HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuber's AdditionHclg rov R 'S A DD / r1o1v fil-NNI�/N COUNTY, /V%/NNCSOTA Flu,- y /956 o Oeav/es Iron Max7umeo�,l a n Wz&r 04L* L=��/v * Now,4,� .Su,PvEY0,e.5 .S'TC--Z-7- I The �arevir�p',�/al of 't/uFfE6S AoDrTioAl was aooroYedar�dacceor`ed by the Y/�a e Coar�ci/ o��o'ir�a, Mii�r�e5vfa of a r�u/ar �eefii� fhereot'helo'lhis_�day of A,O, /95G; t/« GE COUN `CO/NA, M/NNE 17W by ����ec..-r -� � ifs /vlayor by i/��r�i�tT%% ifs Manyer f k)vaw a//rrer by fhese,oreser�fs rhaf 14/bell 1/h/�ber amd $erfrude C h/uber his wr,4e, owr�er5 aid orooriefory o�'fhe //onyir� described orvoerfy sifeafe ire rhe ✓�fafe al �emesofa anal Lauwfy oj'/�e��e,a�sn �awef n er Lvfs /yea, ,2 t8/ock /2 or arrda/e ar�d /-irsf leV / ,yyr/V ar�dLoarr Associafiori ol'��rreaov/rs,,,�arYa��ee z �r— manda/e, /rave rhe 5aWe tv he h/</BF,e:S Ao 9ma1v aid ob hereby doworle andaed� "cafe rhe U/i/i/y�aser�e�f ay yhawr� ori rhe arae redo/ajrv5e of'ryrarricioa/rfy or ofher,ovb/r� ufi%vies, �r instal/a�or/ and �air7fawree of laci/rhes I;V aid aver sg1jdea5e�errf fo serve ad'aceelor oi� rhe vrcieity, /0 wilhe5s whereales lwl A/bert 1/. f/a6er 17071// Gertrude E f/aber haye herevrpllo ser fhelle harm's arrd sea/5 11115 dayof' A.O, /�56 /h w/tless whereo{5aidfirsf /vedera/ ,y'a��r�s aid Coate .9ssociafior� of'/y/irr�eaov/rs ha5 caw5ed fo be 5�red 6y /fs proper Ofrl; exar�dit5 carpard�`e sea/ to be hereur�fo a��Xec/ this z qday of j,.� . J ; -L' 14,P 19.56 �ryt /=edera/5a�i�s ardLoar r9ssocraf�o� o/'/Vir�neaov/ry by - ifs vice ,President $fate af'Mhnesofa (� 1 � CDwhfy O�'f rei�neoin �5.5, Ol /his CS' day o� 9 0. /OSG, be7Ore wea /Votary Pub/rc, /versoha/ly appeared Aberl V, Y41her and Gertrude L" f/v6er his wile, me /"wlr� fo belhe� r5v s describe �h ar�dwho erecrrfed rhe 4,yepiyy irl5tr!/s�er/f, ar�dthey ae�r�ow/ed�ed �har�/heyerec�fed fhei /zein s� �i �fif a�ddeeo' Notary dub/ic f�er��eoirr Cour�fy /i�r�e5ofa ARTHUR W. OIOFSON Notary publ;q Hennepin County, Minn, vy Cvmrr�i$siae EXpireS My Comm ior. fRp,oz lily 16,195& $fare ot'Minnesafa1 �awr�fy a�'flenr�epir� J' & D� this d - day v� �__14,0i95G, be�re�re, a Nvfary,�ub/r�, PerSor�a//y appeared C 7hei5 aid Car/ h' ✓Cwar�Sor� fa nye ,persona//y ,Frio�r� why byryre each dimly yworr� do'say that They are respectiYe/y die Preslo'ent and VicePreSio'en� aid secretary off' /-first leoeral,5aVi4.S arrd�var� �9ssociafor/ v,�/lili�r/eavv/ry rhe cvrvvra�ior� named the �re.4a;,� ii;5Amer/f fhatfhe caroorate seal at�red to the corporate Sea/ of'Said Corp- orativr� ar�dtha�`5aidi�stra`rrer/t was 5i ed ar-ldsea/edih behalfofSaio'corovra�a� by av/hvrity ori/s Bvaro' v�' D�ree/urs andsaid 1, Theis and Car/ ✓�warrsor� ackr�oyvled��edsaid, ins/ra�rre��ly be lberll-lxe ac/ aw'r1 deed olsaid Notary / ub/�C, f%er%%�e oiri vU/�fy, 411iknesota e`y Corm son'4 p gs Aug p i, 11 My Co)nrmi51i 0` E,rp1res � V ' I l hereby certify that /have surveyedar�do/affed fhe,orv,Oerly described ori fhis,olaf as f/�BEQS /,�oo�T�on�; that Phis ,o/al is a correct represer�tafiorr ol'saio'sarvey; Thal a//�sfar�ce5 are correct/y shvwri ars fhe,olaf �i� �e�` arrddecirha/s of'a�co�thatthe n�on�/�er/t5 �r�vidarrce v�'t'afvre SarYByS are Correef/y,olaceo'ir� 1he�rvuhda5 s/�ow� or/lhed?; Thal rhe oatside bourwary /ir�es are correct/y des��afedor� rhe p/a�;that rhe Popo�rao�iyo�fhe /arrdis cariec�`ly shvwr� on the o/af ar�dfhat there are rev wet /adds or,vub/e h hways lube des r�a�d ori saidp/�fOther lh,aw as sAvwv fhereor�. _ innesota ,�e�.ira�'r�' 226 $safe ofYll llmesataJs5 County W#ennepir� Abaye eert�ficate Subscribed aid sworn fv before tee, a Notary oUb/ic, this 27 ayof' X90/956 alarm -tet. �- X01 Npfaryo vb/ic h/er�r�eoir�oar�fy, ivlir�riesafa My O)WXi.5.6W Expires G��1- a 3, / 9 e o Thefore�oin� p/at T2s approved ar�d accepted by rhe l�//e/a��ir�� Cor���ss�o� of'L'oiha, Mi�rre5ofa ata rd/ar r�eefir� /hereof e/d thiy Bayo _-�-- A A,Az.�O Ol' /N9, M// NL507�A Checked and approved Phis z �f� day o� ,9o,/es6 z #e1weviriourrfy surveyal