HomeMy WebLinkAboutInterlachen Bluff Grading Plani f� t 7r r- e !It <(( I LA .ro WP �4 DRAINAGE & UTILITY - "' EXIST TREE LINE "+:i CASEMENT Sk JBSca LOT NUMBER fAREA EXIST TRFC-- 13LOCK NUMBER CXIST CONTOUR PROPOSED SUFiFACI EtEV ( LOT DIMENSION ---'-ti t (859)% P�L! 4w ROPOSED EIEYAYiONS y TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION E ��� f R -RAMBLER &� LOWEST FLOOR D L -DAYLIGHT BASEMENT WU '��'y-�-'� GARAGE FLOOR W O -WALK OUT " RA� / GRADING LIMITS T U -TUCK UNDER --f PROPOSED CONTOUR GARAGE PROPOSED .CUR'=s Bry/:J B5 i ! PROPOSED UTILITY MH, �EXIS THJTY -- ` ._._ HYD' CB t KEY LI � W v d'•6' STCLt JEHC[ PEST I di fi a 5YR4E1 FER pAtE ALTERNATE A y y a xr x—�C' ,, I5LT FgSTS F4PuyY fASFGN WiYN NAILS OR STAPLES l 2' % 3' A SO' WOOD POST � Qom. ' i rt Slci n n NIR OfPTu 7 A. Ltv TAA.CN U. 'AY Ik FAo R:C ARO 9ALXFN.L ALTERNATE B ;yI IC z 1% NoTe - INDIV IDL)AL L07-6 rt7 13E �RAL1� p AT TIME OF l Fou SE GG}/J �u7 RLJG7 ICIV . fdorJ L- L7 fCa i TG> MINIMIZE 7 -ROE RHt,40\/At 5n �\ L ltacata F7- ' TGA.G1,5-r• I v 1 / m 1 Q NJ Lb J� DRAINAGE & UTILITY - — EXIST TREE LINE •�� `. EASEMENT 5 .ISSoo LOT NUMBER / AREA EXIST TREE i '--'— BLOCK NUMBER EXIST CONTOUR. N PROPOSED SURFACE ELEV( LOT DIMENSION ! c15 h t TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION N PROPOSED ELEVATIONS P" 8`� �I LOWEST FLOOR D1 ADAYLIGHT BASEMENT l WU GARAGE FLOOR NY� RAM GRADING LIMITS �' /O W O -WALK OUT G. & / PROPOSED CONTOUR •�, T. U -TUCK UNDER GARAGE i Iy PROPOSED CURB _ PROPOSEDUTILTMH EXIS TILITY--- HYD CCB KEY — — -- — ? IN I � t O N N 0 c I : [CL PENCE POST \! 1 SNOW KNEE }WOOD $TAKC$ PER 04LC MAY SALES1, T- 1, ALTERNATE A [� � 1� J j ): OHO[ 1 5[T POSTS fIRYLY EASTER WITH NAILS OR IITAPLCS ( x V x 30' WOOD POSY Lr ANAAFI lOox -�- J , o'"/�ff vin DEPT, "I � /� �nYi J : > C)l A. DIG TRENCH D. LAY IN FAORiC AND OACKFILL" \ �� ALT#,;RNATE B f � t J . I --A of NOTE INDIVIOUAL LOTS TO gE `I raIZADED AT TIME OF Hou SE GoN STRlJGTID/V . HOUSE DESICaN TD MINIMIZE TREE REMOVAL AND 6YRAC)IN64. /000 �T f TO SANITAFZY I✓LH. FINAL C.OGATIONr 70 SE Fli5 TO MIIU/MIZE TREE' ,REM 4 O r 9 f� 7 w � \ / t - 2 q < /I' y" zT\ IIldL PCU L, vi moue I 2 ^ (I Township 117, Rai a Q3 dine of said No cm3 M M IN feet East from i Southeast Quarter,, N N N feet more or 11 a m 'L a West 1 0 ti ! line f Lo1 Landmarks set u; q West line I of "Sk, set pursuant to intersects a Jud; / the West line o': point 764.22 feel Quarter of the less, to "an intei v= �� dine of said North( beginning; thence; beginning, accordil That part of thi Ix "'-x.13 29, Township 117, 1 West line of said] North of the Soul ` Quarter, then Easl of the Southeast Qi s� line of, the Northi IN of said Northeast North line ;of t) 1 I Northwest corner thence South alol i• Southeast Quarter the Registrar of I Minnesota, and sl South 118.7feet West 262.00: feet f Section 29, Townsh. Site Area = 23� Average Lot 'Area = 17' i OWNER -DEVELOPER: And { 580! Edit N Dicl ph. 3 1 �) 1 I 4 fs k I 4 j J h a . Lor c N z sr unrs susa l 0 Q N rM IWY — ROAD -r NO 20 th 1ARur NN Orr- ' CAN i iIt C C CO �IrYCPC 'Y v ,Y Ai, 7 , Ea '•�1' N dk d pa nay Y y , / CL 1 WIN W j[ x t !. %Q cIh � d . t ✓ � :.�—..� al � � DtiIOM[D.C''.,J�%1 MAYM ✓I!i 'E LOG AT I CW MAP cKECKEDR4</RJK l o0 )e, Southeast Quarter, Section 29,�� )eginning at a point on the North< Southeast Quarter distant 262`.000 I of said Northeast Quarter of the I North line a distance of 150.00 <c i with the extension North of the Q m > st line be ng masked by Judicial a�< . < 1 rA No.4603, thence South along the I ; ( 59.05 feet to a Judicial Landmark ' N 3; thence West along a nine which ^suant to Torrens<Case No.4603'on W :er of the Southeast Quarter at'a >uthwest corner of said Northeast distance of 150.00 feet, more or :awn South parallel with the West` atheast Quarter from the point of Q I said West line to the point of ,irvey thereof. the 'Southeast Quarter of Section ,� `��• line beginning at a point in the ie Southeast Quarter; 764.22 feet Q )rtheast Quarter of the Southeast ,th rine of the Northeast Quarter ance North parallel with the West itheast Quarter of the North line (, least Quarter; thence West on the �All.V of .the Southeast Quarter of the tarter of the Southeast Quarter; Q 41 the Northeast, Quarter of the Q 1- ving as recorded in the Office of �l 0 .he County of Hennepin, State of O v it for driveway purposes over the `C Q >et of the East 14.00 feet of the !� irter of the Southeast Quarter of ku `J �l � Q z REVISMS FES /7, /9f. BATE Nov iZe /987 PROJECT MO. PRINTED 7988 fft VrIm "WIT NO. N___`� t 4 (f� P SYEEL ,ENCE Pg6T f I LN WFEli 9 CC g a Y Y ^S WOgPTA s xes PER SALE � ({ SLOW AL7EFiNATE A o d y Y x'-0• y Sty POSTS ilgpte FASTEN WITH NAlta QA aTApACB 2' % 3' k JO'.W OOA POST 4r RIAAPI 10OX W/1 A. DiS TAENC. 4, LATIN PARAIC AuO ORCKPIL4 ALTAPNATE B Lt i qua e r ry` l X+, O� NOTE - INDIVIDUAL LoT5 TO &,g GIZA17E0 14 _ I AT TIAIE OF "01)6E GoNS—rRUC.TION. IIOU`.. e DG61Gh1 _r0 MINIMIZE TREE REMOVAL 5 AND 6?RA01N<f�. Io<ar ,-T Tn Exl$r:'� 5AN/TAIRY Aa k"4 " FINAL GDGl�T'ON To 8 FIEU, TC> MIAIIMIZE- TREE REMO Z I.. A ......:... .. _. . _ .. .. .. ........ .. •W _ ... :: `. � Yom/ r� TREET ORA Ir1AUr= Y ( N o s PQ }Ls S d A w } { ` � ( it / I � _'..`/e'•'yti u�� .":`hs;. >. } y e fJ�p i� r�. `li � l3 M.. 3 . �>, rr�s Yr'j `2 Y _ µ btNoJbr yyIN r t�V s n {�� ✓ �j� s `s t (i�'!_ .. s ` BRUldS. A I SM �'!�< s °.� fi .:, zs! �! .a,Qrau e»� 14.x.. « t o fir, 3 O>ONgYAm4 k T #.: au•' C 4 S + COUNTY ROAD Nam % 2O :' ° i.{.t ". '' C.'t+uiJa:t t iA }^ {'i'nW{teyt ��y d ERS 1 "` as 5 i . i Ei t} "d= AAUSs C ^ ` ,• 7.. { �2� �is ,.fj25, ,.mnnx 1' \ �2tgngqaa X9517, .4ao {'` �Y.R!¢iJws 1'a la fROR,a dd`, s(i lag o t>Y �T C }') „�Oq.y _ E +•„ Gs '� wTGAinUS[N &$� zt' t {� 7,11p A tx Oi; `Oo"SL Cs fi { ✓/ "ti•.� T f l5 t z Kh i x...��`"1*'�l now Es C1 t>'i. "'J # x r; W 'An (dx Not 2a 30 bo x ti' � x • Is/ N MAwtd 6[TE LOCATION MAS' That part -of the N< O Township 11? Ren< p o , , sa'i __No r i ` d ,, dJ 1 e o £ n req a .4� feet East from tt Southeast Quarter, 1 N 4 - feet, more or le! a N West line of Lot �0 Landmarks set Pur: West line of "Sky; Fi set pursuant to intersects a Judi'( Vj � . the West line of *' point" 764.22 feet Quarter of the St less, to an intern line of said'Northei �t l t t beginning, thence beginning, accordin< W. + That :part of the 29, Township 117, M West line of: said 'Ns North i of the Soutl Quarter, then East' of the Southeast Qui .� line of the'Northei of said Northeast` 0' v North line of the 16, Soo sem � Northwest corner !i thence South alon< Southeast Quarter +� the Registrar of i Minnesota, and Sul 1 south 118.7feet �J West 262.00 feet Section 29, Townshij Site Area = 234 - Average Lot Area 17 � t - _ I ` \ ( OWNER -DEVELOPER. .Andr, t 5808 ......Edin, {� Dick' ph. i r ti{ l ....., vs. ­.., u ------ ., bed as beginning at a point on the North of the Southeast 'Quarter distant 262:90.. corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Ong said North line a,distanceof 150.60 , :rsect on with the iextens on North'of the � ct said West line being marked by Judicial r ens Case No4603; .thence South slang the ` ice of 569.05 feet to a judicial Landmark No.4603, thence West along a 1ine which � set pursuant to Torrens Case No.4603 on. dst Quarter of the southeast Quarter at a the Southwest corner of said Northeast �te~, a distance of 150.00 feet, more or i line drawn South parallel with the West the"Southeast Quarter from the point of .el with said West line to the point of -nment Survey thereof. irter of the Southeast Quarter of Section led by a line beginning at a point in the ;er of the Southeast Quarter; 769.22 feet df set Northeast Quarter of the Southeast i the North line of the Northeast Quarter .eet; thence North parallel with the West the Southeast Quarter of the North line :he'Southea'st Quarter; thence West onthe�g Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the icy wast' Quarter of Southeast Quarter, line of the Northeast Quarter a£ the R` of beginning as recorded in the Office of i for the County of Hennepin, State of easement for driveway purposes over the L51.70 feet of the East 14.00 feet of the least Quarter of the Southeast Quarter ofZk .� ?1' ' to T Acres l` Acres �. 4 55436 ( A�nssaws alz 7, /9*1 Xe naT9 R Nov17 f96 PWACT "M SHUTHO. o G01,15T A,11-4 o" e"X l ST. ,r _ Lf V6 SAN. � wc-Ti4P TO EX /ST /ZWM• _ ��41Z.�-- -- EAST glr t/GP 5AN/ JARS/ SEIVEfZ,�-- r 4IN ,2/P fZAfl M POND 0617-LC7- DET. /I t N i ' F t J ila , ly 0 Q =. fi q� d i ..ipOJ00 NV .ff -0 N C UUU�riJJf _ COUNTY _ ROAO � � _ NO "ry 20- ''� (.4N ^i S . V/C�fN/S . 'fAS� (aT EnRt 5. 1 • r 2:tu4 S 'wA ItsT 1 .. �i C .fit ..�, ty,Y�`2.,yf k tl`�K[3}'� � �lZs �j'jl�, �. IxTIA 3.� ,.1J,. �.. �. •./ C 11D ,. i<li � (rtl5 �'a {,NI(RRRRO/(✓>� `t „Y!' ft d1.� '{n) t inTEftIAGEx �tC� i'� .,C4i' -'-, % .; f �,., � � � ��;: � � C •cis ACfAS ii , LLLfff .,s I DRAWN /E''/✓7!/ SITE LocATIoN MAP' cnECKEoRGK�P/K lair east Quarter -of the Southeast Quarter, Section 29, ff'3 21 described as beginning at a point on the North st, Quarter of the Southeast Quarter distant 262.00 .0 northwest 'corner of 'said Northeast Quarter of the pp 2eEast along said North line,`a distance,of 150.00 i91 to an intersection with the extension North of theQ j m� "Skyline", said West line being marked by Judicial n� r, t', to'Torrens Case No.4603; thence South along the < 1 a distance of 569.05 feet to a Judicial Landmark ; N ens Case, No.4603; thence West along a line which _ Landmark,set pursuant to Torrens Case No.4603 on ,d, Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter at a cth from the Southwest corner of said Northeast >_ast,�Quarte-, a distance of 150.00 feet, more or ion'' w ith a' line drawn South parallel ° with the West Zuarter of, the Southeast Quarter from the point of th p8rallel with said West line to the point of 4 ii the Government Survey thereof. `l heas± Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section Q 21, bounded by a line beginning at a point in the J cast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; 764.22 feet corner, of set Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Iile;l with the North line of the Northeast Quarter ! (, 262:00 feet; thence North parallel with the West Zuarter of the Southeast Quarter of the North line J irter.of the Southeast Quarter; thence West on the J )rtheast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the i O :he Northeast Quarter- of the Southeast Quarter; Qi LU ie ,West line of the Northeast Quarter of the 3 Q ie point of beginning as recorded in the Office of f� l in: and for the County of Hennepin, state of �,� U to an easement for driveway purposes over the Q ie North<'151.70 feet of the East 14.00 feet of the the -Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of J T;, Rahge 21. s /, 5.37 Acres >f / 0.51 Acres � tS len Avenue N ince ota 55436 .on. i 925.571,4 Q €�ns�ows N Q A� 7 ' i98 IDATE INov17 1987 IPROAEQT.NO. jsmnT`No, Y t