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Lake Edina Addition
otv a//men b� r; iese /�r2senfs f� o �Err�ma Schi//i�9erlrroiq a wi /ow, and r�ow a��rrarri �o c�i�o /ic�nrySchi//layer and TIO GYii�i od C. 5c ,h/s Age v f� owners, arra' 1haSfow Cay 4 Corp°rofio.o uadsr fhe' /airs 0,�`f,5� 5fcifrzortilii�n<rsofd, j Edwo C. Stow, iPresl2iei�f, andEvaSr`ow, Secrdforyand Treasurer, !'arcfrosar.� u,7d,r o Conrrocf forD¢¢d awnersand Propr efors of fhe 7fD//awii�gd�scri6ed /onds'ifuafec/in fi5e..5'forc� afif7irri�es�?; a' ono'Caury.=y� df"fi�2nnec�/i� fo wrf ' L AKE ED11VA A DDI JV 4 30T af,oarf of �'he !vest One /�a/,� (�Y2� of the Northwest Orre q�or ter �N. t +/¢� ar'SCe-bbrr rh/i fy Or, �z (3l] Townshlo I 9 39 N.w, oo,¢. SSc. 3i ZB-24 N.Wco, 0� e 6el4'oFN.W.' 7�venf Eiyhf�28� Ronye Twer�fy Four�Z4J lyingSoufh of fhe Norffj rhree/�andredSeYenfy ✓revere feaf(.ai7Jr�hereof' ono' '';OF N. N14 SEC. 31-ZB•Z4 ¢ /i/Orf of fhe Sou /h E/even hundred �ourfeen ondS�k T�rnfhs (fl J4. s) feeh fhc�rc�or�arrd GYesf a fhe Evsf Sik f/undred o SixfyO eared eva,— nfhs�G6/4 th¢r,�o Excepf_5fofeHghwoy and fheltiasfF fe�rr(�S��Qe A/so oe 17mn 7y vffhe 9oufh�ydsf Lerner C/ lh4 Ea.S'f .5•iX One ondFoc✓r T¢nfhs X66/. 4�7reef of fhe rt/orfhwesf Qaarfer (N, W. J of /t/orf/r�Yes f "' Quart r(iSiW.¢j ofSecfion Thirfy0n°t(3/> rowrrsh/;c TasenfyEiyhf(29,�, leaiyo 5wonfy Four(24t), fhonce Eosf on.saufh /ii7e a/"* S. L/NE O/- /V 377,0' ( .5a/o' act o C1sfa17cc- of Thirfy�3OJ�evf,' Thence Norfh ondporo/%/ w/fh the Wast /qhs ofsoio'Trocf v C /VllanCar C; Four undredrwdnfyrwa area' Fifty Oneffandradths (422•S1'] >1eef; fh¢nce o/any a Curve de>%0cfiirg 294.74'—Uf:/.fy EcsPm n�' —13'� — '`rte;.� North esr�er/y w/ h a de/ e7 ancf/e or�'ForfySix Oe�reel7hirfy fas C46030> undo,Qad/mss of Three t 9y so ' ij���3i�- l ! q°�� ,yixfr l7 ondFiffyrhree/fvndredhhs �.a16..5.3 � fParf o distance of° D�>2 /�u17drad Th.`-fy/t/.i�e arra' Tuve/ve Hur�dradfh9 /os BO 8D Bs ; aoe� 77./6y,� I �/ / > of �o the in�¢rsacfian olefhe Wes'f /aha of'saib' frau a� a,00/i7f far V47 /,4070; -ted S�;rfy Ona OW Owe �' T¢nffi 761.1>��er<,So ufh o�'ffic� Norfhwesf Dornc�r of'.scrrb'fr4cf; thence 5o4✓fh on Salo' west /ii�e r`o /.7 a cam of O P 1 30 S a �v/ f¢gi e7c9 o aled the same fo be sarveed ond�/affadas LAKE L-D/NA fOJ/T/ON nd do hardby donafe and ded�cafe g3azc. sq spa ,�p / fyEafemenfsassfiafvr� o -I5 a to the a6/ e for oL/b/� c ase forever the /onus ds shown on the 4;onne rdd /of. ,9/so ,fab �cf fo Uf/%/ `'•,-'- 135' ,, � � / witness whereat°s'oio'EinmoStbi//��9er/Iino/a; awidow ondnow unmorr��d, /�'enry5chi//inyeror7d Gt/i�ifredL. Schi//ii�ger, his w% hove herearrfo -set their hands and-fea/s fh/s oda of_4l " A, - A.D. /955,' area' fhesaib'.9'fow CoJ EdwordC tio Q Q ;� `� a C. Sfo President, and Evo.9fow, .5ecrefory andTeosarar, hove coaled (hese presanfs fo be ,signed by ifs proper ©fficars Z® o 19 s��' > hti o '� `` orrdif Corporofe ea/hPreanfo oft Vel fh/s/ t day of Q0 e•r°3Bfs x'10° a cQ i B- /r7/i!a Bs' 2L7 saz6,en- leis, ti• v � �ti � _ E n y r j. S h e o H �• qS-o��, 9,c �sB �.. �� to p `' e V /"..`.. !.� " i . r.' /�enry ✓�'L'h%//%/iy�. r 6 ' ��'` - ..S�Q ® � � 90 6.7 ,3 r .P,e,gSB t) ''',z.� � �%^ �,1'• .s \ �-� io�i�o / L The Stow Co. �7 , Ott Q dY/A°4221` 9e l•� s o Vis_ 1 J F 9 eo w Sca/e .' 9"' d' o 0 • v O I /`' ro'` r .�Q o> '���s l2/ �``� DenOfeS 1rOn /Y%nU/f7enfS H Evo Sfoiv ScCreforyano'Treos. �. X000 `� . ti �a.y / s` tag 35 a o . �, ST'9TE FM/NNES02�1 --85= 2a ZO 29 .S$. COON Y OF /�ENNEP/N On this - day of (�/n;1=Ip/� A D, i9.s5, 1 eforem¢, a Nofory .oab/ic, w%thin andfar .said �, 5/ s �2 w .o count ondStafe, ersono// 4 eorodEmma Schi/1�n er,9rno/a a widow andnaw unmarried /�'anr Schi//in yr and Winifred db//ry6vr�b �. i S'rr / \� 1 a y /� y PP 9 > y 9 ��°' / '� \ m a� �° L. S. -h, //inger, h/s /vile, fo Tree known tope tfie p¢rsons descri6�rd rn and who axocufed �`he/la�oahi rnsfrum¢nf, 4'1701X 40rA `tea 3. tiff \ �— ockno /edged r`he soma to hO the/r OWI? free act and deed _ ZO \ /� yi /nnes0 a. G.,SM/iH �- `Q�\��',: �'y+ / --- 30'I ad :�EG.ENGR.�LANosuFveYOR' ` '" F Nofory Puh/�e /�'ennepinCounF /1/%' f .-. i wAYSATA 15LVAC. S7-4TE OFM/NNESO7A My Comm/scion Exp/res: y` t/.6 BO 1qoo =,�S-4s99���„ �•''' r I6, bb�o\ 6' 0 �s o&, / �o#� ,/ � I 11d9YZATA,M/NN.•SEPlJ9S5 COON YOF HENNE/o/NADt9S5i '4 , b®forerrre, allofar Pbuw� a/i,hd orcar counf o' arra' slalo,,oerson a//y o/ooeores'dEo'wa.-d C.Stow or7d EvaStow, �vho de�i�g byme, each du/ s tyorn, d d9oy fha� ti/idy kJ 3oss as moo, a > r ���t�A,- I o ore >` ,oresidenf ondtheSacrefary and Trevsarc>'r, resoecfire/y, o�''t/7e Stow fog the coroaro/ion nomedti7 fhereyoing 79 j6 s � '�- / f� �B�2, a rhsfr dnf, fhofsoib'/ir frumenf was signed ondseo%d rig be ho/forSaro'Corporafiol7 Gy aadhorify ofii�s o'sgo s�,.� c v 2 u+ v g , its„I` ��� Al- t J 6 6 ae ” f p ,o and `hot s a/o'Edwaro'C. Snow ondEvo ✓Stow �` 6 -9rc• � o d/Tec ors •fhof fhe leo%faked rs the Cor orale Sea/ofSoidlor orc/fion Jr- `'A, �y0 o'Z' `` I ockno /adyedse�dins ramenf os 1/7e Aee act crud deed of sato' Corrrrorafion. � - • 49n o .>�� - � 2`'9 � ��� ��e 3+o ftp WI Vr r / ,/ _ o h i o sr •.,, F oX � 1�.o •sem ''668 < r - _ _ ,�, w.._,.,� � cs 12'0 'y'^,O 120 ss' 9^c al a 6,Q83 Nofary.ou6/ic fi/ennvoirr loon y, iYliirneso q o m� s ��� /eays�3 o Sr476 OF IVI",ESOT,4 S S /Vly lo/nmissiorr EX,oir26.' o � 3 0`� s i � . � ` � COUN YDF /�fE/VNEP/N 1 harctb c¢rfif! have carve ed and /offed fh¢ ro erf descrbeo'ih fh/s /af as LAKE ' pv E/>/N 1 /JOO/T/ON; fhaf 1h a/, g, F a cor-eel repreAe171afion ofsaib'Sarvey; fhof a/l dsfances are Correcf/y.5hown on fhe I �--�s�w3 . � �w �`L 6s ,-o?, 10 � �I � p/a>`/ �eerfor7ddecima/s o,�a�'oof; fhof themonam¢nfs s�or9uidancc�o>efaturasarYeyshavobeencorrecf/yP/acedr:� Lha that fha oufsido Goandary /inns oro correcf/y der/gnofed on the/a/af; fhof fhB fopoyroohy correcf/yshowI7 on fhe o/al and rlhaf (here arB no tvaf /ands orpub/�c h�yhways fo by desigr7ofedofh°rr 1/r4917 tiyj Land SurYOG or M/i>nesofo /Pe . No. 1.39> °off �., ��9��3�?' Q, y rho a oYr� corfif ieofe fu6srribed ond,5worn r`o, l al re melan fhlsr � o'oy ate--( � � . O X9.0. 99✓r5 B6 16a./t, /J��40 a=42° 2Gg0 '�o'.`�Dss' ° �” J Y/ ,, S.LIr+✓EN.tY OFN• Y _3J-'ZB-24 _30 owl o" c 3,. '8 ��°r �o N.L/NESW.=:.OFN.W.13J-Z&24 rs` ofa b/ic �'anne rnG'o r7��M/nneso Q p AI/ TANA Z ANE 0,1111 z Sze 9 >- /v1y Comm/ss�bn Expii-es,' 6 t x'40 aed � I °s90 `'� Thi fo e orrr /a>< of L,4KE EO/NA XOV1r/OA1 was o roved and occv fed d IhO P/oi7nin lorr7missibn of lhO V %/o ® a, 85 „8o ea Bo 74./ /08 A= ,pk a. o, 90 iso. o k Ediro Mahn sofa ora re a/ar meefirr r�hereof°ho/ Pfhis y 9 9 �a r• b� 9k'0� h ¢ g o rho,/'lonnri7g Commission of fhe t�%/aye of Edho, M/irn, by 'z W /v,,- Choirmar� 5 7 105, o 5 91' S"Ufi/ify Eo emerrf ' .900 { t JM. B5_ •___ Bo_ —BO 0' _ I ---773.x'"-� N. L/NE Orf 1114 01 --�---. �^ The above p/of of LAKE ED/NA .90O1270)v waf fhe l/i%/o e Coanci/©f Chocked and approYed this doy of Edina Minnasoto afore U/or meefln thereof hoAl this %! 9 9 ' �, • doy A.O.99.5.5 � < ; <= <. - A, D 9955. 1 The v%lave Counci/of Edina, Minnesofo. �y v byu° n� Manager County ✓rurvrryor 41 i