HomeMy WebLinkAboutKemrich KnollsC ASW E.L L Fto w � In qff 9 M (I HENNEPIN COUNTY, mmmas E.I.IGINEER1Nc� CO. 1Jo R'TH t -)w E. OF -,Y2- OF SE%4 of Nw'/¢, SF -C-6 '192.54 EAS -r l0 0 0 v° 3 00 •Z s Kp I 152.54 S ui Z _ _o Zoo 31.4P, c1: ,0 5q A c -/z' .i 7 566'3^., d h_ i' R. 451. 4- K F_ -M 4 .. _ >4 ',N NN 220 /M 'O Or?. s�a 30 0 L° 6•<7.gZ°Hoo )u e 9 2-4^26039.0 2?•� 12 33•E 2.26 8166'.. 22 ? W 2 N o 3 s� nNo z s 4 !EO CJ 2' So< S.o .5- . 0 AiIJAC,! dN o NOi In F t T Ln �f-: CD �O e N 0 I N \C ifz 9. o z Z � rx �z 49.54 r a o� 0 o.o 13 0 a 'O 040 110.05, Q � "EAST IP 0 w ins io IT� m = F i W LL IOC j N .S.o-...� � In qff 9 M (I HENNEPIN COUNTY, mmmas E.I.IGINEER1Nc� CO. 1Jo R'TH t -)w E. OF -,Y2- OF SE%4 of Nw'/¢, SF -C-6 '192.54 EAS -r l0 0 0 v° 3 00 •Z s Kp I 152.54 S ui Z _ _o Zoo 31.4P, c1: ,0 5q A c -/z' .i 7 566'3^., d h_ i' R. 451. 4- K F_ -M 4 .. _ >4 ',N NN 220 /M 'O Or?. s�a 30 0 L° 6•<7.gZ°Hoo )u e 9 2-4^26039.0 2?•� 12 33•E 2.26 8166'.. 22 ? W 2 N o 3 s� nNo z s 4 NE. cOR1136R OF SYZ OF SEy4 of WW Y4 OF GF-c.e"TwA. 11(0,Q21 , 94• 4.q4 4 CJ 2' So< S.o .5- . 0 AiIJAC,! EASEMLNT� o ,5 In q4"&V;f 94.99 Ln 20 m1 2033' CD �O e y I N Cc 01 O ifz 9. o z and said to be st �z 16 14 a o� 0 o.o 13 to l 040 110.05, Q � "EAST 9'9100 a u 010 w ins io IT� 0 9 .9 0 w o1 NE. cOR1136R OF SYZ OF SEy4 of WW Y4 OF GF-c.e"TwA. 11(0,Q21 map w sh9 CJ 2' So< Oi^c ro 02 3q.. 3'l l 05.. 'a 4 •ss.te Of'y'v N N Q 0 po ,5 In I 94.99 Ln 20 m1 2033' and iZlchard �O e y partners 1n I N �A l T and said to be st A 4e, 9 'ui �7 _o �0 z -� N to l 1 110.05, Q � "EAST 010 w ins io IT� 0 9 ,t4 A -0 - r .S.o-...� 190.05 Q EAST Q '0 0 (0 2 0 Z 9 Z r e r a 'n N K 0O9 N 15o.om p Z 4 v EAST dD map w sh9 CJ 2' So< Oi^c ro 02 3q.. 3'l l 05.. 'a 4 •ss.te Of'y'v N N Q 0 po ,5 N z Sb.zi I� Q 0 '9 0' 5 0 3 oG r 02 3q.. 3'l l 05.. 'a 4 •ss.te i Q 0 +he. ,5 a drainole eae sments Sb.zi 94.99 Q 20 m1 2033' and iZlchard e £AST partners 1n 4 ;� to 4T.. Qcl,'4Q.Sl ro 11 o. n1 �A hereon+o set their hands and seals this N 9 and said to be st A 4e, da 0p8 'ui �7 _o �0 z -� N to l g ao�o too 110.05, u.n+o � "EAST 010 w ins io IT� 0 9 ,t4 A -0 - r ...v 1 1�.v o•,v .�li loo.^ loo.^ to 2.4S 100.0 1 110 DEW E.Y lu 190.0 N89°51*4eW%512.54 W89°51*48'W SouzN L%uar�, of SETA, OF NW %4., S6c. 8 � 1 _ M� M -SE. CORNER OF SLA of NW%4 of SGc. 8 5 • 5.- utili�y and drainage easement's shown • Denotes Iron Monume4 t0µ5 , line un helve, n l e.ss okh¢.rwis¢. earg sFeet on each side o'? lot All bin s baed gm on ssued daturn 5 5 "- indicnted -This Plat was approved and accepted by t e Plann%n,o Commissior), ov tke Vale O� Edina, Minnmsotq a+ a regular meefing thereo� h¢Id this /iC da,j OV JuL 4 ilq , A-0. Planninq Commission Villa ¢ E.dinq,Minnesol-a bye i�s Cilatrrnar)����"'`�'� This plat was approved and acc¢p+2d b..l the L/illacle Council,o tie Viilaele o Edirlcl Minn2soiq> at a regular meeting Mereoy head iN cia j of �AIq /illa Cou I o di inn¢sota The boundaries o� tilts plat and +he botAnciaries 0� the blor-xs there\n have. be '`McAemalicalll chec!(ed and approved. No de+¢.rrninafion has been made }o ascertain that the. legal description agrees with said Alai. Dafecl this dao o� , IA A.rD. bH- E,1mer 3. t02t¢,rson County Surve4or Flennepin Countcj, Minnesota G onY '&&a A ENC>tINEE.Rs ANo LANG SURVEYORS ('`NUW ALL- M6A1 t'SYI THESE PrZESE1.1T$; -ttlat K¢mricl7 I�nollS a par}n¢.ralllfo Go.-,Sis•�in� U�' Clarence. J. Kemp and Nan y 0. Kemp, husband andwife, and Richard 'M. Smith and Jean K• Smi+h, husband and wife, fee own r, and f=irst Southdal¢ Nafiorlal Poanl\ a United Sfa1e:5 corporation, mortgctg¢e of the Following described Property situated in the, State-' o. Minnesota, Countq of t4enrt¢.plr1 +o Wit r ff t / 'Tr,¢, E asf '192.54 ee+ o. �6e South '/2 op 4he SoLAIkea t Yq- 0. The, 1.iortkwes V4 0� Section 8; Township ll(o, Ra �e zl, Except +he EcLs+erly 90, fee+ o the, v./esterly 280 ¢¢-+ 0� +he. So-fherly 1(03 f e¢t the reo�. Have caused the 4amz, to be surveyd and platsed as tSEM(�tGti t�,vc>>✓�s, and elo her¢ta(l donate and dedicate to the pub ie,. for public use �orever +he. orive , Lane , and Roads , and u+i (i} t and a drainole eae sments Clarence J. s hown on the a vexed aS plat, and wiFe, In Presence• oT and and and, anc) anc! and Sic�rLed Ke:rnric.h l nol_)s Clarence, J. Kemp .Qancy a. Kemp Richard M,.SmA -Jean K. SmA Firs} Southdale Na}tonal t3anl� Occicc. NEI.^ 15 ate, 4 Minneso Coun+ct o!; iZnepi on this dayiq_ A.0,) b4ore me, a notary puhl c. vvilhin and �or said Coun{y and State, persona e� a pear¢ G are rice J. Kemp and Taney 0. hemp, husband and wt e, and Richard M. Smi}lrj and Jean Smith, hushttnd and WiVe,, to me, ersonallc.l known, who each etn dol sw rn did say tha+ +h¢ are Pr rtn¢rS o Y)emrich I,no t the partnersh,p named irl the ororygqi�inq �instrum¢nt• ihct} salol irlytrumenf was s1 ne K in b¢tial�' ko id par+nenotj ; and Scald Clarence J. 1(e � and Uahc /0-., Q mlp pne3 Richard M. smi+h ane! Je n smith ac o ledge said instrumen +o be +he free ac and cl e,ed oV sate! par nersbip. NOtar Pu ie,, Hennepin Court �i Minne50c, My c�mri1issiorj Q�(P1YeS S}ate o� Mirtrlesot Count o� de-n('lepiln on this da o� , tq_� A.D. , beVore rne, a notary public wi}hin and plot scud County and Stale , personaR�1 app 2a red and , to mem Pe.rsond(ly known, Who ¢gcil being dol sworn d (d scttha he arer res ee iv¢ and 0 First %Qc fhd Uationcil flank, a� United s{atq.s C0 rporatfcD, the corporation named in the; �Or¢9oin ins+rumen{• and that ibe, seal aWixed ,to +he, s me rostrum¢ -q* is the. corporate seal OP said corpora+,on; tha+ said 9 Instrument was �%' jjned oncl s¢alecl in behalT oPSO, id corporation baA author.}� o f}S hoard o clirec+Orsi and said and aclSnowla 4no'. said inst (Arn n+ 1'o he, the gree: ac -4 and deed o say corpora•ti ri• Uo+ark Pub)ic,, Hennepin Coun+Lj, Minneso+q Mg commission expires I hereby certi�y +h(A I have surveejed anti played +he proper}l c�escril�¢d in this plat as KEMRicH KNoy c s }hat this plat is a co r¢c r¢presentatiorl of said su vecji +hat all dis+anees are, correc+llj shown on the plat !n �eet and deeirna s o a .Foot- that a-il monumen�5 have be corse,+l P, aced in the c)rounci as shown on the, plat i that the ou+tiid¢ bouneiar lines c+.r2 correetl dell n4 ted on the pia+, and +ha+ there are no wet lands or public highwaLis to l�a, lesiclnaied c n eat pIo-A c->the.r than as shown + ¢ra.on. Reek +ere Lan Surveyor s'We O� Mi`nfneso} 1•Ainnesota Qe.ejistration -0o. Counti-j o� H2nnepi The. above. c ti} cat'e wcis SubScr16eCl and sv(orn ; o \rDe.�ore rune, O, n0+artj peahlic , -this 10�� dad og t9 �t A -rte. j 1Jotartl Public , Henne pin Countvi M inn¢sotq 1.Aq commission exp ireS EDITH RENNtE nowt'., uoec, nenaepm Uounry, Minn MY CominiAehn E7puns lam 1 tj 1369 In witness whercov said Kemrich Knolls has caused fhece, present's to be signed b(.j Clarence J. Kemp and Nancy. D. Kemp, husband and wiFe, and iZlchard M. Srnifh and Jean V,\.Sinith, husband and wie, partners 1n saki pa tners!•iip, who have hereon+o set their hands and seals this 19_ A.O. and said to be st First ned by Sou+hdale its National PJ an a Uni}ed States corporation, has oJj iters and i corporate, seal to be, heir¢ ea ec( these, apPixed +his presen+s proper.}' u.n+o 010 C1 of ,t4 A -0 - In Presence• oT and and and, anc) anc! and Sic�rLed Ke:rnric.h l nol_)s Clarence, J. Kemp .Qancy a. Kemp Richard M,.SmA -Jean K. SmA Firs} Southdale Na}tonal t3anl� Occicc. NEI.^ 15 ate, 4 Minneso Coun+ct o!; iZnepi on this dayiq_ A.0,) b4ore me, a notary puhl c. vvilhin and �or said Coun{y and State, persona e� a pear¢ G are rice J. Kemp and Taney 0. hemp, husband and wt e, and Richard M. Smi}lrj and Jean Smith, hushttnd and WiVe,, to me, ersonallc.l known, who each etn dol sw rn did say tha+ +h¢ are Pr rtn¢rS o Y)emrich I,no t the partnersh,p named irl the ororygqi�inq �instrum¢nt• ihct} salol irlytrumenf was s1 ne K in b¢tial�' ko id par+nenotj ; and Scald Clarence J. 1(e � and Uahc /0-., Q mlp pne3 Richard M. smi+h ane! Je n smith ac o ledge said instrumen +o be +he free ac and cl e,ed oV sate! par nersbip. NOtar Pu ie,, Hennepin Court �i Minne50c, My c�mri1issiorj Q�(P1YeS S}ate o� Mirtrlesot Count o� de-n('lepiln on this da o� , tq_� A.D. , beVore rne, a notary public wi}hin and plot scud County and Stale , personaR�1 app 2a red and , to mem Pe.rsond(ly known, Who ¢gcil being dol sworn d (d scttha he arer res ee iv¢ and 0 First %Qc fhd Uationcil flank, a� United s{atq.s C0 rporatfcD, the corporation named in the; �Or¢9oin ins+rumen{• and that ibe, seal aWixed ,to +he, s me rostrum¢ -q* is the. corporate seal OP said corpora+,on; tha+ said 9 Instrument was �%' jjned oncl s¢alecl in behalT oPSO, id corporation baA author.}� o f}S hoard o clirec+Orsi and said and aclSnowla 4no'. said inst (Arn n+ 1'o he, the gree: ac -4 and deed o say corpora•ti ri• Uo+ark Pub)ic,, Hennepin Coun+Lj, Minneso+q Mg commission expires I hereby certi�y +h(A I have surveejed anti played +he proper}l c�escril�¢d in this plat as KEMRicH KNoy c s }hat this plat is a co r¢c r¢presentatiorl of said su vecji +hat all dis+anees are, correc+llj shown on the plat !n �eet and deeirna s o a .Foot- that a-il monumen�5 have be corse,+l P, aced in the c)rounci as shown on the, plat i that the ou+tiid¢ bouneiar lines c+.r2 correetl dell n4 ted on the pia+, and +ha+ there are no wet lands or public highwaLis to l�a, lesiclnaied c n eat pIo-A c->the.r than as shown + ¢ra.on. Reek +ere Lan Surveyor s'We O� Mi`nfneso} 1•Ainnesota Qe.ejistration -0o. Counti-j o� H2nnepi The. above. c ti} cat'e wcis SubScr16eCl and sv(orn ; o \rDe.�ore rune, O, n0+artj peahlic , -this 10�� dad og t9 �t A -rte. j 1Jotartl Public , Henne pin Countvi M inn¢sotq 1.Aq commission exp ireS EDITH RENNtE nowt'., uoec, nenaepm Uounry, Minn MY CominiAehn E7puns lam 1 tj 1369