HomeMy WebLinkAboutInterlachen Hills 3rd AdditionINTERLACHEN BEARINGS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED oDENOTES IRON MONUMENT SCALE IN FEET: 17-1 0 100 200 300 400 500 :l1 h 0 C h 180 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SNOW TNUS: HILLS 3RD ADDITION10-06--� -10.00j o EGAN, FIELD & NOWAK, INC. SURVEYORS Mae Mile Creek water, evation: 870.24 feet above mean sea Leve/ �a19 9 adj.), September 4, Bain y 10 feel in width, unless otherw;se ind;cased, and 1975. adjo%n/n9 lot lines and l0 feet in Width, unless otherw;se ;nd;caied, and adjoin;n9 street lines, as Shown on the plat. 3 m BEN( line ' Drive 0 DETAIL NO SCALE SS— ' m chi �+i� °W and ;ts Ea iarly extension N N . -N.87° 51' 16"E. N N O i , I I i � / 60 TCN LINE 174.24' W �. \ 90 0 33 I `.o. 't, / �d a �I s so. V 1 c , 2 a z Z 41N 180 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SNOW TNUS: HILLS 3RD ADDITION10-06--� -10.00j o EGAN, FIELD & NOWAK, INC. SURVEYORS Mae Mile Creek water, evation: 870.24 feet above mean sea Leve/ �a19 9 adj.), September 4, Bain y 10 feel in width, unless otherw;se ind;cased, and 1975. adjo%n/n9 lot lines and l0 feet in Width, unless otherw;se ;nd;caied, and adjoin;n9 street lines, as Shown on the plat. 3 m BEN( line ' Drive 0 DETAIL NO SCALE O m V 0- m Q � 4r Z O V C m y., t C z , i MARK: Top of hydrant on North EDINA GREEN opposite 5421 Malibu evetion: 902.38 feet NG -V9 -19Z-9- 90 ; , , M BOOK PAGE R.T. DOC. NO. C. R. DOC. NO. SS— ' m chi �+i� °W and ;ts Ea iarly extension N N . -N.87° 51' 16"E. N N O i 180151 I I i � / 60 TCN LINE 174.24' W Z? \ c o 33 I `.o. 't, / �d a �I s so. o 1 c �Q No Z O m V 0- m Q � 4r Z O V C m y., t C z , i MARK: Top of hydrant on North EDINA GREEN opposite 5421 Malibu evetion: 902.38 feet NG -V9 -19Z-9- 90 ; , , M BOOK PAGE R.T. DOC. NO. C. R. DOC. NO. G `oM N c - - N.89°58'W b ------ 571.95 - 90.00 148.76 -7 - ,,20.08 ---- iFs� 418.68 Re � z North line of INTERLACHEN HILLS ' m chi �+i� °W and ;ts Ea iarly extension N N . -N.87° 51' 16"E. N N O N.89°48'4!"E. 180151 � / 60 TCN LINE 174.24' W Z? \ c o 33 I `.o. 't, /N 6 �d a �I s so. o 1 c �Q No Z 2 �i z 41N O O �(n -- rp- -- — — -----��--------------oma �o 14.84°17'02"E• `•-MATCH LINE G `oM N c - - N.89°58'W b ------ 571.95 - 90.00 148.76 -7 - ,,20.08 ---- iFs� 418.68 Re � z I N. 89°58'W. 2 2 N.89°58'W. w ' m chi �+i� °W N M o •t N O N N at• ;;� � N N O N.89°48'4!"E. 180151 � k';& I N. 89°58'W. 2 2 N.89°58'W. \' w t�N %rty zasement�� N.89°48'41"E. �� `ate N N O N.89°48'4!"E. 180151 � k';& TCN LINE 174.24' Z 110 Z? \ c o 33 I `.o. 't, /N 6 �d a �I s so. o 1 c oN cM 2 �i z 41N O O �(n -- rp- -- — — -----��--------------oma �o 14.84°17'02"E• `•-MATCH LINE \' m oe t�N %rty zasement�� N.89°48'41"E. �� `ate N.89°48'4!"E. 180151 aoSe -Myo•. k';& TCN LINE 174.24' Z? \ c o 33 I `.o. 't, /N 6 �d a �I s so. o 1 c oN cM 2 �i o� 14.84°17'02"E• 155.72 � I �N 3 I� oz _ _ ...- t. i �o N. -89°58`W'" o O d 155.08 20 z 35 �� ' N ? ?:p,0•, _ 60-- N.89048141"E. O i9048'41"E.OS` I.., '• 'o�+ 155.00 Z 1$6.17 'o y. `a�• N � (N � / D i=ce tr 34 �a;n99e and I oa t�N %rty zasement�� N.89°48'41"E. �� `ate N.89°48'4!"E. 180151 aoSe -Myo•. TCN LINE r1y Z? r� Ioo`MATCN 1/NE 33 I `.o. 't, /N 6 �I s so. o o z , INTERLACHEN HILLS 3RD ADDITION EGAN, FIELD Ek NOWAK, INC. SURVEYORS BOOK PAGE R. T. DOC. N0. C. R. DOC. N0. Know all men by these presents that Wallace B. Kenneth and Jean M. Kenneth, hs wife, owners and proprietors of the following described property situated in the State of Minnesota and County of Hennepin to wit: That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 31, Towns ip 117, Range 21, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Section; thence South along the West line of said Section, a distance of 637.08 feet to a point; thence East to a point int a East line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter distant 631.73 feet South of the North line of said Section; thence North along the East line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quart r a distance of 631.73 feet to the North line of said Section; thence West along the North line of said Section 31 to the place of beginning, except that part embraced within the plat of Malibu Heights. That part of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 30, Township 117, ange 21, lying West of the East 400.10 feet thereof, and lying South of the North line of INTERLACHEN HILLS and the same extended East; except that part thereof embraced within the plat of INTERLACHEN H LLS. Have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as INTERLAC EN HILLS 3RD ADD TI ON and do hereby donate and dedicate to the public for public use forever the drives,road and easements for utility and drainage purposes as shown on the p at. n witn ss w eof said Wallace B. enneth and Jean M. Kenneth, his wife, ha a hereun o set their hands and seals this �G d y of__, 197. Wallace B. Kennete an M. Kenneth STATE OF M I LANES OTA T^ COUNTY OF HENNEPIN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me th►s o2D day of 1977 by Wallace B. Kenneth and Jean M. Kenneth, his wife. AAAAAAAA6A CAROL NYEARYPU$UCµlr7fYESOTAENNEPIN COUNTY FgLYNNAE No a Public, Hennepin County, nesota. My commission expires mApr. 30. 19$tY'f Y`t1'Y V VM I hereby certify that I have surveyed and platted the property described on this plt as INTERLACHEN HILLS 3RD ADDITION; that this plat is a correct representation of said survey; that all distances are correctly shown on the plat in feet and hundredths of a foot; that all monuments �11ave been correctly placed in the ground as shown, and that the outside boundary lines are correctly designated on the plat. STATE OF M I NNES OTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me EDINA, MINNESOTA This plat of INTERLACHEN HILLS 3RD ADDITION was approved and accepted by ov by FINANCE DIVISION, Hennepin County, Minnesota 1 hereby certify that there are no delinquent taxes for all years prior to Vernon T. Hoppe, Director HENNEPIN COUNTY SURVEYOR Pursuant to Chapter 810, Minnesota Laws of 1969, this plat has been approved t Vernon A. Nickols, Land Surveyor. Minnesota Registration No. 9053. of X40 ., 1972 --by Vernon A. Nickols, Land Surveyor. IS KUNTZ, Notirry Public, Hennepin County, Minnesota. My commission expires March 4, 1982. City Council of Edina, Minnesota, at a regularmeeting thereof held this 14 day of 197-1. :ITY COUNCIL OF EDINA, MINNESOTA` iayor by _ manager for land described on this plat. ^ Dated this day of by m day of. 197. Tax Clerk Alver R. Freeman, Hennepin County Surveyor REGISTRAR OF TITLES, Hennepin County, Minnesota I hereby certify that the within plat of INTERLACHEN HILLS 3RD ADDITION was f led for record in this office this day of were compared with the official plat and were found to be true and correct copies hereof. Wayne A. Johnson, Registrar of Titles by deputy 197— , 97 , 197 , at o'clock_. M. and that thethree copies COUNTY RECORDER, Hennepin County, Minnesota I hereby certify that the within plat of INTERLACHEN HILLS 3RD ADDITION was filed for record in this office thisay of 197 , at of Plats, Page and that the three copies were comparjed with the official plat and were found to be true and correct copies thereof. Wayne A. Johnson, County Recorder deputy o'clock_ . M. and was recorded in Book gNFFT 1 nF 9 4Zu117FTc