HomeMy WebLinkAboutHilldale-Lalone AdditionHILLDALE Aw LA LONE ADDITION. m IT r 360.gS 11`�ty�rr1kt.. o a,_ 1 n a V 76o12" 30 ....I 3 qt Y S . `, A ..be o f �-'-- a' R L s N 78"1Z;W. f vw ^T tI . - N z 09- w ri / °RTkF-*Ly `14S.Z1 329 of ov Scm.E P`- toot. o DENOTES IRoat MoNutAewr SeAalN6S At6 IaaSuMED ARLEtGN C_ 5/4MOS R.Erb(ST'ER.ED et'lGe-S, L.Ato Swzveyoi2 Wwr- wrp,, M IN gF_soTA 1`4 D a;•v•y,t� ASE, 8 .i 00 dRUISFE, o�'tiR NO� F � ., I��.fMari4nE.:S, Ai;ATit` ?'€hs or; ;:.8t 'fr �elrsNE�uza c• -� r. B aA 34 6; go. 60 2 Alf $4 Rlfi%ir l ^' °"NTv /wiw M`KN ESOT' low TAXES PAID ON THE MTNIIM✓ OESCRI WED PROPERTY FOR 19 ' � !'�! COUNTY TREAS. BY DEPUTY A a H r W l� I Know all men by these presents that Guy W. LaLone and Ruth LaLonep his wife, owners in fees of the following described tract of land situated in the State of Minnesota and County of Hennepin to wits That part of the abandoned Minneapolis and at. Paul Suburban Railroad Company's right of way, being a strip of land 100 feet in width-$ said 100 foot strip of land running in a Southeasterly, Northwesterly direction through the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 29$ Township 117 North, Range 21 West of the 5th Principal Meridian$ adjoining the Northerly line of "Hilldale Hennepin County$ Minnesota". Have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as HILLDALE - IAIANE ADDITION$ and do hereby donate and dedicate to the public for public use foreverp the Circle as shown on the annexed plat. In witness whereof said Guy W. LaLone and Ruth LaLone) his wife$ have hereun set their hands and seals this ' day of �rr A.D. 1963. ' In presence of as to j" Signed Guy W. LaLone ,w• 1P Ruth LaLone�'� a STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HMNSPIN ) ss � , On this . i day of A.D. 1963$ before me a Notary Public) witnin and for s&17 County and State$ personally appeared Guy W. Le -Lone and Ruth Lelone; his wife$ to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and they acknowledged that they executed the same as their own free act and deed. My Commission expires I hereby certify that I have surveyed and platted the property described in this plat as HILLDALE - LAIANE ADDITION; that this plat is a correct representation of said survey; that all distances are correctly shown on the plat in feet and decimals of a foot; that the monuments for the guidance of future surveys have been correctly placed in the ground as shown on the plat; that the outside boundary lines are correctly designated on the plat; and that there are no wet lands or public highways to be designated other than as shown thereon. I f'``_ A ® R )- K b'TATE OF MINKhBOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN j as Above certificate subscribed and sworn to before me this I Z day of sa,4 6.6 A.D. 1963, a.%JL-aA-r ru"J.U) nennepAn Vouatiyf nAnuesotia My Commission expires -z�G The above plat of HILIDALE - LAIANE ADDITION was approved and accepted by the Village Council of Edina$ Minnesota at a regular meeting thereof held this d ih day of WowSAn &CRE A.D. 1963. The Vil ge Council of : Mayor Manager The foregoing plat or HILLDALE - IALANE ADDITION was approved and accepted by the Planning Commission of the Village of meeting thereof held this 1 1t+L day of Jo&sgmD4ff4g;` A.D. 1963. The Planum Chairman Minnesota Minnesota, at a regular ina Minnesota The boundaries of this plat and the boundaries of the blocks therein lave been mathematically checked and aprroved. No determination has been made to ascertain that the legal description agrees with said plat. Dated this j(Q _ day of f{/a'�'` A.D. 1563. $y r.`