HomeMy WebLinkAboutMelody Knolls First AdditionMELODY
A�?a;v a// /nen by these oresen7�s 7�h074 R/Chnrd C.
Sonnerderg and Frances M Sonnen6erJc, his �-v�:f�, o�nor-s
card ,00roorieAors of the ;"0 IOWir9 ale C, bed orooerfy sihu��`od
in the S74n74e 0." il�/innes0>`a rrd Cour74y of h'enneoin� 740 wig;
7hr7` /orrf of 60 74 LoSec Pion 33, Twns/7i� //7
Rouge 2; descrided ns s' CommencinJc of r ,00inf
in the South //ne o >`' said Goverrmen 74 L o 7` 4� dis fan
/Z46• S .7aee7` Ives,` o f 7`he Sou7</iec7sf corner of said Z17� 4�
74hence /7or><i7er/y ,0101-0//e/ wi70 7'he .Eas7` /ine O SniO'
Goverrmer77� L07` 4,0 o//sponte o.7C /BO - ee7` 740 7`%7e
ac 7`ua / /oain 7` a,, bey/n1-/17y o.7c the frac f o.7' /nod 7`0 be
described; ><herce con71i/7u/nc norther/y loam//e/ with ;,'he
Ec7s7` /ire o.7`' sni d L o 7< 4 a dis 7`47nce 0.7` S2. SZ fee><�' ,`hence
norrhens7`er y o'er/ec7�ing 7'0 -,7117er�f7� X77` nn 0/7s e
5.�°-DO' c7 disfi7nce o7�" 46.4 fee7`J Thence norfhWes7ier/y
in 47 ,57`1-104,0 h74 /ire S6. 73 .7�e7< A0 a /0011774 /23. 42 7Q&74
norfhe�-/y off; meosured on 0 /ire AV/70 74he E47s7-
/ire 074' said L07` 4, from 70e ac7La0l ,o01r74 07� de�i17nin�i
oco.7li7fiar074herce j S0141 10,57` described Course
a ds7447rce of 45. 76 .7`ee7`/ ' 7`/7enca nol-Meo-r4al-/y i 7 a
s7`raia h7` /ire /11.25 .7`&ce 71-0 n ,eoin >` 265.2 -Aee 7'
17o1-7'her/y 0.7c' the ac7'�10/ coin f of beta ir17ing said 265.2 feet
being measvreo' r/ong a /ire Dura//e / /-vi7`%7/ 7`he 5aS7` line
1074 said Lo7` 4�' 7°fienc& norther/y /Durr//e/ with 7`he Ens7`
//ne 0.74' 40" 2074 4 740 nn ir><ersec><ion wi74h 0 1447&
drawn .7'�770/" a /00//l 74 .SO 1"00,5 WOS74 O.f' 7che Eas7` /ine
0:4' said Lo>< 4 and 40,--041S s04/74h 0.7e' 74he /t/or7`/7 1447&
of 50/0' Lo 7' 4 7`0 a /ooin>` 0r7 74he !'! S71 /ine of salio'
,4074 -,4 dis7`a/77' /B rods sov74h 074' 7`%7e N0rr701-Ves74 corner
AJC said L0744/ 74/7erce S0lJ7�iers74er/!J 0/4/7 510740" /i7e so
drown 710 a/7 i/771ersec7`ion wi74h a &74, c�'r�wn
Dara//e/ y411'7`h 07/70" 0/ls7401,f 979, 5 �ee7` WI?S7` 0.7<' 41/e•
E0s74 line of said L o 74 4, s<71d 978. S 7Lee7� deii7�
/77e47s41/-ed along a 1447& /para//e/ kVl� /i 7�he Sou7�h line
of said Z071 4, 71her7ce s4141A4er/ /oars//cam/ `V ><he 5OX74
//ne 0.7c,50740" Lot 4 7`0 a /00ini /80 Ae&7' nor7sher/y
cls measured along said /�7s7` /nen7'1017ed ,oars//e/
from 7`ha Sough /ine 1074 soid Z10 4� 7her7ce -k 4/
IDo,-a//e/ wi7417 74he Sau7`h //re of said Lo74 --�t n disfnnce
0.7` 2Teel` 7'0 7ahe ac7`v0/ 00i774 of beggin/7ina I/' hrve
ca7vsed 7`he s0177e 7`0 be suraeyed r7/7c/ ,o/n7474ed as
/Y I-aDY i(woLLS Fi,4s7- Aoo/r/o/v" and do tieredy don477`e and
d&dica>�e ><0 7ahe ,ou6/ic �r 7�17e ,ou6/ic use .Forever 71he
Lazne cls shown or 71he rn17exeo' /o/a7< /n w17`ne9s,
whereof; we halve herevr74o se>< our hoods rod sea/s
or 7/hisy day A. D. /9S/-
/, Pres&��e
/ it
Coviv r * Mi,
s F �
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ter \�� i /�6• ~'�0^ X9o><
0/70' poro//e/ fo the
S. /ine o.f G0117` Lo!•s4
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:30!: _ ......978.5
-'-�--- -----/246.5--------- ---
I AtowAs<
S7�a74e o f IWI,7/7eso
14 D, /9S/, 4 ea 40;C me 47 Nafi�ry Pudic wi�hir and fr- ,5040/
Caun�y, /oersorr//y 000eored Ric/7rrd C Sonrerberg and Frrnces
/Y/ Sonnerberg� his wife, 7'0 me /Cnawr fc 6e 7417& /oers017s
described it 0n0 who executed the .foregoinJO irs74run'7e/77` rod
74hey IOck�ow/ad,1ed 7' they ere d 74 some ens 7'fieir
OW17 .7'ree rc74 47/74 deed � � NO3E:kt D. MUfffiCK
�sOLar➢ �'abiic, Hennepin County, Minn,
No rry loud//c, /fie, reo�i7 Caun�y /y/inresoi�npr1127, x9�y
My Cammiss/on E�'/o/res
574477`& 0.70' /1'linreso7`r� ss
Cour7`y of flenne 0417 j a'o /7ere6y certify 7`hr7� 1 have
surveyed 0/70' /0/477`74&0' 7°744& /orooe/-6; dost.-i6ed on 7`/i%s /,0 1' 1-s
�LODY %i/VO., LS F/RST /4a/7/7'i0/t/'7-1h41-1 phis /0/a7-1 is a
torrec7` 47&,01-&s&r><n>`ion of so/d serveyy� 7`hof r// o/' 17ces
ore correc>`/y shown on 7<he 14114774 /n 01-0&7' rod 4114'4-1 1-"a/s a74'r 74&07✓•
7`/74774 the mOnUn7cr71s 7101- 71/7e Ja!/id017cc 0.74 f!/74Urc' surveys
been 001-1-&&74/y ,o/rced in 7`he „�r-ound as shown on 7`he ,o/v,j'
74ha774 >`he ou7<sio'e .6ound47ry //res 4747& carrac7i/y o'esi�nc774ed o�7
the ,o/r7�,,' 7`ha7` 74he >1o/ooyrr/oi7y o.7c 7'/7e /1-1-70" is correc7�/y s/7o�.r�n
017 74he 10/07` and 7�307' Xhere are no vve7�1 /4717ds or /41416iic
hilahW,7ys 740 de des/Jana7`edon Brio P/n>< o74her 71hrn as sfioiv17
Surveyor /Minn- ReJc . �Yo, 929
.46ove 0&477°ifica�e sudscrided
MC on 747444,5 day o>`'
and sworn 7`o be70re
A, 0. /A9 /
No><i7ry Pv6/c,, h'erneoir Caun y,, /Y/ii7neso7`a7
/Y/y Cammiss/on ExoiVs
i The a/JD!/e /40/4774 a� '/ilELODY /i/YDLLS F//'+ST ADD/T/on/"
Was c7/0,oraveo' 7/70" occe/ 7 -ed 6y 74he %J/r/717117,Je Commissior
074 7-1he /ii//1-.%a e of Edina N//i7nesofa. �,
?he c76ove ,o /r7� o>` '%1�l1-LaoY /�,vOLL s Fi/,�s r ,9oDi �-/oma "
w.7.s 04,0110ved ann' acceo7`ed 0"y 7`he Y/%/agc & Council 0.7C
aEf of 4 �dira/ /Y/i17/7euso7`0 07` a rei u/a/^ mee7�ii7 t (hereof' /7e%/ 70/s
Sec/,. 33, 'T. A7 da✓ DT '4' Or / J
R. zi Y/L LA73 COUNG Of ED/N.9v �Y//N/1%ESOTA
,oresiden 7<
0"y ----------
�-ri- 474,5 Recorder