HomeMy WebLinkAboutIdylwood Fourth AdditionIDYL WOOD FOURTH ADD/T/ON NENNEP/N COUNTY , MINNESOTA SCA L E - I /N.: 60FT. I /76.97 I 2 /O. Oo North /i�P o/%g/oc�- 3 Idyiwoac/ 9�Addifion 3 �jLQ tis V r-r•� � N 'Y t sS' �i/ifies ecrsernenf 2 a � 04.0 t V /76.66 ' 2 , z Sea o ,h �b 0 4,-2,2¢.3( G• ti h oh I^ aV 0 Iron mon. N pN`q o ry Q^. S.W. cor. of Sec 29 I M PIAIE GROVE ROAD Iron I I � 0 1 H D4///of 1 T N �( vra'I rN o � I °I X41 dol /ran Mon, L11 -4n 'Iron MOM 3 ZSoufh line oysw% olrXec.217 zi / I Tfie boundaries of lhis plal area' fhe 6our7daries 01117e h/oCX- #77erern helve been malhe/naficu/ly checked evndaporoved, No defeririinofion has peen made to ascertain fhaf fhe /eye/ description agrees wifh saiq'/J/af ar/ea'fh/s clay of ./{/> / Ira I, ,6y /Yowarc/ W. Perk;//s h`enne/oin County Surveyor Know all men by these presents that .7a/7/7E. ,'loom herylnc,4'Minnesola loi-poraf/on, oivr/er and/�ro/�-refor of fhe fo/%w/ny described property sifucfe /i7 fhe Slole WRIM nesofd aoe/ County of f/enneP/n to wil,,- That part of the South west //¢ of M e South west %¢ of fhe Soufhovesf 4 of'J'eelion 2 9, Township //7, far79e 21 ly;nq ,South of a 11,-7edrawn from apo /r/ an fhe Wesl 1117e ofs'olc/ SOuti7wesf %¢a/ fhe Southwesf%¢ offhc Soufiiwesf% distant /as,5-feet South along said Wes,?' //i7e from The NorhSwestcomer (hereof fo alvoinf oh Me East /she of said .zovlhwesl%¢ of �efoufhwesl% offheSoufhwesf%gdirsfanf /68.5 feef3o�rfh along rain"Fast line from 1h /Yorlheasf comer 117ereof exee f fhafparf (hereof ern15raeecl/r/ /17e /2/4r,14 o/ 1dy/wood Th/ic/ flddifior7, accord/meq fo fhe 4/ S. Coyernmer7f survey (hereof, has causes/ fhe same fo 6e surveyed and platted ar 10rL wooer 9oolrlo/v and elo hereby dooafe and deal/cafe to fhepub/icforhhe use of Meloubl1c forever fhe road a17d drive as shown on fhe ernnexed p/af ru6jecffo ufi/i�`ies andsfreet ,easements as shown on 11 -he annexed p/af In w/fness whereof f hn 4 15/oom13er917,W, has ca Used (hese preser/fs fo be s/fined by /fs presidenfand vice /21-es/de/n t and its corporate sea/ fn he hereUnfo affiXed fh/s 22 dewy o,�' 4/o v. r9.1,>. /96/. In Presence of S/gned .%hn E./com/�erq Ino. lgy President Vice Pre.na'enf 7 Slate of Mli�nesofa' )_ SS County of Hennepin 7 On fh/s 2,g clay of IVn ACJ 174;1 hefore cne a lYofar>110W& within area' forsaa/ i Caunfy and Sfa71e persona//y aloReared �/ehn E. /,3/aornfier9 and Ca//ie M. 9/ooI74erq, fo me,Oersona//y mown, who be/ny !y vne du// sworr7 slid .ray fhaf They erre ret/oecfive/y Presider�l` enol Vise P/'esic%r�to ' ./017,-7 E. /3/oom berg Inc. I'he coroarafior named 1-1,7 /`he fore9o1n9 fhe sea/ c�ffiXed /`o sardiasfruineaf r.s (fie corporate sea/o/'saic,/ carporafion; fh�rf sale' /i7strurr7enf was siynea' and sea/ea/ i/7 heha/f of saicfcorParafioo 6y authority of ifs Board ofl>/rectors crud fhaf f ho E.15/oamherq &/7d Cal/ie M.1,3foomfoera aaFnowleo/ ec/said /n.rtrumer/f fo 6e fhe free def and deea/ of .said corporat/on . u -v Public Y.,; Notary bub//c, h'enneo/i7 Cdunf , Mii7nesol�cs' A4- IVY commission Iherel,y serf/jy fhaf I Piave ru1-veyea1andp/affect fhe property a'escribed in lh/slo/at as loYLwooaFoaprH Aoo/r/o/v; fh of (his pleat is a• free and correct representation of - raio'.survey,' fhaf a// d/stances are correct/y shown on ffieplatlr7 teetered c%cima/sofa foot lhaffhe monuments for the 9u/o'anee oy'fafure xarveyr have been Correct/yp/aced in fhe 9rouna asshown on fheP/df; fhatfhe outside bouna'orries are correct/y c%siynafea/017117e lolall crud fhaf (here are no wet /area's arpuh/ic h19hwaysfo bedes/ynated on they/at other Phan asshown thereon, 731'91ji;aoG�c/ �('cy;stereo Land Surveyor No. //86 state Of MlnneSdfd Coanty of/fer2/ e7 '/ 1 SS Above cerfificale subscribes/ and sworn lo hefore /neopfc `CQ Notary Pub/i?, /%nnepir7 Counfyl /Wnesola /Ylycomn7ission expires /o -a.3 - Ze This plat was approved by fhe Planning Con7mission of /he Village of Edinor /YIIr/nesofd /his 3;,u day of 5EPT. AD. 1W. PLANKIiYG COMMISS/ON oFErO/NR, MINNESOTA W C'h airman %his plat was approved and accepted by (fie 11///4v9e at dregr./la/- meetiny lhereof held /h/s ZS'rH VILLAGE COG//`ICIL OF ED/NA t4/ E TA Sy Presio'en>l Sy C1ivr — Vi//age �'lar� ger N a. N oh °I 3� I o N I�ol r� I33, t:> I 92.30 I •� I � o I e r , I I N I I I � i I N� I v o I 1 i \� I I � I i I I I I I ( I � IDYL WOOD FOURTH ADD/T/ON NENNEP/N COUNTY , MINNESOTA SCA L E - I /N.: 60FT. I /76.97 I 2 /O. Oo North /i�P o/%g/oc�- 3 Idyiwoac/ 9�Addifion 3 �jLQ tis V r-r•� � N 'Y t sS' �i/ifies ecrsernenf 2 a � 04.0 t V /76.66 ' 2 , z Sea o ,h �b 0 4,-2,2¢.3( G• ti h oh I^ aV 0 Iron mon. N pN`q o ry Q^. S.W. cor. of Sec 29 I M PIAIE GROVE ROAD Iron I I � 0 1 H D4///of 1 T N �( vra'I rN o � I °I X41 dol /ran Mon, L11 -4n 'Iron MOM 3 ZSoufh line oysw% olrXec.217 zi / I Tfie boundaries of lhis plal area' fhe 6our7daries 01117e h/oCX- #77erern helve been malhe/naficu/ly checked evndaporoved, No defeririinofion has peen made to ascertain fhaf fhe /eye/ description agrees wifh saiq'/J/af ar/ea'fh/s clay of ./{/> / Ira I, ,6y /Yowarc/ W. Perk;//s h`enne/oin County Surveyor Know all men by these presents that .7a/7/7E. ,'loom herylnc,4'Minnesola loi-poraf/on, oivr/er and/�ro/�-refor of fhe fo/%w/ny described property sifucfe /i7 fhe Slole WRIM nesofd aoe/ County of f/enneP/n to wil,,- That part of the South west //¢ of M e South west %¢ of fhe Soufhovesf 4 of'J'eelion 2 9, Township //7, far79e 21 ly;nq ,South of a 11,-7edrawn from apo /r/ an fhe Wesl 1117e ofs'olc/ SOuti7wesf %¢a/ fhe Southwesf%¢ offhc Soufiiwesf% distant /as,5-feet South along said Wes,?' //i7e from The NorhSwestcomer (hereof fo alvoinf oh Me East /she of said .zovlhwesl%¢ of �efoufhwesl% offheSoufhwesf%gdirsfanf /68.5 feef3o�rfh along rain"Fast line from 1h /Yorlheasf comer 117ereof exee f fhafparf (hereof ern15raeecl/r/ /17e /2/4r,14 o/ 1dy/wood Th/ic/ flddifior7, accord/meq fo fhe 4/ S. Coyernmer7f survey (hereof, has causes/ fhe same fo 6e surveyed and platted ar 10rL wooer 9oolrlo/v and elo hereby dooafe and deal/cafe to fhepub/icforhhe use of Meloubl1c forever fhe road a17d drive as shown on fhe ernnexed p/af ru6jecffo ufi/i�`ies andsfreet ,easements as shown on 11 -he annexed p/af In w/fness whereof f hn 4 15/oom13er917,W, has ca Used (hese preser/fs fo be s/fined by /fs presidenfand vice /21-es/de/n t and its corporate sea/ fn he hereUnfo affiXed fh/s 22 dewy o,�' 4/o v. r9.1,>. /96/. In Presence of S/gned .%hn E./com/�erq Ino. lgy President Vice Pre.na'enf 7 Slate of Mli�nesofa' )_ SS County of Hennepin 7 On fh/s 2,g clay of IVn ACJ 174;1 hefore cne a lYofar>110W& within area' forsaa/ i Caunfy and Sfa71e persona//y aloReared �/ehn E. /,3/aornfier9 and Ca//ie M. 9/ooI74erq, fo me,Oersona//y mown, who be/ny !y vne du// sworr7 slid .ray fhaf They erre ret/oecfive/y Presider�l` enol Vise P/'esic%r�to ' ./017,-7 E. /3/oom berg Inc. I'he coroarafior named 1-1,7 /`he fore9o1n9 fhe sea/ c�ffiXed /`o sardiasfruineaf r.s (fie corporate sea/o/'saic,/ carporafion; fh�rf sale' /i7strurr7enf was siynea' and sea/ea/ i/7 heha/f of saicfcorParafioo 6y authority of ifs Board ofl>/rectors crud fhaf f ho E.15/oamherq &/7d Cal/ie M.1,3foomfoera aaFnowleo/ ec/said /n.rtrumer/f fo 6e fhe free def and deea/ of .said corporat/on . u -v Public Y.,; Notary bub//c, h'enneo/i7 Cdunf , Mii7nesol�cs' A4- IVY commission Iherel,y serf/jy fhaf I Piave ru1-veyea1andp/affect fhe property a'escribed in lh/slo/at as loYLwooaFoaprH Aoo/r/o/v; fh of (his pleat is a• free and correct representation of - raio'.survey,' fhaf a// d/stances are correct/y shown on ffieplatlr7 teetered c%cima/sofa foot lhaffhe monuments for the 9u/o'anee oy'fafure xarveyr have been Correct/yp/aced in fhe 9rouna asshown on fheP/df; fhatfhe outside bouna'orries are correct/y c%siynafea/017117e lolall crud fhaf (here are no wet /area's arpuh/ic h19hwaysfo bedes/ynated on they/at other Phan asshown thereon, 731'91ji;aoG�c/ �('cy;stereo Land Surveyor No. //86 state Of MlnneSdfd Coanty of/fer2/ e7 '/ 1 SS Above cerfificale subscribes/ and sworn lo hefore /neopfc `CQ Notary Pub/i?, /%nnepir7 Counfyl /Wnesola /Ylycomn7ission expires /o -a.3 - Ze This plat was approved by fhe Planning Con7mission of /he Village of Edinor /YIIr/nesofd /his 3;,u day of 5EPT. AD. 1W. PLANKIiYG COMMISS/ON oFErO/NR, MINNESOTA W C'h airman %his plat was approved and accepted by (fie 11///4v9e at dregr./la/- meetiny lhereof held /h/s ZS'rH VILLAGE COG//`ICIL OF ED/NA t4/ E TA Sy Presio'en>l Sy C1ivr — Vi//age �'lar� ger i I I Idy/woad 3 ?Ac/diion I I I • IIDyL w000 FOURTH ADDI room h N` HENNEP/N CouNT Y MINNESOTA , SCALE-.I//Y.: (Q FT. ooi I r) 3� o � I I � � s.w,e-orofl1See29I I RIME .:> • I 9L!�0' S' s' (/fi/ifies evsemenf o v d o r �P ' /7c•97 .. I 4 vol 45 v^A R: �r a '�, North /ihP 0d"R/1cAl-.3 te. i I I Idy/woad 3 ?Ac/diion I I I • I r) i � I I � � s.w,e-orofl1See29I I RIME GRo VE I ROAD / t i I The 6oc/ndaries of this p/al and the boundaries of the block lherern have been m athemat/cal/y cfreched crr�d cil✓oro vear. No dele,- nir/a1ron hqs .been /Wade to ascertain that the /e9a/description agreeswith saia'p/al /Jaled th/s 3 Clay of l �" hroworc/ W. erki/25. ftenneroin Count. Surveyor x /ron Mon. /ron Mon. Know all men by these presents that Jahn E. dloom herylnc., c/ Minnesota lorporafion owner andproprietar of the fol%wing described properly situate //� the Slate ol'M/�7nesola' and County of" Henneorn to wit.•- That /cart of the Soulh west //¢ of lh e South west %¢ ot'the Soulh ovesl //4 of Section 29 Towrshio //7, Range 21 /yin9 Sou/h of a //ne drawn from a,00iaf on the west line ofsalo, Soufi/iwesf %4 olelhe Southwest/¢ ofiYc. ,9'oufhwest * d/stool /68.Sfeet .South a/on9 said 1Mesl Ai/e from the Northwest corner thereof to al✓oint o/? the Easlline ofsaid ,s"rufhwest%¢a/thefoulhwo-rl offhcSouf%west%dislar�t /6B.sfect,3oulha/ort9said,�ast line from the Northeast corner-lhereof excelt thatearlthereofernhracec/rr7 hhep/atolvdy/wood Th/rd flddition, 4recorc//r/q to the U. S. Coverrrme17t survey (hereof, has caused the same fo be sarveyed anal p/atled as IDYL w000 Foc%e r v f/oo/rioN and elo hereby doneite unci dedicate to Me p u, /&- for th e use Of the pub//c forever the road and drive as shown on the e/nnexed p/al, subject to uti/mics ea ements as shown on the annexed Plat" In w/fness whereof ohne. e/eomhergl17c, has caused fherePresenls to he s/917edby 115loresidentand vice /;resia'ent and X& corporate sea/ its be hereunto evff xed lhrs doh of A./� /9G/• In presence of s/yned John E. 13100.,77her9,117c. &y Presic%n �y Vice Preridenf Slate of Minnesota ))s.� County of Hennepin 7 On this elaya/ 4 P /9G/ h%re me allotaryPuhll� w;117 47 and forsa/d Caunly and Male /2ersona//y apRcared John E. /3/oomfierf and Ca//ie M. rg/oomferq, to me,Oersona//y,6ewn, who be/f iy me du// rworrr, -iid say that they erre-etvecllve/y PreSrdenf anal t/ite President of ./oho E. /loom herq Inc•, the c01-10ora4/6n named /r? the forego /n9 /nstrurnenf, thal the sea/ affixed fo saidivstrument IX the corporate sea/ol said corpora>`ion; that Baia' /hslrumenl H.as signed ane/ sea/ea' in i✓eha/f at"Jdidcorporofico 6y authority of its 3oard ofDirectors and that f fin E. 16/00177�erq a174v(Ca//ie N/. /3/oornhery aaFnow/edged said /n.rAl-Um ent to 6e the free act and deea/ of raid corporal/cn . Notary Pu6/ic, h/ennepin County, Xlioesolld My cornmisaion expires Ihere6y certify That I Piave surveyed andp/attea'the properly described io lh/s/0/at or .7o YL w000 couRrH .9 ori/r/o/Y; t/i of lhis p/ort /.s a trae and correct representation of said survey,- that a// d/slant es are correctly shown on they/al/r� feetcrnd decima/sofa't°oof• Mal Me monuments lo, -Me 9u/b/ance of future ,rurveyr have been correct/yp/aced i/rnthe grouna'asshowrn on the plal; fhatthe outside boundaries are correctly des/ynafea/on the plat and chat there are no wel lands orpuh/ic 17/9hwaysto 6edes/ynated on Meplal other than asshown lhereo,7, �73 xi-734ao�cel /Pey;sfered Land Surveyor No. //88 Rafe of M/nnesota County Of11enne/0i1/ 1 rs Above certificate subscribed and sworn to before me lhi.sc?—c/ayoj�Etx./7. - Notary Pub/ic, t/ennepin G'ounfy/ Minnesolq, MY commission expires /o az- 6 f4 This p/at was ap oved 6y the P/anoint' �'Ommission of the Vi//crye o% Eaina/, lV/nneso1o)417 /'-f 1 -3w -t, day of PGANNrNG COMM/S,f/ONO /NA, S A Qy Chairman %his p/al was approved and accepted by the Village Lounc;/ of Edna Aft; nesola at e1-e9a1ar meeting thereof he/d /h/s .2,5-+k day aflAr�/� 14.0. /961. Y V/41-666 694INc/4 OFE/7/NA, M/N ESOTA ay President M Vi//age Manager