HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiller's Rearrangement In Lots 13 14 Block 1 Edina ParkMILLER'S REARRANGEMENT /N L OTS 1,3 &14
SCALE ` / ZO �
/4 910Ck /,Eaina Pc/rk
Norfher/y /i17e of 11/esf S�'tti S"f
WEST .5-6 ' S T.
Know a//men /oy /iiese/oresenfs fhaf ela/fon L. Mi/ler ar7d �Pebecca
hvsbana'ana't�ife, owners of//ie f //owii79 descrihed/�ra�er/y
ie fNa,-7d
foanfy of h'er�r�e�ir� fo yvif
The W&Jffer/y one and one ha/f (//2J leef of Lof Thirfeen (/3) anda//of'Lof
Fourfeen (/4) exce/of fh e Wesfer/y S/Xfeen ancyone %I feel fhcreof,
of ,B/ocf Orae(//, of Edi�csPdnF;`occordi>y >`o tfie/o%�` ,/hereof ori fi% c�nc�'
ofrecorc//n fhe office of fhe o/ al -7d fo/- sald lle,- neoin
Counfy, hove same fo foe s41rveye9 c/-70'/0/crffec/ as VILLER.S
RE 9RRAN6reAWAIT /,A/ LOTS /,3 R /¢ 91-OCA-
1/7 tyitness whereof We have fiereunfo sef our f7cYr�U'S andsea/s Phis
7/1 day of March 190 /95�
%nPresence of ( r
I.' ..a./.-�
<SfAfe of /Y/innesofa sS.
C'ounf y of //eI"eoin j
Ori� 4 eac/9rIare rrne,
a /S/ofaryPLud/c within anc/forwardCaun/y, /persona//y a/�pecrreo/ C/oyfonL,/f�/i//er
anc/ leehecca T. /Yji//er fo me/oe%sana//y knoyvr7 fo 6e AelOei-sons anc/
who execufed lfie foreyoi.2y acl(17ow/ea9e0I fha/ /fiey execUfed
fhe sane as (heir free ZC1 ar/d o%ed.
iYarary Pub/rc yer/neoin Counfy �r�nesal`a
/Y/y comm/ssian CX,oirCs la&Lly� 27, /1G o
�*aars� to®ria iaY"rx,
I her&,j y Cerfify /iia/ 1170 V esurveyed a17071,a d 7e�oro/par�y described /ri fins
/J/af as AIIILLERC PE,4",fN6FMENr /N LOTS /,/ X /4-, /3LOCl<' I EO/NA /��9RK fhaf
fhis p/crf /safrue ano'correc�`reoresenla>ion of'so�dsurvey; fhe/fc�/l�s,�`ancerare
correc,7`/y shaW,,7 0/7 fheP/af �� feel al74 C;'ec/rno/s L,7'4'1,::0f 1'hOl Ae monumenfs for
lite 9uidAnce of fufure sarveys have been correcf/yP%aceca'ii> >`fie yroundoss/�owr�
on ffie yJ/af fhaf file oafsiael 6oUnZiary /17es 0/-L- Cal-�Cf// c%siynafedor> >YiEP/af f/'of
fhe fop09raf✓hy of /fe /and 15 corroCf/y shown on the /J1a'l anc/1/ia1,'4here c /e no
wet 1a17 d-7 01-1i�u6/c h/9hways fo be 0?.Fignahea' on�`4&112101011hel-AaV es shover/
fhereor� ,
�e9isferec�',Candv�urveya//- /S'o. //88
19/,0 V,- Cel- f/f�-ci/e xs uf�scri6ec/ ane/ 3-wo17'7 /o before /ne /his ' - cloy of/Varc/% 141?/95¢
Nofar y P�6/rc fi/enneoin Cour7fyM/nnesofa
Ry CDmmiss/on
MY COMMM;on Expires Apr! 30, 1°So .
This/o/a/` ryas aP,o/avec�' anc�'accePfed 6y f/ie v%/QQe Coanc�/aI`Fdi�c a /Ylinneso/a ala
re9u/ar rneefiny ffiereof he%' f{iis _ i coy
� -,/,, / q 5
PreXAc &' r>>`