HomeMy WebLinkAboutIdylwood Sixth AdditionIDYLWOOD SIXTH ADD/TION /37. pG PINE GROVE ROAD 1 " M lz Q ,c;`-.,�•� =;,ter \ I ;rSourh /inPojuulklf/, Adoitian_yWes P/NE /29.7y �7O'�_ _GROVE Q:Bt/o 1 �297s-- HENNEP//Y CovNTY-M/NNESOTA SCALE - 11N.=50F7'• Bearings are OJ --famed '0" Oenolef /'ran rnpnL//rIe/If � C o� N h w — — — — — Lin e be twee? Sections 2 9 dr 32 T//7 R2 / ROA 0 r .. /26.57 ^;_.�'C,�C�,.�_"•rias+�r.�Ji.. ..i4'11r-i .`{.7illr�t;:,y (,7r%[LVL_ O \� 000 /20 /Zo b e%gj l Nor/h 11,7 -r of Oullot 1 Jdy/wood fouryfi Ao�/ifion o ses s•E zsB 20 _- � Utilities easeme17 — — — /0 ,t. 4 1 LOCX Z 1„ c SL a S 4 ° 3 M oaov 2 V ai . /37. pG PINE GROVE ROAD 1 " M lz Q ,c;`-.,�•� =;,ter \ I ;rSourh /inPojuulklf/, Adoitian_yWes P/NE /29.7y �7O'�_ _GROVE Q:Bt/o 1 �297s-- HENNEP//Y CovNTY-M/NNESOTA SCALE - 11N.=50F7'• Bearings are OJ --famed '0" Oenolef /'ran rnpnL//rIe/If � C o� N h w — — — — — Lin e be twee? Sections 2 9 dr 32 T//7 R2 / ROA 0 r .. /26.57 __ ____ •- •-i, i.- am :,.1` (,7r%[LVL_ O \� 000 /20 /Zo b e%gj o ( ' W ,t. 1 LOCX Z 1„ c C a S 4 ° 3 M 1 /37. pG PINE GROVE ROAD 1 " M lz Q ,c;`-.,�•� =;,ter \ I ;rSourh /inPojuulklf/, Adoitian_yWes P/NE /29.7y �7O'�_ _GROVE Q:Bt/o 1 �297s-- HENNEP//Y CovNTY-M/NNESOTA SCALE - 11N.=50F7'• Bearings are OJ --famed '0" Oenolef /'ran rnpnL//rIe/If � C o� N h w — — — — — Lin e be twee? Sections 2 9 dr 32 T//7 R2 / ROA 0 r .. /26.57 __ ____ •- •-i, i.- am :,.1` (,7r%[LVL_ nv,l✓ 000 /20 /Zo b e%gj o � Wert/riltotLof6 fo�yPn%touirve 1 LOCX Z 6 " c o a S 4 ° 3 M 45 N U N a•9d $ �� 14-f 2 �fieseas4"77enf L.3-ouifi lisle of puf/o/.7,IdyIwo od Thi�d/9dditon The houndar-iesof lhis,olat and the haundar/es of1he NocksXherein have heel? malhemafica//y checker(and apProved. No delerm%rdlion hasbeen made to ascertain that the legal description aqrees with said plat Dahed Phis day of /413 1964 - By /yowara' W. Perkin s Hennepin County Surveyor. co.00 N L- A: Know o'// men 6y these Presents that Jahn F, lYleomhery /ncacorlooralianargan/Ze4/ under the laws of the Slale ofMirinesata, oof fhefo/%wio9desciibed properly irilvale i/-7 1 -(he State ofMirlrlesota and County ofllennepin /a wit- Oaf1411, fdy/wood Third Aa(dilion and Out/at1 lClylwoad Four'112 hyfo!/ie/�/al lherd�fon fi/e /� lr4eGff/cpofj//ree�rsfrorofTit,�s, hascausedlfie someto�p/at�edasl�rLwvaoSxr�Aoo��ioh' anddaes hereby donate clod dedicate to 1h public for fhe use ofthe1.-)uh/reforever fhe road as shown on fhe &n/Iexecl pial subject to utility e°asernerlsasxhown on the annexed plat. 1n witness whereof John z- B/oo/nhery Inc. hcs caused /hese presents lb6e siynea' andsealed by ils preSic%nf tyro' vice president chis q'd y of Ali. / gW 4, Signed .In presence of JOHN E. BC oov/geR6 J/yc. 8y President By 7Vice President State of Minnesota l County of Hennepin J SS On this /oy4, clay A:0/964, before me, a Malary Pub/ic wilhinardfor salt/ 6041171y and Stale persona//y appeared John Ei51aom6el- a7 a//PAlglhom,sery — – to me persona//y fro wn, who 6einy by me du/y sworn did say that they are r esPaclively Presider f arc/ Vice Presi4enl of John E. Bloom berg 1rc. fhe corporalioo -- nc/med /i> the foreyo/ny /rlslrlllrlenll Mal fhesea/affixed to said /nstrL//nenlis the Corporale sea/of saic/corpordtian Thal raic/ 1;7511-41177&171 wds signedand Sea/ed in behalf of said corporal✓on 6y aulharity of /ls Board 0'0/re /o rs and that .Toho E, Bloo/nhery and Ca//re M. B/oomhery acEnow/ed9ed�said /rstrumcnfto 6e •.� the free acil crud deed of Baia' carooration O olaryPuhhi, Hennepin Courty,,v/innesafa } My commission expires Ma�L ZC,M-,,, I hereby certify lhal 1 have ,Purveyed and Platted fhepraperly age( scribedin this p/al as Id),L WOOD SIXTH ADD/TIo/y, /hal Phis plal /s a bve and carred reoreferllall,sn afsaidsurvey,lhataf/aislances erre carred/yshowra on 1h /0 in feet and decirrla/s of a foot, thal fhe monuments for fhe gal,olcnce of futuresarveyshoveheer colrecl/yplaced /h the ground as -rho w/7 on the plcl, lhal fhe outsic% baurdaries are correct/y a'esifnaled on the plat dnd that (here care na wel landsorpu6/ic highways to 6e designated on the plal ollier than as shown Thereon. Pegis tered Land Surve yar No. //B8. ,State 0f/%111-11esata County of Hennep, � SS. flfio ve cerlif Bale Subscrihecl and sworn to /3efore rr/e fhis- day of fIO. /964 Notary Pub/c I f/ennefv/i7 County, M/hnesofa My comm/.ssion exp/res Thuplal was appro ved by hhe P/onniny fomm/srion of fhe Village of Edi17a/t%innesola day oEe- em her fi d. / 5764. PLANNING CO MM I -Y-1- 167 Y S167y--- ha/rman %hIs/J/at was aoprovedand cyccepfed by fhe VAage Cour7cil of Ed/na IWI' nesota ataregular rneefihy thereof held MIs 14h clay o/ �* Aa/9652 V/GLAGE CouNG fEOIrLqIVES0rA Presic,'enl age Manager