HomeMy WebLinkAboutInterlachen Bluff/lam :,/ / /n /' p� c n I / ?(h/ v C� U, C -c_, v ! / Tide N.W. corner o-{ --he- N.E. /4 ol'4hc 5.E. /4 of Sec. 29, T. /l7, R. 2/. / /�_ 1 /d / ••? A n/n /n ///� / / / nlo/-'/'A !in`e- off' -floes NE %4 W 41 SE %4 01( Sec. 29_ N` / /n /-r r n r �/a ST n /�7-- M l_cJv/v i i /-�c/�1`� 4 /vC -,7-- r -,?1 /N - / Ir -n 1 - /AV/ , �l.c.-r-1C, laiv / I Q tJ� t 1 v 'I-�r�orrans Case No. 4603 (viot V) n� N 0 \� c� Z h I ^� t l`j � L.l N ^ V) W �> q V' S v^ y, 1 A,, 11; � IJ 1 � N t \ \ M Fd JLM — Sef PeY %orren S Ga Se No 4603 Pq.r9 ;Tha S.W. corner o-� -the N.E. %4 0-f the 9.0. //4oI Sec. 29. N DRAINAGE AND c/77L1Ty EASEMENTS f}RE 51-IowN 7-14u5: /o j'_ 5 /o BE/NCa 5.0FEBT /N W/[7T14 uNt-ES5 o7HERw/SE INDICATED AND AOTo/N/Ncy l -o -T L -/NES AND /O.O FEET /At W/O7-1-4 AND ADTo//V/n!!a R/bNT OF WAY, G /NE 5 AS 5140w/v ON 714E p4A7-, RON KRUEGER AND ASSOCIATES LAND SURVEYORS AND ENGINEERS 50 25 0 SCALE o DENOTES 25 50 IN IRON MONUMENT •• JLM 'I-�r�orrans Case No. 4603 (viot V� \foc/nd� �. n %J t l`j � L.l q Fd JLM 5�tpc Torres No . 4E ISO FEET INTERLACHEN I on] itil mg RT DOC NO CR DOC NO KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Andron Ise., a Minnesota corporation, owner and proprietor, and S h ela rd Nc4icv"al bank, a NaiPicrna/ Rankin; As5oclafloH mortgagee, of the following described property situated in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesorta to 'wit: That part of the Northeast Quarter of the So-utheast Quarter, Section 29, Township 117, Range 21 described as beginning at a point on the North line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter distant 262.00 feet East from the Northwest corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast_ Quarter, thence East along said North line a distance of 150.00 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the extension North of the West line of Lot 1, "Skyline", said West line being marked by Judicial Landmarks set pursuant to Torrens Case No.4603; thence South along the West line of "Skyline" a distance of 569.05 feet to a Judicial Landmark set pursuant to Torrens Case No.4603; thence West along a line which intersects a Judicial Landmark set pursuant to Torrens Case No.4603 on the West line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter at a point 764.22 feet North from the Southwest corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, a distance of 150.00 feet, more or less, to an intersection with a line drawn South parallel with the West line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter from the point of beginning; thence North parallel with said West line to the point of beginning, according to the Government Survey thereof. That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 29, Township 117, Range 21, bounded by a line beginning at a point in the West line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter 764.22 feet North of the Southwest corner of said Northeast Quarter of. the Southeast Quarter; thence East parallel with the North line of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter 262.00 feet to an intersection with a line drawn south parallel with said West line from a point on said North line distant 262.00 feet East from the Northwest corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thence North parallel with the West line of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter to the North line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thence West on the North line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter to the Northwest corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thence South along the West line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter to the point of beginning. Have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as INTERLACHEN BLUFF and do hereby donate and dedicate to the public for public use forever the Bluff, Road and the drainage and utility easements as shown on the plat. Inwits s whereo , said Andron Inc., a Minnesota corporation, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this"ayof -' 198.6, and said Shelard Na -Mona/ Batik, 0i has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officers this,k�?•Zaday of Tun ____. signed signed ANDR INC She/a rd Na-l-iovra/ Ba.lk Ric and A on, President ife��•f.GC pJ'�/ Qi/h7 ifs ��aa-e, c° Lo L.0 State of Minnesota, County of Hennepin The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thiszattday of„jgm, 198 8, by Richard Andron, President of Andron Inc., a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of the corporation' ♦ � A fAAA A �s RAND"I M. STERN NOTARY PUBLIC UITY OTA Notary Public ne in C un Minnesota NENNEPIN COUITY Y . p Y v VGG �VGISSVV vEXPIRES 5-13'92 , My commission ex ices r✓' ' .- State of Minnesota, County of �E/�(�_ The fore4oi.n,Q. � i stn ent wa. cki}9b�cI dged b re e this��day oLu/'A, , by _4 is lo!LaWbi 4(A and by its ,y�j (pq yf She/a rd Nafiona / Bc�hl�. a Nafiov o / Banking Assoc iafion , oo 6&ha /T o -7c A� - Assoc /c, DENISE R. CARLSOIJ NOTARY PUBIC - MiN",E50TA HENNEPIN COUNTY MyCemmissian EaDi!es Feb. 14, 1989 Y YVWVV�,^.VVW� I hereby certify that I have surveyed and platted the property described on this plat as INTERLACHEN BLUFF; that this plat is a correct representation of said survey; that the distances are correctly shown on the plat in feet and hundredths of a foot; that all monuments have been correctly placed in the ground as shown on the plat; at the ut.ide boundary lines are correctly designated on the plat and that there are no wetlands to be designated on the pla aft Ro a rue er, L&hd Surveyor Minnesota State Lic. No. 14374 State of Minnesota, County of Hennepin ,�� The foregoing surveyor's certificate was acknowlend�gnd before me tW Zb'#ay of , 198E b Ronald L. Krueger, Land Y �AA\A\ � n A A A 1-N/\ nn/\Ar AA/\A A n A, Surveyor. r�, RAM1DA�L M1i ST�ftN000 NOTARY PJLE ^ C l,MNESOTA > - R,diV PiE� CC�IiY N tary pu c, nep n un y, Minnesota Y ' my cO,Im!s' IG�7 EXPIRES 5-111-92 �VGVVVvvvGVVvvvVGGVGGWV My commission pines $ ,�--- EDINA, MINNESOTA case This plat of INTERLACHEN BLUFF was a oved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota at a regular 3 meeting thereof held this of�, 198. If applicable, the written comments and recomendat ionsof the Commissioner of Transportation and the County way Engineer have been received by the city or the prescribed 30 day period has elapsed without receipt of such commen and recommendations, as provided by Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subdivision 2. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA MINNE OTA by Mayor by Manager PROPERTY TAX AND PUBLIC RECORDS LPARTMENT, Hennepin County, Minnesota I hereby certify that taxes payable in 198 and prior years have been paid for land described on this plat. Dated this day of , 198 Dale G. Folstad, Hennepin County Auditor by Deputy SURVEY DIVISION, Hennepin County, Minnesota Pursuant to Chapter 810, Minnesota Laws of 1969, this plat has been approved this day of , 198 Bernard H. Larson, Hennepin County Surveyor by REGISTRAR OF TITLES, Hennepin County, Minnesota I hereby certify that the within plat of INTERLACHEN BLUFF was filed for record in this office this day of , 198 at o'clock .M. R. Dan Carlson, Registrar of Titles by Deputy COUNTY RECORDER, Hennepin County, Minnesota I hereby certify that the within plat of INTERLACHEN BLUFF was filed for record in this office this day of , 198-� at o'clock—.M. R. Dan Carlson, County Recorder by Deputy