HomeMy WebLinkAboutLoken's 2nd AdditionL OKENS Z ND A DDI TION HENNEPIN COUNTY, M/NN. .E GAN, FLELT kNOWA.K. En ¢inecrs h 24� fh 1954 lV arc OF S ur YcYor,5 ScalC l 20' UNP LATTED monument a KNOW ALL. MEN 5Y -Tdt5E PRESENTS -that Luverne M. Lokcn and !//vian 4//. Lokcn, his w10�'44 owners and 0/ oprictorS of fhc fottowin`yS o seri6cd proper/ si/ua/c in the 5fale of Minne5o/a and County f Hennepin i/: - The il/orfh 0 fee/ al the $ou/h ?42 feci of Elie west l80 � of tfie .5E of fhc 5W,� � ,section /9, Township ZB, Qan c 04� Have CFvJ4 file 5amc to 6c surveyed andplalled as "LOKEN'S T4 PDDITION" and do hereby donate and dekafe fo &pall for pu tic use foreyer the eyenvc as shown on the annexed plat 415o 5uhfecl /o U/i/i/y casement as shown on the anoexcoi Plat f useo f municipali/Y or 04er� �uh/ic Ufi/fes, for /n5/a/%a//on and main/enance of facililies installed in or oyer Said cascrn of A scrye a faces/ or other premises in the yic/nit . /n witness w/�creof said Luycrnc M. Lokcn, anal Y'vian M. Lokcn, his wi e, have iercun/o 5e/ their hands and sea/s y /n Presence of : - 5ned - .� As to Luverne M. Lden and YWan Al lakes 5fafc of County County In ono deco' Nlinna5ola l ynncpi s s On {his day o f �� ti A.D. /954, 6c�rc me, a /S/olar�' Duhhcl wiAin any/ for said and 5/3lc, Persona//r appeared Luycrne M. Lokcn, and &1v n M Lokcn, his w fc, fa me known to he the persons described &ho exewled fhc f re✓¢oinv /n5lrumed and ihcy ad nowlc �cd /hat They executed the same 95 their own free act and N,Iofary, Puh/i, &,gp P' Coon/ Minnesota /r/y l�0?Im/35/O/) L:Xp/!Cs ,,, H. HARDACKER "ry ' ✓i` �. Hi nnep e County, Minh. n Staff o M/nnc5ola 5.5. / do hcrc6y ccrlilr that / haye surveyed and plalled the properly Ve5crihed on fhis P/a as �LOKEN'5 Counlyaf f/cnnapin 2r� AC DITION; that fhis plat is a correct rc?resentalian of sa/d suryey; fhaf a// dislance5 arc correctly shown /n feel anticima/5 of a fool; Thal fhc monuments for juidanec of fulure svrvcys have dccn correct/y placed in the hound/ as sh wn on the p/at; Thal fhc outside Boundary /recti are correct i dz soled on Ifs PIal; Thal the 2on �ral fhc /and i correcll shown on the p/al and that there are no we/ /ands or pv�/c h�hways ra 6e k/01alcsa/drio/al other Phan a shown thereon. �r 4hove I cerlilcale 5v65crihed and sworn la /ef re me, a Nolarr OuhGc AlZ dor of f s - 4.0.1954, JL•1'Nv 1L C'�- S r f, �� o/ary Pu ho, ifenneP/n Counfj, M/n sota My Commission Exp/res3 • S 60 Sou* /nc of /tic 5z¢ of the 5&¢ % Sec. /9,7 ?8, /124 \\�� � The for oin p/a/ was a proved and acceplcol d the P/annm¢ Comm/ss/on of the y//a¢e of Edina, Minneso/a, al a r�ular --- / Y. —��iG. �/. � meeli' �ereof he/�fh/5� Bar of A.D. /954 PLANNING COMMl55/ON OF VILLA CaE OF [DINA, 114lNNE5OTA b� its Chairman Theo oin¢ plat was approvcc/ and accepted 6y Ac Vlle Council WEdna, Minnesota, ala re 01;9r mcclin¢ fherco� halo his �' da o A.D. l95¢ rf VILLAGE, CDUNCIL OF EDINA, M1NNE54TA by /Is Mz or by and approver/ fhis 0/3y f 4.0 /954 t_ I Hone" Coun/y surveyor Y fs clerk