HomeMy WebLinkAboutJonas AdditionJolvA S A DD/ T/ON HENNEP/N COUNTY, MINNESOTA SCALE-/ihc=50rr. e O �•� , 5aQ ' � ''� 9 983 �i \ .� o: ¢ oo 77 � I L� 7663 t 2 'i to nit' 67.5 i ; /16 __ 75 7S/ronMon. S /ronMon. /62.5 i, O cpo o Line Daro/%/ wi>`h Sou 77 /ire of SLx. /9 90,0 QD Q �` L//)e My -011e/ with {1/esf/ii7e ofSec. /9 42.7. /mn Mop - - - - 7 77.0 /mon Nice?. I1� L.1?e para//e/ wifh Sowf /ii7e of Sec . /9, 7*2S R24- poim` 68o / North of .57W rOl-ner of Sec. /9 Know a//men hy'hese prese/7ts //2&/ we, Harry Jnos and /Ylii7nie C.,Toncz7 hc%shand and wife, owners and pro/>rietors of file fo/%wiiy gescrihedpro/�erfy sifuafea'in The 3�4afe ofM�nnesofa erndCounfy o/Hennepin fo wi': Q,0 i7/Mny alapointon the West//i7e off`' Secl`ror7 Nheleen (/9j Tow1vhip 7pvenfy-eiyhf (2B/ , .Pan9e 7rvenfy-four(24j 680 fee( /Yorfh of the <SoUlhwes' comer (hereof; 'hence easf para//e/ W///7The 5041"h /ripe ol-Baro'Sccfiorn /9 a dIsfance, o/` 272 fee(,• (hence Nr1h1�7ara//e/wifh f/ieWesf/17e o7`said Secf/ars /9 a o'isfance of 69 fee(; (hence FQs�`pora//e/ wi7`h (fie c5ou/h 1117e471 soil Sec/ian /9 cr Cllsfonce 4111625 61el fo apoir7/ //0 fee( Gt/esfof/he Eos( /ive of the lvesl .33rods of the 5'outhwes'Quarler(.f'GV%/ of .s'o/o' �ecJ�ior7 /�,(hence Norfh para//e/ wifh said Evsf /rie of We_71 33 rods /�3. 7 fee( fo The cenfer' /rie of• Ua//ey vcw Road; (hence Norfhwes'er/y a/o�9 The cenTer/ire of vo Kew tbCO' fo ifs in'ersecliar? wi/h the West /irie af:sa1Q',Sec7`io/7 /9 ; (hence youth cr/on9 sc�ic/ lames//ire 07',5"ecf101-7 /9 fo The IQoiri' of/>eo1,�212in9 exceofir7y Therefrom fholp4rt lafen 6y 117e �7`afe oflli/irrnesolo for highw4ty/Ou1-1.20ses, have caased The same 7o he s-urveyedc�n%/alfed Qs J701Ms A9,917 -101y and we do here/ y c%nale and a'eollcafe to for The use of 1hePu6/rc fore ver The road cs s'how/7 on The annexedp/a1 /n wifness whereof we hove hereunto sefourfionds ana'sea/s The c%y In Aresence of �. Minn/e L' f /7C/S Safe of /%innesa'a � ,s S. Counfy ofh'er�nepii� Or7 lhrs !� a'a y before rne, a /Votary RZIM,c withhi and`for sardCoan'y persona//ya/�/�ear Harry,Tonos and /!r/iINie C. Jnas fo 177eRersono//y �Fnawn fo 6 e'h e persons described rh 0/7d who execufed the foreyoinq rirsfrumen�` gnd oc%now/eaJed 7i7a' They eXecufecl The same as'i7eir free c/c' crud deed, No>`ary pub/rc f/en/7el✓ir7n7'y M/r7ne r07' My Commission expire Jhere6y certify that I/7ove surveyed andp/a"eo' fhe/�ropert j c%scrr6eo rig fhis�/a' as 701Y14 S A%J/Jr7'/O/`/; 'ha' lhisp/o' IS a correc'representa'iar7 of.saic/survey; 'hat c�//dsfances are correct/'shown an (hep/a�`ri� fee( and c%iina/s o1`•a foo',• ffjd�`f/iP rnanumenfs fnr'heguioance of fu'ure surveys have been c-orrecf/y p/acedrn 1 -he yrauna'os shown on t/ie o/ar;- 'haf The ov'siae boanaary /riles are carred`/y c%siynateo' on'he p/at lhof toe 7`�Va9ra/rhy 07e/he /and is correct/y shown 0r7 the p/a' and (Tial ,here are no wef /ands orpu6/ic highways 7`0 he desiynafed 0/7 7'&' p/af ofher Than as .shown lherear7. -r^ f cS'urye yor' Reg. No. %/8B Above cerfifcafe suhscrr6edand swam fo before 1-77e (his 7l U. /Yo'aryu6/c, f%nr7e101,17County, /1'li/7nesofd my carnrnissrarn expli es,,, This p/cy'wcis approved andoccepted by the l/i%/aye Cocrnci/of Eo/i7a /�%innesofa ofarequ/ai rneefin9 thereof he%/ this .2/ clay of .deaf L5'e/o/ -2zz-Zc% Presia'enf