed cis f0/%ws .-Begrnnin� di Cl dudicl'dl Ldnd MvrK¢r of t/t¢ Southwest Corner thereof, thence North o/Ong5 the West /in¢ of se%ci Northeast Quarter of the Northwe5i Quarter a distance of 726.75 feet mor¢; or less io cd point 600.o feet south cf t/re Northwest corn¢,^ of scligl (Northeast Quarter of the Northw¢s•i Quart¢✓, thence Edst rind poral/el with the North line thereof, d glistdnc¢ of 320.0 feet, it-tence -Soot/? a'nd para//ef with the West /in¢ ole said Northe4sf Qudriee of the /t,/orthwest Quarter d distdnc¢ of 726.75 feet /Wore or/¢ss to the 56dt,4 fine thereof, thence Wesi d/ong3 said South /:n¢ a datdnce of 320.0 feet io the /o/dc¢ of 6¢ginnin�3. And ZTo/rn B. Hd//or�n dndDorothy M Nd//ordrt, hls wife, .and G¢or�e W. FC¢e/ey, widower Moriar�f¢e owners anal oro�ri¢iors of tfjdt part 0/the Southeast Quarter of the North west Odart¢r of said S¢ctlo v 32, d¢s-er/6¢d ds fo/%ws;- B¢'%inninV dt 4412ct rndrK¢r at the Northwest corner of said Soufhepsxl Qudrt¢r of the /�orthdes2l Q?udrt¢r, thence Fdsz d/ono the />/orz`/? /in¢ Yhe,reof d d:st4nce of 4s'S. o feet, /`hent¢ South and para//a/ wit4 Me Wzyt 1117eof sed Southeast Qudrt¢r of the /t7orthw¢sz� Quart ¢r, v dise`dnc¢ of 43/.92 )(eet to Me center/ine of (IS. 7-r-ank /HiVhwdy No. /69 and 2/2, thence, South waster/y 4/on� said C¢nt¢r/in¢ of said U. S. F/1g!/iwoy d d:stdnce o{ S06./ feet Zo Z/?z poir?f of lnters¢etion of sa,'d center/in¢ with the 1N¢st /ii2¢ of Sdid South¢dst ©ddYL`¢rof Ma Hort`4wzsZ Quarter thence /1lort6 d/onc the West /:n¢ thaeaol, d d:std/,c¢ of 648.7s feet to the,o/ace of 6¢ nn,i,sS, su6f cf to the right of way aso{/¢tort/ for sdiol U.S yi�t�udy /-W/O /6S -dna 212 ds /did out end c�d.%dcerjt zo the center/ih¢ ffi¢reoTY And L¢st¢r C. 9na¢rson end L¢e E. An�/¢rsc. husband anal wife as Joint t¢ndrzts, au/n¢rs dnd/orolori¢tors of thdt"ladrz` of the Ed54 hal)( o/ tha South 20 .tcres of the Noet4 45- acres oi/ the West hd/f ofiha North"/ast Quarter of said S¢ct,on 32, describ¢dcis fo/%r✓S BCC%;nninvs opt fha South¢st corner of the Edsz/ by /of the South 20 4cr¢s of the North 4,5- acres, thence S. 89'-21' vest d/on�5 the South i,ne th¢r¢of, d d:gfane¢ of 140.26 feet; fh¢nce N. 70-S9' wast, d distdnc¢ of 137.67 feet, 1/o d /point of C01 -C A.40 the thence d/ort¢ said tune with a radius of 3,173.77 feet, and J¢/ta 3o" o d,stdrnc¢ of 337.5gf¢¢t to t/ie oo,nj or/ tangency, fhanc¢ /1/orfh Z'-04,-30"vv'r5t a distdnc¢ of 173.92 feet to fha North /ine of sa,d Edst ho/{ of the South 20 4cr¢S of fha Norih 4 4Cr¢s, thence Nort/t B9`-46' Gast ;p/0 /7 s the Sdid /forth /in¢ thar¢of 1;� d'stance of !95.42 feet 110 fha 111orth¢dsf corder of the said Edst A -;/f of fha 5ouf/i 20 4c, -(Z.5 o/ the Norfft ¢S acres, (hence South aAon�3 t/,e East /ine thereof distdnc¢ of 644.78 faet io the P/ace of 6¢g1nn1n�.- 14dv¢ caused the 5-4rn¢ to 6e sury¢yed and p/az`f¢d �s Nighwood 1gddit:o,z r/o Edirza /zi h/ands; /y¢nn¢p:/1 Counc�y, /'7iRn¢SOf4, 4/?d do h¢rehy donate and dedicate 'eo the P4"6//c for Pu6/lc usefor¢var /Vie 9✓en0e's, Streets Pub/.'e Utilities as shown on the Annexed 010)4.In vvitnass wh¢reo we frau¢ hereayto set our finds and dff/X¢ZQI ur• sed/s end the ozvle/o/orna:nr/ Corfvo24'zr/ort c7nca z`/t¢ Lutkara2 OrotAarhood hove io 6¢ S��n¢o byits /oroPar o�f"cers dad tS¢1r Cor/oorat¢ sea/s % 6a /iQr¢urrr�o r -i' ffiXed j`/i:6 day o f H. D. 1954 . IN PRESENCE OF - EDINA DEVELOPMENT, CORPORATION �s STATE OF MINNESOTA F M;Fo COUNTY OF HENNEPIN SS On tftr5 '�'' c�dt,Of .� A.D. 1954 belOr¢ me d /►lotdry Pub/ic Wr><hir! dnd'or said Counf�; and sba ¢, drd persona//y appear C', eS E.Spring and Eleanor pl. tTon¢s to me persona//y Known, who eacb being duly 5u/orn did sd thdf fha are Pres,o,eni and Secretary of the Fdna B¢v¢/oorn¢zt Cor/ooror�ion, rhe Cor/ooraf,o.z ndlned %n the for¢�oinS! instrument, that t/W sed! cif /Xaa to said instrument is fha Corporate Seal of said Cor/ooration, and that said insirdrn¢nf was s/gin¢d.dnc/ sea/ad in 6Qha/f of said Corporation by author;ty o1 ,ts Board of /Jir¢ciors, and Ch4r/¢s S. Sp/'/nif and 4'/¢anor /•>. tiones dcKnow/¢c/ ie t/4¢ instrument to ba the {r¢¢ act and daed of s id Corporation . 4CWARD NUtN4y Fubik, kienaar.=„ C,„ td�nt- STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN l( 1 S 5 On ihls day O f 1 f�. �. 1954. 1i¢/Ore me d /Yoldry Pah/1c W/lh/n and /or said Couniy, and Sf4ie , did ,personallf/ dppedr /�/.LC: /\/eprud rind N.A.5mlth, to me persona//y Knouln, who each 6¢in�S du/y sworn, olid Say that they .4r¢ 1//c¢ °resident and Treasurer of t/i¢ Lutheran Brotherhood, the Cor/oorafion named /n the fore. oin¢ %nstrdm¢n>/ that the sed/ a{fiXed fo s�,d instrvment- is the Corporr,t¢ S¢a/ of Seid Cor/nordtion, and thaic t said ,siromani was si rr¢d and sed/ad in behd/f of said C/orporafion by authority of ;;es Board of Jir¢ctors and K 1,1,2101-41,Jand f/.q. Smit,{ �iek,7oou/adge the instrd/n¢nt to 6¢ the fr¢¢ .pct and deed of Sw,d corpordfion R INotwy Liic,:.�; =.eGin Cod tetx htnnn My comm'4v Ffpirs am 18, M, STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 5 S On this al C— day of a9 A.D. 1954 before me 4 Notary Pub//c Wdhh? and {or sA/d Coon If and Sfaf¢, did p¢rso/ta//y appear Hohn B Na//ordn Siad T%rothy /yJ. Na//orart, his wlf¢, alta Gcoree W. klze/e y, w/d0W0y-. and /ester C. Anderson and Lae R. 9nd¢rson, husb�snd and w�fa to m¢ lOarso,- - 11y Know/✓ to 6a 50'4,z1oersons c1¢seriba /z and v,//10 ¢X¢cut¢d h¢ fo/¢aolizg insfrum¢rtt .end dcKnow/ed�S¢d ih4t shay az¢cat¢d the same ds their'yCraa act -+nd d¢,ad• STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN 5 S I hereby certify ih4i I have surveyed dad platted the property described on this plai ms /-11,5• hv-00d Addiiioa to Edina Highlands ", 1-1¢nn¢p%n County, M,nnesotc* ; that t/+Is /ofdt /s d correct r¢pras¢nf.�tiore of s.iia' surrey, that a// d,Stanc¢s dr¢ correct/y shown on the p/dt i2 feet and dacirrl�/s of d fool, t,Eaf A44 m0nu,nenfs 7for fsr/iddnce � futOre Sur✓ars he✓¢ been correct/y p/aced In the around ds sha�✓n on Ma plat, and that tAaea ara no wet / 17 or Pdb/,e Hsdµ/ays, 7o des/dnd- t¢�t on said p/dt other A -4n as shown alzeaon.. �3 AAAA SURVEYOR HN E. ARRA E, MINN. REG N4 566 Abova cart?fic4t¢ subscribed < nd su/orn ba for¢ m¢ chis da o =- Y 7hr's plat wtis recomrn¢ndad for epprordf by fha PfdnningI Commission of thh¢ 1/i//aha offdiae, 1%innesota, dt a regular maeii4 thereof held Phis ""r dvy of �- 'h CHAIRMAN .� r ThrS plot was approvad and accapizd by the ✓i//a fIa Council of Edina, Apwasojd et a r.z0a1.sr m¢aiin� Meeaol ha/d this' day of A. D. /954. PRESIDENT 1 / VILLAGE COUNCIL OF EDINA, MINNESOTA. RECORDER s ■ .. PRESIDENT f� SECRETARY LUTHERAN BROTHERHOOD M VICE PRESIDENT S_ TREASURER i, STATE OF MINNESOTA F M;Fo COUNTY OF HENNEPIN SS On tftr5 '�'' c�dt,Of .� A.D. 1954 belOr¢ me d /►lotdry Pub/ic Wr><hir! dnd'or said Counf�; and sba ¢, drd persona//y appear C', eS E.Spring and Eleanor pl. tTon¢s to me persona//y Known, who eacb being duly 5u/orn did sd thdf fha are Pres,o,eni and Secretary of the Fdna B¢v¢/oorn¢zt Cor/ooror�ion, rhe Cor/ooraf,o.z ndlned %n the for¢�oinS! instrument, that t/W sed! cif /Xaa to said instrument is fha Corporate Seal of said Cor/ooration, and that said insirdrn¢nf was s/gin¢d.dnc/ sea/ad in 6Qha/f of said Corporation by author;ty o1 ,ts Board of /Jir¢ciors, and Ch4r/¢s S. Sp/'/nif and 4'/¢anor /•>. tiones dcKnow/¢c/ ie t/4¢ instrument to ba the {r¢¢ act and daed of s id Corporation . 4CWARD NUtN4y Fubik, kienaar.=„ C,„ td�nt- STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN l( 1 S 5 On ihls day O f 1 f�. �. 1954. 1i¢/Ore me d /Yoldry Pah/1c W/lh/n and /or said Couniy, and Sf4ie , did ,personallf/ dppedr /�/.LC: /\/eprud rind N.A.5mlth, to me persona//y Knouln, who each 6¢in�S du/y sworn, olid Say that they .4r¢ 1//c¢ °resident and Treasurer of t/i¢ Lutheran Brotherhood, the Cor/oorafion named /n the fore. oin¢ %nstrdm¢n>/ that the sed/ a{fiXed fo s�,d instrvment- is the Corporr,t¢ S¢a/ of Seid Cor/nordtion, and thaic t said ,siromani was si rr¢d and sed/ad in behd/f of said C/orporafion by authority of ;;es Board of Jir¢ctors and K 1,1,2101-41,Jand f/.q. Smit,{ �iek,7oou/adge the instrd/n¢nt to 6¢ the fr¢¢ .pct and deed of Sw,d corpordfion R INotwy Liic,:.�; =.eGin Cod tetx htnnn My comm'4v Ffpirs am 18, M, STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 5 S On this al C— day of a9 A.D. 1954 before me 4 Notary Pub//c Wdhh? and {or sA/d Coon If and Sfaf¢, did p¢rso/ta//y appear Hohn B Na//ordn Siad T%rothy /yJ. Na//orart, his wlf¢, alta Gcoree W. klze/e y, w/d0W0y-. and /ester C. Anderson and Lae R. 9nd¢rson, husb�snd and w�fa to m¢ lOarso,- - 11y Know/✓ to 6a 50'4,z1oersons c1¢seriba /z and v,//10 ¢X¢cut¢d h¢ fo/¢aolizg insfrum¢rtt .end dcKnow/ed�S¢d ih4t shay az¢cat¢d the same ds their'yCraa act -+nd d¢,ad• STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN 5 S I hereby certify ih4i I have surveyed dad platted the property described on this plai ms /-11,5• hv-00d Addiiioa to Edina Highlands ", 1-1¢nn¢p%n County, M,nnesotc* ; that t/+Is /ofdt /s d correct r¢pras¢nf.�tiore of s.iia' surrey, that a// d,Stanc¢s dr¢ correct/y shown on the p/dt i2 feet and dacirrl�/s of d fool, t,Eaf A44 m0nu,nenfs 7for fsr/iddnce � futOre Sur✓ars he✓¢ been correct/y p/aced In the around ds sha�✓n on Ma plat, and that tAaea ara no wet / 17 or Pdb/,e Hsdµ/ays, 7o des/dnd- t¢�t on said p/dt other A -4n as shown alzeaon.. �3 AAAA SURVEYOR HN E. ARRA E, MINN. REG N4 566 Abova cart?fic4t¢ subscribed < nd su/orn ba for¢ m¢ chis da o =- Y 7hr's plat wtis recomrn¢ndad for epprordf by fha PfdnningI Commission of thh¢ 1/i//aha offdiae, 1%innesota, dt a regular maeii4 thereof held Phis ""r dvy of �- 'h CHAIRMAN .� r ThrS plot was approvad and accapizd by the ✓i//a fIa Council of Edina, Apwasojd et a r.z0a1.sr m¢aiin� Meeaol ha/d this' day of A. D. /954. PRESIDENT 1 / VILLAGE COUNCIL OF EDINA, MINNESOTA. RECORDER s ■