HomeMy WebLinkAboutIdylwood AdditionM 0 0 V� \^ 1 a 33, 33 qq0 Q O O N 0 T: ZO (y� T-20 or�1 N, 33 IDYL W000 ADDITIo1v HENNEP/N COU/V T Y, MINNESOTA SCALE -//a.-80, T" Lme �cira//e/ with Norff> /ine of Sec, 32, 77//7 R 2/ !✓/on. 6j; -f". 7 72 3T — — %25 % 25 its E4Seir7 en f far 3,1 20.35 /0 -Ir J /25- j /2S IDYL WOOD /05 /ZO 1 /OO S /33.36 oT:zo' /Z8.59 jZs zo,0 tt Iz _ I_ • lro IO Eose�7er7t for uCi/ifies//O vm Mon, /25 _ /ZO — _ /00 —L_ — _ _ 5 s 667.25 L/ne para/le/ with NO, -IA 11i7e of Sec. 132, T//7 R2/ 3 his p/vf was a/�Proved crud acc�fe�/ by /he !//loge/ Council of Ec%i7a /y/ir7oesofa C.'/ a re9a/ar meeting thereof he%/ ffi/s a'o y of 14.0 /953 Pre.r/o'e1?7` Know a/lrnen by fhaf we, .%h17 E. Blooln6ery and Ca//ie /Y/. B/oorn6ery husbal7d g1701 wife, owners c/ndpro�rie%rs of fhe fo//aWiny c%scri/>e�i/�rooer/y sifuofec%i7 ffie Sfofe of M117117esOta and CO 4h-7,74 T`/ohaf/urf of114e h/or/fiwest Quarfer(/vW% j of sect/on rhirfy-two (32)1 Township 017e h'ur7c/req'Se ven/een�'1/7�Norfh Ra'17ge 7-we171y-017(2/) Nes/ of f% Fffh Pri/7eoalMeric//a17 which 15c%scri6edas follows: ljey117n/1737 a/7 fhe {1erf /i7e ofsara'SEcf/on .3Z a1,,yP01171 49Sfeef South offfie /S/orfhwesf cor�erofsardSecfion, fher�ce ,foufh on salt/!'Iles/ /irie of said.S�cf oo 92 /0/- a c/isfaMce of .330 feet; fhel7ce Eosf al7a'on a /17e parol%/ with fhe /`/orfh /1i�e of,said Jecfion fo fhe Easf /pie oifhe (W'Z'l ofsaid Quarter Qaorter / fhernce /YorfA7 a1/d along saidfasf /rye aoisfonce of 330feef, ffieoce a/7d as a /tee/para//e/ wit% Elie /S/orfh Brie 1`o f/iel.50o /i7f of6eyi/7niny, accord/icy ,`O Ae G0ver1-,1177e171 rarvey thereof, have caused' fhe same fo 6e ,suryeyeo' ul7d0/rr17-'eel cis IOyG W0049 14001-10/Y 0117d we c% hereby donate al7ar dedicate lo fhe Public for fhe use of fhe public forever fhe road crud c/rive es shown of the an7exE'Cd/o/af %n wi>`ness whereel we have he1-ez117to s&lour hand's nr7a'sen/s i day ot• „Y�. �- A/> /953. �1 //7 /presence of- . Zoh/7 8/Z- oarn her9 C f,/ V- / Ca//ie /YI. 9/oomber9 Sfafe of /Y/inoesofd S.S, CO 40/y of h'e1717(2�o/// On th/s l day of A. /95 3 ,before me a Alofary?a6/& WiAi 61170/ for vrM/ / Caanf y �ersono//✓ a��earec/ JhnF%E 9/oarnA5rf and Callle N/ /,3/oorn6erq fo me 176r,rO170//y mown A0 6e 70& ,Qers017s A'escri6ed /%7 a' 170/ who executes/ file fareyorng ///sfr411nent a176/0i4170w/e,,11geo/ fhgf they execufec/�`%ie some as �yieir1,-ee ocl /7,,,' dee c% f/ofary Pu6/rc f/enr/E/vin Cour7fy11V1nnesofa •; u,lal /y%y c0/77?I1JS1017 eXO/reS i <ec. Ii7ere6ycerfifyffiafl/�ovesurveyednod�/offed fhe/7roRerfy c�'Escr�6eo'ir� 1141s10/of us .70 yz. w000 f%0,01 r1o/v ; ffiaf th/sp/gf is a free ons/ correc/` e-earese177'491 n ojsvlo'survey, fhafa//dsfaoces are correctly shown on fh6,01411 //7 feefond �O'&Cimn/s oto fao>; Cha/ 113e rnoaurnents for fhe yuidarzce ollfufure sur, eyr hove 6eer7 C01 eci/y,0/aetd iii ffiE► 57/-6z//?C/ CIX ,rh6IW17 an fhe y✓/Q/ and Clio/ ffie outside 6oZ1170101-y lines Czne con"'ecfly o'esi9na/gid on fhe plat Chat fhe fopogro�hy of fhe /and /s cater ecf/y s-hawn a/� fhe/Q�` ant/ Cha/ (here erre no wet lands orlo4lbbe 117/yhways /o 6e desig/7orfeo'o17 fhe lo/af4of/7er Melr7 cls shOW17 fherear> , �Surveyorl l,�cy,/S/a. //88 ,96ove certificate su6rcrihed and sworn fo Before me Chis 3 0 �h c%y of 141?/953 /yof y Pah/ic fi/errl/e�in Ccunfy, Mi%�neJoi�a �/y comrnisslon �xR�res � /O -"�'