HomeMy WebLinkAboutHoland's 1st AdditionH O L A N q* S 1ST ADDITION Caswell Engineering Co. _ CNor�h line, of SE'/44 6W%4 or N1io(y4 of $EG.S &%/-A As M 84042' 1 o" E i R OAD — — — — co toY. y5 ;0.0-7_4t44. wt w — — — — South lin¢o� tJWy¢ of Oanotes iron i,Aonciment A,i) 15carings P.iased on Assumed Da+um �5 5f' f Utility and Aeil; rxzge easemen+s shown fhus, being 5 Feat on each side of X,` lot line Unless otherwise inolieateel This plat was approved and accepted by Oke, planning Cornmission of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, at a regular meetinr thereof; hale! Phis I!b* day op .j219e 9rXbe L , IA , A.O. Planninoi is o i Edina, Minn¢sola by This pla+was approved and aceepled by tl1a, village Council o� iii D'ez�� Iillliaeop EdinG, Minn¢sofa, a+ a r¢o)ular ma.e+iric) ther¢oV held this��daLi of IIct ��) A.Q. My commission expires I hereby certi�y Vlacfe Co it op E ino, , Minn sola plat as )4c,%-Awp'S 1sT Aon ITto>J; 4hal this plat is a ,l correct reptsen+a+ion of said survey; +haf all or cluidance of �u+ore sc.r.veys by � ti's T1iay or are c.orrecfly desic)na+ed on +he thlzreon. plat-) and that there are no bLj Plat other than its Manager -rhe, bOur\dQrieS o{' this plaland +he boundaries o, the block therein have been ma ematically checked legal and approved. TJo de-ferrriinafion has been made fo ascertain that the description agrees wish said plat. Hated this day o' , Iq , A.D. Eimer S. Peterson CountLI Survejor, tlenne.1 in County, Minnesota C ouwavy, M INWESOTA Engineers And Land Survegors KNow A% -L ME)4 e>Y THESE PRESE*ITS: That ViIhelm Noland and `(erclis Noland ,husband ane wife, �ee ownees,and 'Tw; City Federal a-avinc�S and Loan Association , a Uric+ed States. corporation )moraogee op' f he Pollowin9 described property Sifua�ed in +he Sto}e l� Minneso•1a, Count cit uennepin to w;4; Thai• part of the Southeast Y4 othe Sou+hweslY4. . the Nor+hwest y4 of Section 8, Township )I(o, Rance 21, lyinq West aPQ line drawn from a point on the �Sou+� line fhereop, distant Iio� feet \A/es+ op the Sou+heast corner thereoF, to a point on the North line +hereon dis+an+ 209 eetwe5fo fhe iJorthe45+ corner thereo . That Donald R. Tel>;ord and Ethelgn V. Tel ford, husband and wi e, ¢e owners, pn l The Farmers and Mechanics Savings1✓ljnn¢apolis, a Mirnesota corporation, , mor+gagee of +he following describe poper+Y Situated in the Sta+e of Minnesota, Countq o� N¢ nnep'ln, to wit Thal part of thecc$you+heasf Qugrjer O� the, Southwes><Quarter o� the Nor%hwes4 Quarter, Section S, Township IIS, Range Zl,d¢scribed Cis follows, +t wit: thews} corner o� sat tract; thence wes alp the Sou }1 } is ante f IGs �eei'• +hence Fie ronin a+ the, Sou 'd � l line h¢ri2o a d� } No9rthwesterlq in a straighf line to a point in the. t`lortherl lin¢ 0T9sa;d frac disfanf 205 feet Wes+ o the N rf!1661 corner op said +rac.f; +hence East along said Wortherl� line to the Norfheasf corner OV >3aicl traef; +hence Souther H along the Easterly line to the point of beginning. have causal the same +o be surveyed and platted as Ho ANDS 1sT AooirioN and do hereby donate and dedica+e to the public �or public use. forever the Thrive and Road , and ufili y and drainage easements as ahovvn on the annexed plat. In witness whereol) said Vilhelm Holand and Yerdis Noland husband ondwi ¢ have hereon}o t�t 1heir hands and seat's this day o >=nt �t iC1 �,A-0.; and said Donald R. Telford and Et ettiq V. Telford 6 sband and wit'¢,, have h¢retAn+o s¢ heirhands ctnds¢a s is 2y'" day of �e €���� Icier A.o. ' and sat win C1ty F¢de.ral Savi s and LoanAissoeiation. a Unife.cl States c rgorcatio 1, > has causa.d these plAesent�s to be signed b�. its proper o iters and its corporate seal, to ha hereunto a�' Xed this �.f7t day of < �� Igla�—,. A.D, and sa d Zh¢ Farmersar Mechanics $Auings bank o[' Minneapolis, a Minne5q ai corporation , has c use est presents gr - +o be s+gnad by its proper officers and its corF�ora+e, Seal to he here unto a fPixec! this � 7�_ dacj 0 2 ,Sr A.D. IN F�R£SEUCE of SiC�>JEra ilhelm 14olanct (erdis 14oland ionald R. TaWord Aelyn V Telford Twin Ci F �clay-al Savings and Loan Associa}ion rx)alzIi V' e. President Ass4. Vic¢ Presi&4 The Farmers and Mechanics Savings bank cl' Minneapolis ——_—_—..—___---_-_-- and -����� •c—y� •2"o����t� �� �/o Vice President and Asst. Treasurer stare 4 Minneso+a County ci, Hanna -pin On this �day o� �EG�/1'9E3�i� 1q �+�t A.O. b¢.for. m¢, a notnry public within and �or said C Ounty and State, pets ally app¢ar¢ci VilheJnl o and and Yerdis �e Tand, husband and wi iz, and Donald R Telpord and Ethelyn V. Tel ore, husband and Wife, to me personally known fo be the persons described in and who executed the fioregoino) insirumen+ and a kno ledged that they executed the some. as their own f req- act and deed. --� Votary )'ublic Hpin Lounty, Minnesota Stat¢ 0 Minnesota, My commission 4 x Cs. OOBQ�f�� County o�Hennepin On this j kt dad I4 &.A , A.D. , be f ore me, a no+ar y public within and Por said County and Slate, personally appeared 0 e. Wallin a.ntl A. W. Windsor to me e.rsonally known,who egch being d(Alyy sworn did say tha-i the are respec.+ivel Vice Pregiden} and Assf. Vice President o'' Twin Ci Federal Savings _and Loan As'socia+ion)a UniteJStalprs corpora+ion, the corryoration named in the for¢oloincj instrument; and that ih¢ seal mixed to the sarnt ins+rumenf is the cot orate Seal ot' said corporation; that said instrument was signed and Sealed in b¢hatt p{ said corporation by authority oFits board of direc+ors; and said 0.£. Wallin and A.W. Windsor acknowladgedSold ins+rument to be the free ao+ and decd of said corporation. ---o r , Stat¢ 4 Minnesota tlotaeq Yublic, Hennepin count "innesora My commission expiresWSOPOPM Coon+y of l4ennepirt !*5 i �r'�rtttaelon Explrea 1(;, On tilts . �-rh�day o� ECC MBEl? 1065� , A.O., hepore m¢, a notary puhlie within and �or said County and dt2, persona�iy appear^¢d Wrrt.C. Christopha,rson and C. a. Fofs�er9 , to ma personally known, who each being dimlyy sworn did say fhni +hey are respectively Vice President and Assl. Treasurer o The Farmers nd Mechani Savinc+,s Flank oJ. Nfinneapolis a Minneso+a earporation, the corporation named in the foreckoinc� insf, and thn 'the seal CkPi.x¢d to the same ins+r men+ is fti¢ or•porate seal OP said corporation; trial said instrument was signed and S¢AI¢d in b¢hnlf o said corpora+i n by as+boric cl o its board o truS?¢¢gi and Said Wm.C. Christopherson and irG• Forsberg acknowledcj¢d said instrument +o be +h¢�'r¢¢ ac�nel deed of said c `r oration. 1 Raqis+ari7,td Land Surveyor state. 4 Minnesota Minnesota Registration No. -?J1 Goon+y o� Hennepin The above. CertlPica,le was subscribed and sworn to, bepore me., this %i4T''� daY o� .OQ�Orr�I2P_Y' l9 , A, 0. krcl Public, Hennepin Countit, Minnesotc commission eXpiresEDITH RENNIE uofary Puwtc., Hennepin e,vunry, nninnewTu My commission expires I hereby certi�y thathave surveyed and 91ct4ed the property described in tkis plat as )4c,%-Awp'S 1sT Aon ITto>J; 4hal this plat is a ,l correct reptsen+a+ion of said survey; +haf all or cluidance of �u+ore sc.r.veys disfane¢s are corree+(y shown have been corree+ly placed on the plat in fee+ and decimals of a Pooti that +he. in the ground as shown on the ?toil- that the outside. monuments boundary lines are c.orrecfly desic)na+ed on +he thlzreon. plat-) and that there are no we+lanc(s or public highways fo be desicina+ed on said Plat other than as shown �.� ` Raqis+ari7,td Land Surveyor state. 4 Minnesota Minnesota Registration No. -?J1 Goon+y o� Hennepin The above. CertlPica,le was subscribed and sworn to, bepore me., this %i4T''� daY o� .OQ�Orr�I2P_Y' l9 , A, 0. krcl Public, Hennepin Countit, Minnesotc commission eXpiresEDITH RENNIE