HomeMy WebLinkAboutIdylwood Fifth AdditionIDYL WOOD FIFTH ,ADD/TION HENNEP/N COUNT Y-M/NNESOTA SCALE-J/N.= 5OF7* . `o Denotes iron rnonumenf ........ ::.'Z .; LC�r^•i Li �; i.':Y I I I �Yr (i ^ i .?o • .%i -i .:n.� _ _ :v'1.=.�\ =,(w'i I I I I I I ', N. w. Col -''of Sec. 32 T//7 R2/ henaeoinCount monument 2070 T North line of Section 32 T//7, R 2/ IM EXCEPT/ON 33 7¢k 174- I 3 I� U I° �C 0 /74 k ---------i I I I r� �•a I k: I I ': �.': YY�i/Vit • i�\V%ice ^O V M 33 ` 0 v I I 3 I� U I° �C 0 /74 IY, ---------i I I I r� �•a I k: I I V M 33 ` 0 v F ofa s �'° / Q i / /'t4 0 — R AD - P k ark a 207.0 .foufh line of North /S'acres o{Nw% ofN{Y% ofSection32 N Know a// men 6�y these presents that -701717 6 - 6/aom6erq and Ca//ie M 3/oonnherq,husband and wife, owners and proprietors of the fo/lowing describedproperlyy situate in the.itate of Minnesota or/d County oft/ennep/n to wit: - 7 -he westerly 207{eeIof1he North /5 acres of the Northwest Quarter of the Norfhwest Quarter of Section 32 Township //7, Range 2/ /y/ng South of the Horth 30 feelthereof more particular/y described as fo/%ws /,Beyinniny a/ fhe North west `corrterof.Secfion 32 Township //7 Range 2/ h5eoceFast on the north /mcg of said section 207 feet; (hence South para//e/ with the West /she of said Section 32 a distance o/495/eel•thence Westporalle/ with Me North 11i7e of saldrection 207 feet io the Westline ofsaid section; thence North alanq the West/�heo%raid section 495 feet to the point of beginnir/� except the North 3o feet thereof, have caused the same lobe surveyed anciplalled as IoyL woo /FTN fi00/TION and do hdon ve6by e and aed�cate fo the ah/lc for the use of the pu6/ic forever fhe road as shown on fhe anoexedp/af, su6ject to utilily and drainage easements as rhown on the annexed plat. In witness whereof John E. B/oonmberq and Cal/ie M. Bloomberg have hereunto set their hands andsealsthis d— dog re -10 /iQ,1966 Signed �/ ! 6 mY� /n Q presence of Ll� ✓ ido'i � L hn E 31vomba-y Ca//ie M f 1000" erg State of Minnesota S.S. County of h'enn�p/rt rn 6n this_ day of A.D.1966 before me a Notary Public, within and far sa/d County and State personally appeared /oh17 E. Qloombery and Ca//ie M. Bloomberg lo rnepersonally known fo be the rsans named in ona' who executed Me foreyoing /hstrument and they acknow/edged fhaf they executed the some as their ree act crna/ deed. No Pub/rC yenoe i� ntyMinnesv a /�fycomMltS%oneJpires %� �-�" `� Thereby certify fhafIhave surveyed dnd lotted (fie/0roperfy dercri6edin tfiisplat as ion w000 F-FrH Aoo/T/oN, thafthis p/of /sa true and correctrepresentation ofsafdsurvey, that all disfaneesare correctly shown on the platin feet and decimals ofa foot, Mal the monuments for fhe guidance of future surveyshave /oeen correctly placed %n the ground as shown on the plat that the outside baandaries are correctly desiynafed on the plat and that (here are no wetlands orp41611? high ways to be designated an the Plat other than as shown (hereon. Registered Lund Surveyor /�o. //89 State of Minnesota S S. County of//ennepin Above certificate subscribed a/w sworn to before me this day o{ EB AD. tma4 . 40H3?. xVL4Y.5. om = ,arc. Notary Public, Hennepin Count Minnesota My commission expires a oZ3-7/ The boundaries of this plat and the boundaries °;fhe bloc,- (herein haveheen /nalhemaflcal/ychecked avnd approved. /✓o determination has been made to ascerfoin that fhe /eya/ description agrees with saidp/z7t Dated this day of 40. 1966. 6y Elmer•T Peterson Hennepin County Surveyor This plat was approved by the Planning Commission of the Vi/loge of Edina Minnesota this %lL dayof ri PLANy/NG COMM/ss/ON OF E4/NA m1NsesorA ,3y (cJ. Chairman'p,., cm %his p/at was approved and accepted by (fie Village Council ofEdina; Minnesotd at a regular meeting thereof field this day of �.br•` � ,4/� /966 VILLAGE COUNCIL or ED/NA MINNESOTA By 1 m 4 y t- rr C Y%n ,9y Village Manage j� I 3 I� U I° �C 0 /74 IY, F ofa s �'° / Q i / /'t4 0 — R AD - P k ark a 207.0 .foufh line of North /S'acres o{Nw% ofN{Y% ofSection32 N Know a// men 6�y these presents that -701717 6 - 6/aom6erq and Ca//ie M 3/oonnherq,husband and wife, owners and proprietors of the fo/lowing describedproperlyy situate in the.itate of Minnesota or/d County oft/ennep/n to wit: - 7 -he westerly 207{eeIof1he North /5 acres of the Northwest Quarter of the Norfhwest Quarter of Section 32 Township //7, Range 2/ /y/ng South of the Horth 30 feelthereof more particular/y described as fo/%ws /,Beyinniny a/ fhe North west `corrterof.Secfion 32 Township //7 Range 2/ h5eoceFast on the north /mcg of said section 207 feet; (hence South para//e/ with the West /she of said Section 32 a distance o/495/eel•thence Westporalle/ with Me North 11i7e of saldrection 207 feet io the Westline ofsaid section; thence North alanq the West/�heo%raid section 495 feet to the point of beginnir/� except the North 3o feet thereof, have caused the same lobe surveyed anciplalled as IoyL woo /FTN fi00/TION and do hdon ve6by e and aed�cate fo the ah/lc for the use of the pu6/ic forever fhe road as shown on fhe anoexedp/af, su6ject to utilily and drainage easements as rhown on the annexed plat. In witness whereof John E. B/oonmberq and Cal/ie M. Bloomberg have hereunto set their hands andsealsthis d— dog re -10 /iQ,1966 Signed �/ ! 6 mY� /n Q presence of Ll� ✓ ido'i � L hn E 31vomba-y Ca//ie M f 1000" erg State of Minnesota S.S. County of h'enn�p/rt rn 6n this_ day of A.D.1966 before me a Notary Public, within and far sa/d County and State personally appeared /oh17 E. Qloombery and Ca//ie M. Bloomberg lo rnepersonally known fo be the rsans named in ona' who executed Me foreyoing /hstrument and they acknow/edged fhaf they executed the some as their ree act crna/ deed. No Pub/rC yenoe i� ntyMinnesv a /�fycomMltS%oneJpires %� �-�" `� Thereby certify fhafIhave surveyed dnd lotted (fie/0roperfy dercri6edin tfiisplat as ion w000 F-FrH Aoo/T/oN, thafthis p/of /sa true and correctrepresentation ofsafdsurvey, that all disfaneesare correctly shown on the platin feet and decimals ofa foot, Mal the monuments for fhe guidance of future surveyshave /oeen correctly placed %n the ground as shown on the plat that the outside baandaries are correctly desiynafed on the plat and that (here are no wetlands orp41611? high ways to be designated an the Plat other than as shown (hereon. Registered Lund Surveyor /�o. //89 State of Minnesota S S. County of//ennepin Above certificate subscribed a/w sworn to before me this day o{ EB AD. tma4 . 40H3?. xVL4Y.5. om = ,arc. Notary Public, Hennepin Count Minnesota My commission expires a oZ3-7/ The boundaries of this plat and the boundaries °;fhe bloc,- (herein haveheen /nalhemaflcal/ychecked avnd approved. /✓o determination has been made to ascerfoin that fhe /eya/ description agrees with saidp/z7t Dated this day of 40. 1966. 6y Elmer•T Peterson Hennepin County Surveyor This plat was approved by the Planning Commission of the Vi/loge of Edina Minnesota this %lL dayof ri PLANy/NG COMM/ss/ON OF E4/NA m1NsesorA ,3y (cJ. Chairman'p,., cm %his p/at was approved and accepted by (fie Village Council ofEdina; Minnesotd at a regular meeting thereof field this day of �.br•` � ,4/� /966 VILLAGE COUNCIL or ED/NA MINNESOTA By 1 m 4 y t- rr C Y%n ,9y Village Manage j� I F ofa s �'° / Q i / /'t4 0 — R AD - P k ark a 207.0 .foufh line of North /S'acres o{Nw% ofN{Y% ofSection32 N Know a// men 6�y these presents that -701717 6 - 6/aom6erq and Ca//ie M 3/oonnherq,husband and wife, owners and proprietors of the fo/lowing describedproperlyy situate in the.itate of Minnesota or/d County oft/ennep/n to wit: - 7 -he westerly 207{eeIof1he North /5 acres of the Northwest Quarter of the Norfhwest Quarter of Section 32 Township //7, Range 2/ /y/ng South of the Horth 30 feelthereof more particular/y described as fo/%ws /,Beyinniny a/ fhe North west `corrterof.Secfion 32 Township //7 Range 2/ h5eoceFast on the north /mcg of said section 207 feet; (hence South para//e/ with the West /she of said Section 32 a distance o/495/eel•thence Westporalle/ with Me North 11i7e of saldrection 207 feet io the Westline ofsaid section; thence North alanq the West/�heo%raid section 495 feet to the point of beginnir/� except the North 3o feet thereof, have caused the same lobe surveyed anciplalled as IoyL woo /FTN fi00/TION and do hdon ve6by e and aed�cate fo the ah/lc for the use of the pu6/ic forever fhe road as shown on fhe anoexedp/af, su6ject to utilily and drainage easements as rhown on the annexed plat. In witness whereof John E. B/oonmberq and Cal/ie M. Bloomberg have hereunto set their hands andsealsthis d— dog re -10 /iQ,1966 Signed �/ ! 6 mY� /n Q presence of Ll� ✓ ido'i � L hn E 31vomba-y Ca//ie M f 1000" erg State of Minnesota S.S. County of h'enn�p/rt rn 6n this_ day of A.D.1966 before me a Notary Public, within and far sa/d County and State personally appeared /oh17 E. Qloombery and Ca//ie M. Bloomberg lo rnepersonally known fo be the rsans named in ona' who executed Me foreyoing /hstrument and they acknow/edged fhaf they executed the some as their ree act crna/ deed. No Pub/rC yenoe i� ntyMinnesv a /�fycomMltS%oneJpires %� �-�" `� Thereby certify fhafIhave surveyed dnd lotted (fie/0roperfy dercri6edin tfiisplat as ion w000 F-FrH Aoo/T/oN, thafthis p/of /sa true and correctrepresentation ofsafdsurvey, that all disfaneesare correctly shown on the platin feet and decimals ofa foot, Mal the monuments for fhe guidance of future surveyshave /oeen correctly placed %n the ground as shown on the plat that the outside baandaries are correctly desiynafed on the plat and that (here are no wetlands orp41611? high ways to be designated an the Plat other than as shown (hereon. Registered Lund Surveyor /�o. //89 State of Minnesota S S. County of//ennepin Above certificate subscribed a/w sworn to before me this day o{ EB AD. tma4 . 40H3?. xVL4Y.5. om = ,arc. Notary Public, Hennepin Count Minnesota My commission expires a oZ3-7/ The boundaries of this plat and the boundaries °;fhe bloc,- (herein haveheen /nalhemaflcal/ychecked avnd approved. /✓o determination has been made to ascerfoin that fhe /eya/ description agrees with saidp/z7t Dated this day of 40. 1966. 6y Elmer•T Peterson Hennepin County Surveyor This plat was approved by the Planning Commission of the Vi/loge of Edina Minnesota this %lL dayof ri PLANy/NG COMM/ss/ON OF E4/NA m1NsesorA ,3y (cJ. Chairman'p,., cm %his p/at was approved and accepted by (fie Village Council ofEdina; Minnesotd at a regular meeting thereof field this day of �.br•` � ,4/� /966 VILLAGE COUNCIL or ED/NA MINNESOTA By 1 m 4 y t- rr C Y%n ,9y Village Manage j�