HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-01-18 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL JANUARY 18, 2017 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. IL ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, and Mayor Hovland. III. MEETING AGENDA APPROVED Member Staunton made a motion, seconded by Member Stewart, approving the meeting agenda. Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. IV. COMMUNITY COMMENT No one appeared. V. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED Member Fischer made a motion, seconded by Member Brindle, approving the consent agenda as follows: V.A. Approve work session minutes of January 4, 2017, and regular meeting minutes of January 4, 2017 V.B. Receive payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated January 5, 2017, and consisting of 27 pages; General Fund $204,573.99, Police Special Revenue $4,693.77, Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety $493.92, Working Capital Fund $24,349.53, Equipment Replacement Fund $950.62, Golf Dome Fund $652.58, Golf Course Fund $3,991.18, Ice Arena Fund $5,508.15, Sports Dome Fund $6,926.36, Edinborough Park Fund $542.49, Centennial Lakes Park Fund $1,704.75, Liquor Fund $258,603.12, Utility Fund $466,917.57, Storm Sewer Fund $15,947.78, Payroll Fund $2,732.75; TOTAL $998,588.56 and for receipt of payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated December 29, 2016, and consisting of 36 pages; General Fund $185,451.10, Police Special Revenue $170.00, Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety $5,856.12, Arts and Culture Fund $750.00, Working Capital Fund $193,926.12, PIR Construction Fund $71,603.44, Art Center Fund $7,338.81, Golf Dome Fund $4,845.36, Aquatic Center Fund $8,977.61, Golf Course Fund $1,164.03, Ice Arena Fund $14,271.08, Sports Dome Fund $299.64, Edinborough Park Fund $9,997.62, Centennial Lakes Park Fund $14,230.58, Liquor Fund $282,541.19, Utility Fund $159,012.34, Storm Sewer Fund $100,645.81, PSTF Agency Fund $1,595.96, Centennial TIF District $23,031.00, Southdale 2 District $1,109.00; TOTAL $1,086,816.81 V.C. Adopt Resolution 2017-10; Public Health Services Agreement with City of Bloomington V.D. Adopt Resolution No. 2017-I1; Residential Recycling Grant Agreement with Hennepin County V.E. Approve Request for Purchase — Contract 17-4 — Valley View Road Pedestrian Bridge Abutment Installation; awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Redstone Construction LLC, $158,106.50 V.F. Approve Request for Purchase — Bobcat 5600, Park Maintenance; awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Lano Equipment, Inc. $55,900.00 V.G. Approve Traffic Safety Report of December 7, 2016 Page 1 Minutes/Edina City Council/January 18, 2017 V.H. Proclamation for Arbor Day 2016 V.I. Set Date for Edina's 2017 Annual Volunteer Recognition Reception —April 3, 2017 V.J. Set Date for the 2017 Annual Meeting with Boards and Commissions—April 25, 2017 Rollcall: Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. VI. SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS AND PRESENTATIONS None. VII. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS — (Favorable vote of majority of Council Members present to approve except where noted). VII.A. BOARD AND COMMISSION REAPPOINTMENTS APPROVED Project Coordinator Lamon shared the list of Commissioners for reappointment to their respective board, commission or committee. Member Stewart introduced and moved approval of Board and Commission reappointments as outlined: Arts and Culture Commission: Stella Chaffee. Board of Appeal & Equalization: Roger McVeety, Ed Cracraft, Scott Smith. Community Health Commission: Amanda Herr, Alison Pence. Construction Board of Appeals: Douglas Hall, Kip Peterson. Energy & Environment Commission: William Glahn, Michelle Horan, Louann Waddick. Heritage Preservation Board: Sarah Nymo. Human Rights and Relations Commission: Heather Edelson, Ellen Kennedy. Park Board: Greg Good, Brenda McCormick, Trevor Mohs, Julie Strother. Planning Commission: Steve Hobbs, Susan Lee, Johann Olsen. Transportation Commission: Larry Olson. Council inquired about non-appointments due to attendance and if the intent was that those individuals needed to reapply. City Manager Neal explained the practice was existing Commissioners in good standing were reappointed and those not appointed due to non-attendance would reapply through the regular appointment process. Member Brindle seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. VII.B. RESOLUTION 2017-12 ADOPTED -ACCEPTING VARIOUS GRANTS AND DONATIONS Mayor Hovland explained that in order to comply with State Statutes; all donations to the City must be adopted by Resolution and approved by four favorable votes of the Council accepting the donations. Member Brindle introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2017-12 accepting various grants and donations. Member Staunton seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. VII.C. 494/2 STREET REDEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL—SKETCH PLAN REVIEWED Community Development Director Presentation Community Development Director Teague outlined the properties owned by the City of Edina's Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) and the proposed project area of three acres at 3930 W. 49'/2 Street. He explained the HRA issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) to redevelop the vacant property that would create additional public parking for the commercial district while adding street life, vibrancy, and new business opportunities. Mr. Teague outlined how Buhl Investors and Saturday Properties were selected as partners to construct 155 new parking stalls in addition to the required parking, 131 apartment units, 10% of which would be affordable housing, 30,000 square feet of retail, with an additional 11,000 square feet from the Hooten Cleaners and Edina Realty sites, and 27,000 square feet of open space and trails. Mr. Teague outlined that Comprehensive Plan amendments and rezoning would be needed because of the proposed six story structures. Page 2 Minutes/Edina City Council/January 18, 2017 Council recognized students in attendance from Valley View Middle School and had staff explain the sketch plan review process. Proponent Presentation Peter Deanovic, Buhl Investors, proponent, stated the proposed project included gathering places, a fourth parking structure for 50th/France businesses, connections for the broader 49'/2 Street and neighborhood, and establishment of large open areas for public gatherings. Todd Novack, Mohagen Hansen Architecture Interiors Architects, proponent, shared the proposed project included extended pedestrian alleyways, large outdoor spaces, expanded parking areas, and movement opportunities for events such as a farmers' market and Edina Art Fair. He shared there would be 30,000 square feet of first floor retail, a six-story mixed use building, and ground floor retail with the building pushed away from the curb for expansive outdoor spaces. Mr. Novack explained parking would be concealed behind a living wall facade and include integrated art work both with sculptures and the building fagade. He outlined access from the 50th Street alleyway with a proposed central plaza and water feature that would function as a splash pad in the summer and ice rink in the winter with a fire pit and other amenities. Mr. Novack noted the building would not have a "back" due to proposed front door retail and project density would be away from the existing neighborhood. Brent Rogers, Saturday Properties, shared a 3D video presentation of the project highlighting proposed movement and height context. He stated the south side of existing businesses that front 501h Street would be a widened connection between the parking planter and businesses with 30-40 feet of space. He outlined the two-sided retail and how only one of the views of the project from the surrounding areas showed the full six stories and how the project blended in with the current two-story businesses. Mr. Rogers said they invited businesses to two different open houses and heard comments that parking was critical as well as construction activities and disruption. He said to mitigate those concerns, they plan to add 300 parking stalls in total with 150 new underground tempered stalls and phase construction so no parking was out of commission before new parking was ready. He said once completed, visitors would spend more time in the open spaces which would likely lead to spending more money in retail and that current narrow sidewalks posed safety concerns. Mr. Rogers stated a major obstacle was the existing center ramp which would be replaced with underground parking, plaza, and two-sided retail. Mr. Deanovic said the project would serve the City well with a new tax base projected at $1 million of annual tax revenue while creating spaces and experiences through a new plaza and parking. He introduced the rest of the development team and stated this project would not be a "flip" but be multi-generational with durable materials for a long-lasting project. The Council commended the proponent's work in following Southdale Area Plan concepts and affordable housing component and indicated that while it liked the public art displays, cautioned that it not result in public advertising. The Council commented on the importance of ensuring good lighting, ceiling clearance, stairwells in parking areas, and screening of roofline mechanicals, and encouraged alternative uses for parking if not necessary in 10-20 years. The Council indicated the northeast corner of the development also needed redevelopment and encouraged the proponent to work with those property owners on the possibility of integrating their redevelopment into this project. The Council cautioned about noise from mechanicals when windows were open and inquired about responsibility for the living wall. It was noted that six stories would set a precedent and suggested that not all areas of the building be six stories. The Council requested that 49th Street be included in the traffic study and that the proponent encourage bicycle transportation through artistic bicycle racks. The Council commented on the number of retail shops and supported including a live music venue to the south that would invite multi-cultural activity. The Council commented on the existing parking ramp capacity, the new ramp compared to the number of residential units, and confirmed the units would be rental. The proponents were complimented on their Page 3 Minutes/Edina City Council/January 18, 2017 creativity with replacing the parking ramp with housing, providing height in the center, and the proponent was encouraged to consider sustainability with regard to water uses and recycling organics and other waste. The Council suggested including solar gardens and breaking up the horizontal and vertical massing. The Council noted impacts to neighbors with the green screen, energy and sustainability emphasis, and requested shadow models to show effects on neighbors and overall community benefit. The Council also commented on podium height effects, concrete construction for durability and noise control, and emphasized the need for construction management strategies and creation of water features large enough to actually use. Vlll. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS VIII.A. CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Hovland acknowledged the Council's receipt of various correspondence. VIII.B. MINUTES 1. ENERGY& ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION, DECEMBER 8, 2016 2. PARK BOARD MEETING, DECEMBER 13, 2016 3. EDINA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, NOVEMBER 17, 2016 4. HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD, NOVEMBER 7, 2016 Informational; no action required. IX. AVIATION NOISE UPDATE— Received X. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS— Received XI. MANAGER'S COMMENTS— Received XII. SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS AND DATES AS OF JANUARY 18, 2017— Received XIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Hovland declared the meeting adjourned at 9:03 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Debra Wen, City Clerk Minutes approved by Edina City Council, February 7, 2017. es B. Hovland, Mayor Video Copy of the January 18, 2017, meeting available. Page 4