HomeMy WebLinkAboutIdylwood Third AdditionID YL WOOD THIRD ,DD I TION Know a// men b y f/?ese resents Thai ohn f. 8/aom er �i�C. / /� � J f c/ carpora/`io�? or9cgnized ana'er ¢he laws of l/7e.S/ e ol/'MInnesa a oW17er anc/prairie or of fhe fo/%w�i�ydescribed HFNNEPIN COUNTY MiNN�SOT praper9y si/uafe .ire fhe <Slale ally/%r�neso�cr clr�r'Counfy of fy��r>e�ir> >o wig`•- 7`haipcirf SCALE -I/N. _ /OUFT. d�>`he /yorfhnresfQvc�ri`er<NW%¢) of theNorth wes�`Quarfer(NI�Y%l o f Seci`ion 32,.7ownshlp //7 Rd,1 qe 21 desc�-iherJ dsfa/lows ; l�eyii/nir/ q/`c/�Jo/nf or/ fhe /Yo/-fh /ii/e of Sec7`ior/ 7`hir/ two ��2/ 7o- wnshjp 117 Range 2/ disfa/7 07 fee/' �crsfofi`he h'a1/hwes/`carnei (hereof (hence cSou/h Yor/h /ire o%S`!v%o/SlY1 o/S/t/%¢o/S'ec. 29 para//e/ with fhe !/✓est //ire oc( Jec!`ion 3Z c� o/sfar/ce a{¢95 fee>9=l�he!�cesl/j�4rA//e/ W1117 t17e Nor/`h 11;7e 01"',701 1 fEcf/Br/ 9.37 05' fee/; 1`hence ,SorlhlOara//e/ with the .asf //ne of(aic°//YIV/j-o-NN* /f95 feeffoA6e 1&-7417/ire o�,ra - Jecfior7 32; ,`he17ce Wes( a/arwq ,7aid North line 932.45 feel to fhe caccordii/9 >`o fhe U, poli// o/`heyrrniwF excep/ 1-,-17eurvey asfp�/orfhe30SfoeueihfhwereS 60yernmenf �hesof' Quarlero/fhe 5"ou/fiw�sf Quar7`erof /`he �au/f/�esf Quarter of :Sec7ior7' Z9,Townshi !/7earnyeZl descrihec/asbe9inninq atc� oin/ on /he blies/°line fhereo/",362,sfeef �'ou/`h d{� Narlhwesf corner of �s`ait/ Sou/hkGes./`�arferotf'aufhwes/Quarter ofV0ufliwesf Quar/er -(hence J411 ' ora//e w/fhthe Easfpara//e/ wr/h /he North litre /hereof /8(.03 /`eek,; (hence �"au/h nM-011el w * SCI& �Vesfline Hort` �/hPaf'SGii/�a }'!Y%54ofstd/%o, sec 29 2S6.Z5 feel ho again(3Gfeel/Yorih,measUredcr/�-igh/crr�9/esfpmfk�5'ouffilitreo/SectionZq'fhence 2,10,0 ,rOn �,�,. Fosfpora//e/ wi/17,50;0( 011lh l ne 20.3.66 feel lher/ce atrIyhI angle s Soufh,30 fee( �o The foulh �1i e oll /7c57 Secliar7 29,- (hence Wes7` along said Joufh line X37,3 feet 7`o fhe �Soufhwesfcornet of�saio'�`ecfon i o (hence /Yor/`h c�/onqq fhe Wesf/i/�e ofsc�ic/�ecfio� 3.l7feeffo fhe�oinf ofbeyir�ninq anc/ Esther O. /9.�plund, unmarriec/ owner Anc/pro�riefor of fhe fa//aw/i� clescr�bea' /fi/ifiera�rmenf �r A/file caro//e/Yvi>`ii die iYoth i� of r' properly situate ir/ fhe ,�31WP of�i/nesc/`4 anc/Counr` a,�'//er/ne/oira t0 w:�,•- r crf10Arr' 0/ /ss za � Ton. fhe �Souliiwest' i'ferof"�iie �ouv`ii�ives�9uorlei-af¢hec7ou/hwef/0ual-Ar'o/`';ecfion29, o� N rwnshrp //7,,Rar/ e ZI o'escri�ed ds /oeyir/ninj G/c� oi�//an /0he Wes//ire l�herea1`ZSZfs Z s y fee(,�'0 u fh o i`he /Yar/�h west cornero��soic/ sou/Y�esf C,��rorferof'�hc S'oc�`frwes�`l�u�`er rss o a of hhe S"oufh w es // uar/�er-� fh en c e <So u7�h a/ons ,�oiz�' vVesl /ir/e !/O fee ,` ence EOssf ti pora/le/ with the North /rhe fhereort° 2/O fees'ience NorfGi �arcr//e/wi/h ,s'ai�'l�/e�f /ii�e o' N i !/0 feed`, �her/ce Gt/esf joaror//e/wi/ <sc�ic=/�lorfh /ii�e 2/G fee f �`a fhG� �oiilf oi'�ey�'r��ri/9 J 3oI N �� Checked and approved Phis to th day of ff./>/9S7 ha V ca4/sec/fhe,s0177 /�a he 7urYeyed dne/jO/ahera�as Ti�YL yt/134cJ TH7�o�9o�iT/oN ass ����� ti�,�.,� ,� u_ n,,, 0rnd doerefjc�'or/afe �r�dcTe�ca�e /Q /he�u6/ie far /he use 0ffhefou6/ie`frever s� C the roads crsshon or7 fhe an�exec�'f>/o�; suby"ec/`f6 u�i/ifies easernen�s es Q� eparaIlle with;l e �au>`h /nP aJ� dtJ -.29 ye�nepir� County Sc/rveyor -howq ark the or�r�exed�JcrJz. 2n wi&ess whereap2- 4Esther- O,fi5- 1111/d flea hereonfo ,gel/-/erba17dc�na'seal ss1. ��i ,__ 9 2G3.s� _.,. �ro�� Line ber�rveen sec/iar/s 29 432 T//71P2/. ro and John E.5/oornberg.%1�e has eo sec/ /`hi I/?SIrulnen//�o be.71y7edcnQ'.7ec/eaK 1� 1 0 Ou//off 1 °< I x C 5 70 m �g4, I� I `ieS easemen7� o* �JL Q ti � � $•3 - .0'��2. � ^' ` c � �' � ` /1'.5'-°/6-403 , <1d-3'did3 4898 7/•02 1L2 0 ( •`'` I a p, N - G° �'� ' R: 1273.E D=/O'o2" R, /3GSZ7 3 so ie..s2s.o i3o I a.,,�, /0/,gg /20 `C N O• M 4 7 ZZs M & I 2407.0 �.. .yb —� —4 �o /20 /Zo /zo 33 33 i —Y )y ` n 90provec/by Vi/lave of Zdrne P/arming Collwrnission J Aline poral/e/ wi /yarf% 11/7e 0/,t7ec - - .117 y✓rerence of r t tj�f l/1ere� y cNrfif y fhailhave survey�/anc7'/>/a/`fec/ fhe/vra�er/y c%scriheci'i� f/i/s121(7/L s IDYL yt/0oD Tip/e0 IJD/T/O!-/; fha></h/s p/al is c� /rue Ond correct /epresen�`afion 01'70/x/ survey_• glia/ a// c/i761.7Ces are correc//y shaven ar/ fhe plafih feefandc%irna/safa,faaf•fha}r`herr/onumen/,s far fhe �urveyshavebeen colrect/ypplcn-d /n fhe 9raun c/ e/ s sh own an fh e p/ul //7a f �h e au/sic% h o un dc�r y lir/ e.r arc- col-r-ec/iy c%si�ncn`ed on I'hc plat; Thal the Popo yr-aph y of fhe lal?c/ is correctly shown on fhc p/cif Gnc/ fha/ h5ere are no wet /anc/s ar blit fi/ hw s fo be c% afeQ' o /he /a/a/her Phan cis showr> hhereo� Joh n. / /°re -r c%r77' SIQ/eafMir/r7esafc� V ce Presic%//� C'oc/r/lzy dpi yel7ne�/h �f f�iS 4a e %�iJ �Z y ,f A.iJ /95' hefareme a/Yohar► 6/c wilf1h ar/a' for said Cou1/./y a'r7c/ J� 'Ofe per-sa a//y o/o/�eared Es/her G,�s/�/un r/, �a /ne persar74l/y /E'/7ow/7 fa he fhe /Jerson na ediia elr/d Who eXecu/ea'>�he arc�aih� in s/5z/iner77! egndshe �cf naw/ec�'yeC/fhof the execud�`he �e Asher fr�e Acne/ deed, �Yafar u icy f enr�eroi/i Cour �,''1lirine /V/y cor�Cniss/or/ ex/aires ? 20 -> �, Sfa% of Rinnesak ? Caurr/y ol'11e/?nep/n I SS Qn /his s(_ c/'Qy o/ AV /957 &70re me ah/olar/ PUr�/cnWr is ana for said ccaa¢y anc/ 4101e jOersona//y pp/�eorea'� n �/oom%er9 and Co%11eN/ &cornherr/fo me persona/lyhn0wr/�Who beingf��X cne each duly sworn a'c/,7ay fhaf/hey Ore /- sp >`iveJy Presider/(Ana' V;eePresident of,Tahn EeloomMry Int, fhe corpora/ion na/nediri /!ic fregoin9.. insfru/n enf; /fiAr/fhe seal a/fred fo snidihsfru/nent is fhe corparale sec/ ofsoicr'corporofia�, f/taf said ins/`rumei7/`wnssiyrrec>'a�a'sea/ea/i�heha/fofs41c/cor/aoraeiar7 byc�ur`fiari/y olil-i f3aardarr�Iirec forsanci ///of John E %loam �er9 an c! Cd// e IVI, i3/ocm6er9 ac%r/Qyv/ec/9ec/ s4ic�insfizirnenf la he /lie free c7cfar/a' deed 0f,7oiod corpor-q•Ai0<`" ,j r� �( Thrs/o%f was anpravec/4al7a'accephed6y /die Vi//4�e COM17C / O''�dii 9 oy siyn r/ P �; - ;' reyu/ar rr/ee/irna fhcreoi' he/d fh/.y- /,It:& c/ayof" A 4 /9 Oak of r1'//i�//esv7zcr � 9S. Cozen y of//errnepin (((rove cerfi{co7<e subscribed and sworn fG hefore '0/rveor- y 9 m e .q./>. /957 Nv/ory Pub /c, fler?nepii7 Coanly,Ahnnewla My COrnnnSS/017 ex12ires' "' " /' T � �� , Village /�linnera/la ala 0 /Sy ifs` fires/c9r�nf 0/7 c/ v/ce j�r-esio'err� I�h/�'�.1t — a'a/y o� 4 �4/J /1✓� %, ROAD Excepfior7 �M 19' si n ec/ �,.� 1� 1 0 Ou//off 1 °< I x C 5 70 m �g4, I� I `ieS easemen7� o* �JL Q ti � � $•3 - .0'��2. � ^' ` c � �' � ` /1'.5'-°/6-403 , <1d-3'did3 4898 7/•02 1L2 0 ( •`'` I a p, N - G° �'� ' R: 1273.E D=/O'o2" R, /3GSZ7 3 so ie..s2s.o i3o I a.,,�, /0/,gg /20 `C N O• M 4 7 ZZs M & I 2407.0 �.. .yb —� —4 �o /20 /Zo /zo 33 33 i —Y )y ` n 90provec/by Vi/lave of Zdrne P/arming Collwrnission J Aline poral/e/ wi /yarf% 11/7e 0/,t7ec - - .117 y✓rerence of r t tj�f l/1ere� y cNrfif y fhailhave survey�/anc7'/>/a/`fec/ fhe/vra�er/y c%scriheci'i� f/i/s121(7/L s IDYL yt/0oD Tip/e0 IJD/T/O!-/; fha></h/s p/al is c� /rue Ond correct /epresen�`afion 01'70/x/ survey_• glia/ a// c/i761.7Ces are correc//y shaven ar/ fhe plafih feefandc%irna/safa,faaf•fha}r`herr/onumen/,s far fhe �urveyshavebeen colrect/ypplcn-d /n fhe 9raun c/ e/ s sh own an fh e p/ul //7a f �h e au/sic% h o un dc�r y lir/ e.r arc- col-r-ec/iy c%si�ncn`ed on I'hc plat; Thal the Popo yr-aph y of fhe lal?c/ is correctly shown on fhc p/cif Gnc/ fha/ h5ere are no wet /anc/s ar blit fi/ hw s fo be c% afeQ' o /he /a/a/her Phan cis showr> hhereo� Joh n. / /°re -r c%r77' SIQ/eafMir/r7esafc� V ce Presic%//� C'oc/r/lzy dpi yel7ne�/h �f f�iS 4a e %�iJ �Z y ,f A.iJ /95' hefareme a/Yohar► 6/c wilf1h ar/a' for said Cou1/./y a'r7c/ J� 'Ofe per-sa a//y o/o/�eared Es/her G,�s/�/un r/, �a /ne persar74l/y /E'/7ow/7 fa he fhe /Jerson na ediia elr/d Who eXecu/ea'>�he arc�aih� in s/5z/iner77! egndshe �cf naw/ec�'yeC/fhof the execud�`he �e Asher fr�e Acne/ deed, �Yafar u icy f enr�eroi/i Cour �,''1lirine /V/y cor�Cniss/or/ ex/aires ? 20 -> �, Sfa% of Rinnesak ? Caurr/y ol'11e/?nep/n I SS Qn /his s(_ c/'Qy o/ AV /957 &70re me ah/olar/ PUr�/cnWr is ana for said ccaa¢y anc/ 4101e jOersona//y pp/�eorea'� n �/oom%er9 and Co%11eN/ &cornherr/fo me persona/lyhn0wr/�Who beingf��X cne each duly sworn a'c/,7ay fhaf/hey Ore /- sp >`iveJy Presider/(Ana' V;eePresident of,Tahn EeloomMry Int, fhe corpora/ion na/nediri /!ic fregoin9.. insfru/n enf; /fiAr/fhe seal a/fred fo snidihsfru/nent is fhe corparale sec/ ofsoicr'corporofia�, f/taf said ins/`rumei7/`wnssiyrrec>'a�a'sea/ea/i�heha/fofs41c/cor/aoraeiar7 byc�ur`fiari/y olil-i f3aardarr�Iirec forsanci ///of John E %loam �er9 an c! Cd// e IVI, i3/ocm6er9 ac%r/Qyv/ec/9ec/ s4ic�insfizirnenf la he /lie free c7cfar/a' deed 0f,7oiod corpor-q•Ai0<`" ,j r� �( Thrs/o%f was anpravec/4al7a'accephed6y /die Vi//4�e COM17C / O''�dii 9 oy siyn r/ P �; - ;' reyu/ar rr/ee/irna fhcreoi' he/d fh/.y- /,It:& c/ayof" A 4 /9 Oak of r1'//i�//esv7zcr � 9S. Cozen y of//errnepin (((rove cerfi{co7<e subscribed and sworn fG hefore '0/rveor- y 9 m e .q./>. /957 Nv/ory Pub /c, fler?nepii7 Coanly,Ahnnewla My COrnnnSS/017 ex12ires' "' " /' T � �� , Village /�linnera/la ala 0