HomeMy WebLinkAboutKer-Mil HeightsJUNE, 1959 KERemMIL HEIGI HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA SCALE: I INCH = 100 FEET o DENOTES IRON MONUMENT BEARINGS ARE ASSUMED 1 �Norfh line o{ S 2" of Lof 9, Avdfors Sil6olYision No -19C seP3Y1e".H--/Z57.00---- west ----/ 0-- t18---- ----1/ ---- ----/ 0---- ----! o---` -8Z --- A- (P/-17 --- - 180---;-_ to tNiliiy Praina5 e foftmtnf -V;N (y0' eNf\ J (h N N N J '•�' n v J N r.. �,,, f. a 8 0 7 6 5 2 4 3 2 1 0 1 1\M- 5' � e•1=5T2G' a=/2'o \ ( R� � a e 117.26 1 /5921 °4t I- WEST TRAIL'S Weat t 130. l .0 / 0.0 1 0.0 /20.0 0 Q'4 2 Q' Z ^ m M ' '\ d=16'/)'14• j oql . ` � a- ��. ` 0 0 / o/ Q 2 7 `�° 6 5 r 4 3 2001' r/ R, a�97 of$4 � -�...• - ,nss'z2'SYW 1406filiy Eommew, 1.1134/ 12 . o=- -. TEM L a --t3 0 125.0 ~t25.o -_, 4, I�� °651 0 • ° =p Finament �,•;•..: \ ` ~ - � 'a �S Go' 2��� 180.02 N �? l 8 a 9 10 ^.�,;Vi( M 12 m 13,' 0 pl\ 00.�53p o N a e m \ ... 120. 1 /25 1 12 /23 1 /20 98.07 SAMUEL ROAD V11 .1,;os a Y 4 \ Q, ` West t1.91 9/. Z 7 /82.0;'- 1/6 82.04 h 1 9• I ! 90 9o.I6 1115,1\eg3 i 4 JQ �. i V° v6 a'1do731• as. M 6m 5 M� 4 3 " 2 i ��s >� 2 9_?S � w 6%36 66 � ulilily 4Drainoye Eostmen ' Z49.06 `'=8 .30--- -1.. 116-� - -- -----1t6- -- ---tlG•- •- -- ---120-- ---13404•- -- 0 ------t 0- t --� 689'4!'537 /26!•40-- ,,-., 15oulhline ofZof 9, AvVlror's Subdivision 41o. 1.9a This -plat was approved and accepted by the Village Council of Edna, Minnesota, at a regular meet/ng thereof held th/s12.; L_day o{A.D.1959. Vi /lag* COU/7C%l of Edina, Minnesota i Mayor Village Manager TS JOHN E. CARDARELLE SURVEYOR KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that Samuel H. Be//man and Sly 8e//man husband and wife acid Kermit H. Poppler and Mildred A. Poppler, husband and fife owners and proprietors, and Milton T. Wi//lams a'd Edna H. Williams, husband and wife, morty'ayees, of the fol/owing' described property situated in the County of Hennepin Stale of Minnes0t , t0 wilt: Number Soulh half fS 1) of Lot Nine (9), Auditors Subd"x/sionA196, Hennepin County, Minnesota according to fhep/atfhereof on file and orreeord in the office of fhe Regisler o{Deeds in and for Hennepin County, Mnnesofa. Have caused the same to be surveyed and p/ailed as KER-MIL HEIGHTS, and do hereby donate anddedicate to fhspublie for public use forever the roads, lane and trai/as shown on fhe annexed p/al; sub`"ectto utility and drainage easements as shown on The annexedp/at for use ofmunie/pa/ity,, or otherppublio uti111ies forms3a//0111017 andmaintenance offaci/!ties insfalled in and over said easements to serve a�c�eent or ofher premises /n IN vieinify. /n witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals thisII,- day or ` Zt - A.D.1959• l C Signed In preseaee o . i��r ..•�in'ti� /t L.;. > �-\(�//J��A./��� (rE°"i///'%7:•iA..t^./ �tL✓7 % r I/LI'�%-�'.� Samuel H. Belljnan % Sally Gellman Kermit H. P01er Mildred A. PooOler r A � , ,J �d Wi//ass r y rz<�,�, • f/,r �� Milton T, Williams E 1701 H. / m STATE OF MINNESOTA SS COUNTY OFHENNEP/N On this day of r,-A.D.1959, before me, a Notary Pub/ie within and • for said County and State did personally appear Sojnuel,#- Bel/man and Sal/ Bellman husband and wife and Kermit Popp)erpand Mildred A. Popoler, husband died #4 and M/lto17 T. Wil ams &/71 Edna fl. Williams husband aanol nd h'ezecu>id fhe fo/reko n'insfrumwho e f and17ackr�ow/ed'swore�ddfhaf yh yaexec ted the same sa stheir ow e free ael and deed.. 5 n , ,� A(. v Ak All � I hereby certify Thal I have surveyed thal M/s Olaf is a correct represen and decbna/s of a foot; that monam as shown on the plat; that the out: The land /s correct/y shown on saia/ p other fha/i as shown hereon. 1/7 Expires mmm M. SMIR VQWP Public. Hennepin County, Mtnh- kly COminiSsion &4Wres Jan, 25, ^349 platted the properf described on this,o/al as K£R- M/L HE/GHTS • >n of said serve,; that al/ distances are correctly shown on the /al1h Leet for guidance of future surveys have been correct/y ,,00/aced/n t� round boundary lines are correctly des/gwated on fhe plat; that fhe topo�ajohy of That there are no wet /ands orpdbl/e highways to be devy'nated on XAl "Yc/at hLm �> &Oh jt + ,1 111-1 - Surveyor STATE OF M/NNES0TAI ss. COUNTY.OFHENNEP/N Above cerfi{cafe subscribedal7d s 1-_Jn My to arol ,he 6our7daj-1es o{ the blocks rheeein The outside boundary of this plat have been checked and found to bejnaihernatiea//y eorreci This p/011 was recommended {or approval.by the a regular meeting fhereof held fhis, f,, day County Surveyor, fhis�a/ay of 1 V1 ,76 1y, Minnesota �iHnc@ `iNl. �nPll�` Wofty Public, Hein County, Mm My Commtes;!� Janes 3960. Z$y, of J�A0.1959. v of fhe Y///age of Ea11na, ffi;7oerola,al A. D. /959. n/s73z Q{ he--Ylh 'pfEd/na, M1imesola Chairman