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OeW/ 7ny ' 8/e eSS Vrrle d
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9 �
Notary Ad5tie, R&mepin Cow-ty, Minnesota.
My ComdiAd i as £xpi "
9 hereby cett:ify that 9 have sutveyed and p&tted the property deaetibed and shoat on thio plat as � 0 N £ S P A k K A b b I TI O N, that thio ptat .ta a co -veal •teptcaasta-
ti,on of 44id ",nosy, that att diAtances ate cauectly shown on said plat. in. feet and decimada of a foot, that rise monoaenta f" the gwida uu of fwtwu d.cweyd. huwe been c44eect4
placed to the growtd as shown on said plat, that the outeidt bowaa" Gina ate coeteetly designated on said tat, and thele ate no wet tands at pubtie h4hzrutrys. to be
deAignated on lord plat othet than as shown theteon.
v Ad" S. /)ah slon, Min� kegi.at ca t i.on No. 506 5
State of Minnesota
CoatrLt y of Hennepin The above cetti f iaate was aubac ciiied and swo'tn to befou ee, a Nota cy PnbGic, within and fat dai.cl County and Mate on this _2LWd42y Of S_ r_ �e rr, hr- r
A. !�• 1964. NotoryyPublic, Hennepin County, mim
XY Commission Expires Auy. 13, 1984
Notatq ubt.i.e, ke welv44 County, M uz'lota
My Comfti44i,on £xpi xA I qdjjs} 1961P
f ' `]hit plat was ueoaaendeed f o t app*.overt b y the pta w ng eom4i di on of the Mttage of Edina, /W n e ta, at a .teputa t eree tint the teo f , here thus _4_ day of A/g u M b e r A. b.
Ptanning Com i44ion of the Uitlage of £dura, Muvseaota
�itJ.t�,/e.`tq... (it.�, .X,M--J Cfw.iteai �e•oltm
Shia ptat was. app"ved and accepted by the Vi ttage Cou.teat of CdA. -%a, Minnesota, at a ugutat meetin4 theteol, hdtd tlwa L_ day of No earns' kl R. b. 1964.
The boundaries of this ptat and the boundaries of the btock therein, have been mathematicatty checked and approved. No
determination has been made to aaaeotain that the tegat. desc,Wtwn aytees with said ptat.
dated thio -- day of _
of £diva, Min.teso ,a
A, 'J. 1964
_ ..tA. Mayor
_ eta. Managrt
Lw.O Seev<re RS
Barry S Johnson
KNOW A .f x NEN 6 q ?k E S £ P k f S £ N TS: fiat 4. R. 906e. and Oly 9. qor , , f o4me t,4 Otiwe 9. Me ztye4, h"band and wife, *one -t& and ptopti.etote„ and the
Ainneaota 9edetat 5avenat and .Goan Associati,oafsn. 'States cecpotatiah,woetga9¢a the f ottoweng deec oibed ptopetty, di t tate in the Cowsty of Hennepin, State of Muoeeaata,
.to wit: .Cot lo, 19tock 2, R 1 C M M d N b Id S .0 C 5 2 N13 A J n f TI d N, accatdixy. to fide plat theaeof on fife and of 4eeotd in the office of the keqi4t4&t of T•�2t4
have massed the dame to be su.tveyed and platted as � 0 N £ S P A k K R 3, b 19- 10 N and do hereby da mte and dedicate to the pubtie foe pubtic awe fouvet the eaaement&
fat wtitL pwtpoaea ad shown on the annewed plat. 9n w•itne" whereof, said G, k. qone4 andOUAAe �. gopsea, fo4oet6y Ot.tve 9. Merctget, hrwband and wife, have hatewsto act their
hands. and "eats Vk4 day of A. 13. 14641 and said Mimedota 9edetat Savit" and .Goan Flseociation has. esus d these pteaent4 to be signed by std. ptopet
of feasts and ars eoapoeate weal to be herearnto a f f i eed th.i,s day of A. b. 1964.
9n Pusence Of: Signed:
Oti.ve �. gone& J
Mivtesota 9ede4at Saving,, and .Goan flsaoci.ation
n -
Mate of M.iimesota
Coanty of Hennepin Ck thi4 ,�1.L dein of v .. J _ A. 1. 1964, befou ere, a Notary Pabtia, with.i.n and fat said County and State, petzona l appeated y lZ• qoip�
and Otiue 4• gone.&, ?o-tAetl y Otive, �L Me-ntpet, 64band and wife., to we knows to be the persona deal ti.bed .in a a who exec sled the f o tegovu in4t444ecust and they aeknowledytd that
they exear -ed the dame. as thec.t own free act and deed.
Notary Pub&a, Henneput ONrtty, M. KgNNENBERU
�.8',^r �••b-'�, Hennepin County, Mlggr
My Coft%i"i.on Exp.t teal�—aa
0 F
i ,c..rR Expires Dec. 18, 1965.
.State of Nirwesota
County of Hennepa,t Ck this day of R. i1, 1964, before me., a Notatq Pubtia, within and fat said Cavtty and Stade, petwnatl1 appeared
316.00 Weer
and _ , to me pet4onaL4 known, who being by me each d"4 dwotn did say that they ate the and ,
uapectiap of the Mannedota 9edeta.0,Savings and .Goan Hasoc. ati.on, the cotpatation named in the fo4,eg" indtAa4vtk , that the neat of fired to said .in4t44mlent i4 the coapotate
seat of chid cotpotation, that the vrd.tw tt was siyud and dented in be=q of chid cotpa ati.on by authtotawj of 4A. boatel of di,oectat4 and said and
aeknowtedge da id in4 t tame rt to be the fee act and deed of said eo,tpo•ra 4,m.
9 �
Notary Ad5tie, R&mepin Cow-ty, Minnesota.
My ComdiAd i as £xpi "
9 hereby cett:ify that 9 have sutveyed and p&tted the property deaetibed and shoat on thio plat as � 0 N £ S P A k K A b b I TI O N, that thio ptat .ta a co -veal •teptcaasta-
ti,on of 44id ",nosy, that att diAtances ate cauectly shown on said plat. in. feet and decimada of a foot, that rise monoaenta f" the gwida uu of fwtwu d.cweyd. huwe been c44eect4
placed to the growtd as shown on said plat, that the outeidt bowaa" Gina ate coeteetly designated on said tat, and thele ate no wet tands at pubtie h4hzrutrys. to be
deAignated on lord plat othet than as shown theteon.
v Ad" S. /)ah slon, Min� kegi.at ca t i.on No. 506 5
State of Minnesota
CoatrLt y of Hennepin The above cetti f iaate was aubac ciiied and swo'tn to befou ee, a Nota cy PnbGic, within and fat dai.cl County and Mate on this _2LWd42y Of S_ r_ �e rr, hr- r
A. !�• 1964. NotoryyPublic, Hennepin County, mim
XY Commission Expires Auy. 13, 1984
Notatq ubt.i.e, ke welv44 County, M uz'lota
My Comfti44i,on £xpi xA I qdjjs} 1961P
f ' `]hit plat was ueoaaendeed f o t app*.overt b y the pta w ng eom4i di on of the Mttage of Edina, /W n e ta, at a .teputa t eree tint the teo f , here thus _4_ day of A/g u M b e r A. b.
Ptanning Com i44ion of the Uitlage of £dura, Muvseaota
�itJ.t�,/e.`tq... (it.�, .X,M--J Cfw.iteai �e•oltm
Shia ptat was. app"ved and accepted by the Vi ttage Cou.teat of CdA. -%a, Minnesota, at a ugutat meetin4 theteol, hdtd tlwa L_ day of No earns' kl R. b. 1964.
The boundaries of this ptat and the boundaries of the btock therein, have been mathematicatty checked and approved. No
determination has been made to aaaeotain that the tegat. desc,Wtwn aytees with said ptat.
dated thio -- day of _
of £diva, Min.teso ,a
A, 'J. 1964
_ ..tA. Mayor
_ eta. Managrt
Lw.O Seev<re RS
Barry S Johnson
316.00 Weer
9 �
Notary Ad5tie, R&mepin Cow-ty, Minnesota.
My ComdiAd i as £xpi "
9 hereby cett:ify that 9 have sutveyed and p&tted the property deaetibed and shoat on thio plat as � 0 N £ S P A k K A b b I TI O N, that thio ptat .ta a co -veal •teptcaasta-
ti,on of 44id ",nosy, that att diAtances ate cauectly shown on said plat. in. feet and decimada of a foot, that rise monoaenta f" the gwida uu of fwtwu d.cweyd. huwe been c44eect4
placed to the growtd as shown on said plat, that the outeidt bowaa" Gina ate coeteetly designated on said tat, and thele ate no wet tands at pubtie h4hzrutrys. to be
deAignated on lord plat othet than as shown theteon.
v Ad" S. /)ah slon, Min� kegi.at ca t i.on No. 506 5
State of Minnesota
CoatrLt y of Hennepin The above cetti f iaate was aubac ciiied and swo'tn to befou ee, a Nota cy PnbGic, within and fat dai.cl County and Mate on this _2LWd42y Of S_ r_ �e rr, hr- r
A. !�• 1964. NotoryyPublic, Hennepin County, mim
XY Commission Expires Auy. 13, 1984
Notatq ubt.i.e, ke welv44 County, M uz'lota
My Comfti44i,on £xpi xA I qdjjs} 1961P
f ' `]hit plat was ueoaaendeed f o t app*.overt b y the pta w ng eom4i di on of the Mttage of Edina, /W n e ta, at a .teputa t eree tint the teo f , here thus _4_ day of A/g u M b e r A. b.
Ptanning Com i44ion of the Uitlage of £dura, Muvseaota
�itJ.t�,/e.`tq... (it.�, .X,M--J Cfw.iteai �e•oltm
Shia ptat was. app"ved and accepted by the Vi ttage Cou.teat of CdA. -%a, Minnesota, at a ugutat meetin4 theteol, hdtd tlwa L_ day of No earns' kl R. b. 1964.
The boundaries of this ptat and the boundaries of the btock therein, have been mathematicatty checked and approved. No
determination has been made to aaaeotain that the tegat. desc,Wtwn aytees with said ptat.
dated thio -- day of _
of £diva, Min.teso ,a
A, 'J. 1964
_ ..tA. Mayor
_ eta. Managrt
Lw.O Seev<re RS
Barry S Johnson