HomeMy WebLinkAboutLake Edina 2nd AdditionSoul! kora{ hor7h 1.3,7./* 0/.Y /i-e IV o{sec. 31, 7-28, f24�
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h 16215 Wayzata Blvd., Wayzata, Minn.
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Know all men by these pzesalnts that Normandale Development Corporation, A Minnesota Corporation, Theodore L. Storer, President, Joseph W.
Lund, Treasurer, owner and pr praetor, and The Estow Corporation, A Minnesota Corporation, Edward C. Stow, President, Oscar G. Haugland,
Secretary, purchasers under contract) of the following described tract land situated in the State Minnesota and County of Hennepin to wit:
The East Six Hundred Sixty-one and Four Tenths Peet (561.4) of the West One-half (WJ) of the Northwest
st Quarter (NWy), except the North One
Thousand Three Hundred Seventeen and One Tenth feet (1317.1) thereof; the South One Thousand One Hundred Fourteen and Six Tenths feet (1114.6)
of the West Cne-half (W,) of he Northwest Quarter (NWJ), except the East Six Hundred Sixty-one and Four Tenths feet (661.4) thereof, all in
Section Thirty-one (31), Town hip Twenty-eight (28) North, Range Twenty-four (24), West of the Forth (4th) Principal keridian. also, that part
of the Southwest quarter (SW -I of Section Thirty-one (31), Township Twenty -ei t(28j North, Range Twenty-four (24), West of the Forth (4th)
Principal Meridian, describes as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner o sa d Southwest ;,uarter (SWJ); thence East on the North line of
sRid Southwest quarter (SWJ) o a point One Hundred Ninety-five feet (195) East of the Northeast corner of Northwest Quarter (SW -J) of Southwest
,Zuarter (SNI)i thence angle r ght Ninety Degrees Eleven kinutes (90 11') a distance of One Hu aired Sixty feet (160); thence angle left Ninety
Degrees Eleven Minutes (9 0 11 ) a distance of Three and Fifty-four Hundredths feet (3.54); thence angle richt Forty-five Degrees Fifty Liinutes
(45'50') a distance of One Hu fired Nine and Ninety-two Hundredths feet (109.92); thence angle right Ninety Degees (90�) a distance of Two Hundred
The boundary lines of which lands have been .marked by mo•nunen.s �.t each corner SitW-five feet (265); thence Lngle left Sixty-five Degrees Forty-five Minutes Thirty-three Seconds (65 45133") a distance of One Hundred Twenty -
of each tract thereof, which monuments rre in place at the folloa•ins described three and Forty-six Hundredth feet (123.46); thence angle right Thirty-seven Degrees Fifty-one Minutes Thirty-three Seconds (37 51'33") a
points, to -wit; Judicial Landmarks are at the following points: At a point distance of One Hundred Seven;y feet (170); thence angle right Ninety-five Degrees (95 ) a distance of Three Hundred Thirty feet (330); thence angle
One Hundred Five feet (105) East of the Southwest corner of Section Thirty-one left Sixty Three Degrees (63* a distance of One Hundred Thiry feet (130); thence angle left.Thirty Degrees (30*) a distance of Two Hundred
(31), Township Twenty-eight (28) North, Range Twenty-four (24), ;vest of the Twenty-five feet (225); thencii angle right Thirty Degrees (30*) a distance of Two Hundred Twenty-five feet (225); thence angle right Ninety
Forth (4th) Principal Meridian; at a point One Hundred Five feet (105) East of Degrees (90*) a distance of ve Hundred Fifteen feet (515); thence angle left Fifty Degrees (50*) a distance of Three Hundred feet (300)i theaee
the Northwest corner of said Southwest 'uarter (SWJ) of said Section Thirty- angle left Ninety Degrees (90') a distance of Two Hundred Thirty-five feet (235)i thence angle right Ninety Degrees (90 ) a distance of Three
one (31). On the North boundary line of the South One Thousand One Hundred Hundred Thirty-five feet (=) to a point on the West line of said Southwest Quarter (SWJ) a distance of Eight Hundred Fifty-four and Three
Fourteen and Six Tenths feet (1114.6) of the 'Nest Half (WJ) of the Northwest Hundredths feet (854.03) Sou of the Northwest corner of said Southwest 6;uarter (SWJ)i thence North along said West line Eight Hundred Fifty -
Quarter (NWJ) of said Section Thirty-one (31), Ninety-nine and Eighty-two four and Three Hundredths fee (854.03) to place of beginning, except that part taken for State Highway Number Ono'Huadred (100).
Hundredths eet (99.82) East of the West boundary line of said Section Thirty-
one (31); at a point Seven Hundred Eighty-eight and One Tenth feet (788.1) East Tave caused the some to be surveyed and platted as LAKE EDINA 2nd ADDITION, and do hereby donate and dedicate to the public, for public use
of said last described point; at the Northwest corner of the East Six Hundred forever the Lanes, Drive, and Avenue as shown on the annexed plat, also subject to the Utility and Drainage Basements as shown on the annexed
Sixty-one and Four Tenths feet (661.4) of the West Half (WJ) of the Northwest plat.
.Quarter (NW -1), except the North One Thousand Three Hundred Seventeen and One In witnesa whereof said Normandale Development Corporation, A Minnesota Corporation, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper
Tenth feet `1517.1) thereof of said Section Thirty-one (31); the Northeast officers --,i its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed thisg`! day of i; 1959.
corner of said last described tract; the Southeast corner of said last described Normandale Development Corporation
tract, which is at a point One Thousand Three Hundred Twenty-one and Two Tenths; In presence of (A Minnesota Corporation)
feet (1321.2) West of the Northeast corner of said Southwest �,uarter (SWV ofAt
said Section Thirty-one (31); the Northeast corner of said Southwest wuarter (Svr`) /5. r/fir i Theodore L. Storer, Presiden
of said Section Thirty-one (31))• the Northwest eerner of the Southwest quarter P >` '
(SW -1) of the Southeast quarter Wj) of said Section Thirty-one (31), which point G % Joeseph W. Lund, Treasurer .,
is �ne Thousand Three Hundred Twelve and Seven Tenths feet (1312.7) from the
Northeast and Southeast corners of said Southwest �,uarter (SWI) of Section Thirty- COD/VLN4VdALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS)
one (31). The Northeast corner of said Southwest _,uarter (SWJof said Southeast COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) ss On this day of Orr A.D. 1959; before me a Notary Public, within and for said County and
Quarter (SE sep un ,
J) of said Section Thirty-one (31). The Southeast corner of said last State, personally appreared T eodore L. Storer n Joeo each duly sworn did say that they are respectively President and
last described tract. The, Southwest corner of sEld last described tract, which Treasurer of Normandale Devel pment Corporation, A Minnesota*e`orporation, the Corporation named in the foregoing instrument and the seal affixed
is also the Southeast corner of said Southwest Quarter (SWJ) of said Section / to the same instrument is the Corporate seal of said Corporation and said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporation by
Thirty-one (31). authority of its Board of Dir5ctors and said Theodore L. Storer and Jolseph W. fund acknowledged said instrument to be the free -act and deed of
said Corporation. f �„
--Vote* Pu c, Suffolk Coiln y, Massachusetts
My Commission Expires ere-vUurzr �15
In witness whereof said E tow Corporation, A Minnesota Corpor tion, has caused these presents to be signed by its Yroper o fieers and its
corporate seal to be hereuntc affixed this day of 1959.
Batow Corporation
In presence of (A Minnesota Corpo ation)
Edward C. Stow)President
Oscar G. Haugland, Secretary.
COUNTY OF HENli& IN ) On this day of I 4d A.J. 1959) before me a Notary Public, within and for said County and State,
personally appeared Edward C. Stow and Oscar G.-HauglEl who eac- duly sworn did say that they are respectively the President and Secretary of
the Estow Corporation, A Minnesota Corporation, the Corporatio: named in the foregoing instrument and the seal affixed to the same instrument is
the Corporate seal of said Corporation and said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of
Directors and said Edward C. Stow and Oscar G. Haugland, acknowledged said instument to the free act and deed of said Corporation.
axv PublW, Hennepin County, Mi ;ii,
w �exg5xes S4oTT> L', L�CiiX.
My Commission Expires
I hereby certify that I ha a surveyed and platted the property described in this plat as LASE EDINA 2nd ADDITION; that this plat is a correct
representation of said survey; that all distances are correctly shown on the plat in feet and decimals of a foot; that the monuments for guidance
of future surveys have been co rectly placed in the ground as shown on the plati that the outside boundary lines are correctly designated on the
plat; that the topography of te land is correctly shorn on the plati and that there are no wetlands or public highways to be designated other
than as shown thereon. I , /' :`t' r, . G „ J
The annexed plat of LAK&
regular meeting thereof held
The above plat of LAKE
held this t'; z1�1, day of _
The foregoing plat of LAKs
certificate subscribed and sworn to before me this;'r) day of
A,. D. 1959.
Hennepin qun y,
Notary Pub.
Mp C=mi
My Commission Expire
2nd ADDITION was approved and accepted by the Planning Commission of the Village
h tG day of , A,D. 1959. 11
The Planning Commission/Of t#: --q
2nd ADDITION was approved and accepted by the Village Council of Edina`;
A.D. 1959. /
Council of Edina, Minnesota, By,
DINA 2nd ADDITION checked and approvea this day of A.D. 1959.
ine so a
c=1, ISob.
aso�ta, at a
k_$- dinnesota By,
at a regular„meeting thereof