HomeMy WebLinkAboutIdylwood Second Addition10 YL W 0 0 D SECOND ADD i TION HENNEPI N COUNTY, M/1,/1VESO TA cSCALE 414) . =SOFT. I I \� Li17eIvara//e/ with and 495 Joufh al' -117e 1i2e of pec. 32- T//7 -R21 v Iraq mon CC5. 70 /rdnman.� 0 -:0 / 140 f /40.3s 9�0 Sa.Az- ," � /89.9 ��" G Edsemen� for 1111/17ies b o p ti Q I l� Lan4rnar� /40 _ /37.45125 O 1 0 <, r f j v,~ m u°, IDYL W000 DR1YE145 Z 90 �asernonf for 1171/'lies ti3$ SO ' J3 "77 ,------- 145 ' /67/5 �t 8�N H16HW000 DRIVE to, r--/re/2 mon• — — — — \--;--' =�= — — - - 7es ¢z 667.57 11,je Ioara!/e/ w11h alw( 823-'Xoufh c17417 Narfh /ne iofJe-c� 3Z.. 7-117 -R21 1 < j (: c`%%;;`�i�i J'>.'C•�:ail_, si r �;, , Checkec/Way o/ 40n.1 41.) /955 1 �—,e �e,'ZJ / ' Hennes/;, CoU�y sUrveyo�- f1919110VW('y fhe V//aqe o�fdna 7°/ar7r�ih� Camrrilss�or� /FD. /95S GV - 7h -1 v l� ChairmarJ 1 Thais p/al was appro✓ed 0174 accepted 6y fhe Vi%lage Council of'E:na N/irnesofv 016711,e7alar Ir7cefii7g thereof he/d 7`h/ s c/a o k170w a//men 6 y 1/7ese pre seals fhaf r/e/7r7 E /3/oorn6ery /nc.� a cor�✓orv�/oi� oryanizeel under 1he/aws of the J�fale of�nneso7`c7 owner ane/ roIW-lefar of fhe fo//a�vii�9 �t'escri6ed �ro�✓erf si7`uafe Irl fhe �'fafe of�nnesofa gad Cour7fy v1/�ennepin 11-a W11 TheL'C:a ne-hal (F%/off afoor/offhe/Yorfhwesfl�unrfer(N{Y%%o/` ie/S/orfhtYesf�luor�`er(/YIY%%ofXec111an7Jiit7y-7"vo(32J 75`y17fh�0 01�ef/Undreo'feven1`eer!(//7j, .,Page Ti- er7ly -017(20 Wes( of the fij�ffi Princi/�o1/�'IeriQibn whiff is desc,-ided as fo/%w�; /�eginr�inson fhe We�f//tee of o'cric�.Secfioi� Zhir�'y-fi�v(2}afapoinf Iour/✓undr=(N!ne/yf ve 415 fee,74 S02b* offfie Narfhyvesf coroei-af saicf�3'ectioi�; f/ienee J"ou;`h on sold 1�/esf /ir7 e o7rfsaid �SeGt/on Thirty fyvo (�Z) for c7 C7/'WL7r7c e ol Three HundredV 7'fiirf jY (330) feel; (hence East and on a /inel✓ara//e/ w%fh fhe iyorf/i /lie ofsold-leefion to fheEal>` /ne of said �uarler9uc�rter; (hence North ar7d a/or77 sa/cf /rie a ciisfance of ThreeNunar-ed 7h%r/y (330J feel ; thence Wes( and on a //7e parai/e/ wiyh 1h /yorth /17e of <raid cecfion fo fhe polllf of heyir7nin� accorgii7� f6 7Ye L/i�i/e�S 1�es 6�averr?177e17f survey ffj ere of has Caused fhe Baine fo bC suryeyeo'and/J/a#CdaX2,0Yl- w000 JSECONIJ 1%vv1rfl7N ane/ c% here( y doaa�e and c%//cafe fo use of'fiej�u6/ic ore ver fhe c/rs iveasshown on Ahe annexedp/afof shaWn on 117e /77 wifi7ess xhereolc/oha E /.�/oon76erc, Inc. has eaaxed *is li�csII urner?1-11`o /Je,71rec( al&%7e0/ea' by ifs �resiaier�el anc/a-ecrefaryfhis / clay of r� �� 117. /95� /n/✓resehce of �Thn � f�/a�rr;%er9Jt 5 ell <Secrefary ,SIale of /171nnesat¢ 55 County of /yennep7h . On fh/s ////t� clay o�/r%<.%�'�-c /� /J. /95".S f✓efore rr7 e, a 1"/010r y Pub/c Wlhh117 ane/ far sale/ County /�ersor�o//y A/�pearec/ .Tohn E lg/cwm I- % ane! G'4//ie /Y//,�/oaln fe mepers-ona//y `70Wn, who being fvy!rIe each cu// sworn q'ira'�sa y Thal /hey are reroecfive/y Prev-ic%r7f and �eCrefar y 0/%hn E. /<3/oom6er9 InC. , e cor�✓orafian names/ Iii Ah e foreyo/nyp Ii7SfrUm&,?/ thaf7Ye se4/r7ff%,ved ho salt//ns7`w1ve17 Is 1h corporate Oreo/ of said cor/�ora>`iantha�sa/c//nsfrument was siynec/ and,seaiec//r7 behal{ofJaid cor�or7ahar� by authority Of111S boars/ of C�lirecfors anc(fhaf John E 13160`f`57 ane( Ca/Ge Al13/oorn6er 7 aek17ow/edge ea,1d !a r7lrurnenf fo 6e 1h e � free ael and weed of maid corpora¢%orr . Notary Pu6/rc, #e77(7 eP/17 Cour fy, M/noesofa My corrlrn/ss7on eX/✓ires�__r��; fi�� rr' I he✓e6y eer/if y (hof I have surveyec/ an%/a><>`ecf >`he�roper7`y c%scri6ea'/ii firs �a/e� cls IO YL WOO/J /ECON/� fI�JO/T/ON,' /hal >`/i/s/af is c� (rue c7'r7a' correct re/�resen>`afion o f fsa/d sur vey 1ha l all d/.stances are eorrec�ly showr7 on file p/af Irl fee/ wanell crecia7a/s of a food; ,`hal fhe 177o17a wenfs for fhe cguic/anee of °future rur ye y s have been correct/yam/aced /r7 ;%e9rounc/ ar shower on Me 12/af ane/;`ha7` fhe ou><sic% f,9ouncfary /rhes are correc7�/y o%siynaferyorl 7Y�eIo/af; �`haf,`Fie fopa9raT✓hyof >�ie 1a174'1,T correct/y rl7c wn o17 71iie p/c9f c�ncl 7`ha>< I4here are r)o wet /ane/s or/✓2dllc hlglmays to 6eq a/e si9na/ec/ on fhe /-?/af ocher 756a17 a s s-hiowr7 f%iereoi7 ��� 'S"ur ve yor - AM 1- h,jye certificate o-u6JCI-�bedand sworn fo before me fhls `r dayof �,L �`t/J/165 CA.0L N. NEWTON nenne9in county, Minn. ."-t.. : v Commission ExwU W. 15, 1907 Notary 104',611C /. IJer717ep/17 Caur7fy Mnnesot`a /Ylycommiss7or7 eXpires � -'s