HomeMy WebLinkAboutNaomi AdditionCARDARELLE a ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND SURVEYORS MW a Q a HpA t { �. r•. C: 41 ;li; rw t, r•ti•t t!li:� North line of the South 219 feet of the Northeast 1/4 I of the Southeast 1/4 of Sec. 32, T. 117, R. 21 .0 no* Qd, Rrl" W AD D! 1 :1: i N NAOMI HENNEPIN E W. 0 60TH ST. COUNTY, MINNESOTA SCALE I" _ 40' o Denotes iron monument Bearings are assumed Know all sea by these presents: that we..Thomts C. Ward and Naomi H. Ward, his wife, owners and proprietors, and The Farmers and Mechanics Savings Banc of Minneapolis, a Minnesota corporation, mortgagee, of the following described property situated in the County of Hennepin, State of Mi seat&: That part at the South 219 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter, Section 32, Township 117 North,Range 21 West of the 5th PrinAp a Meridian,lying last of the right of way of the Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railroad. Have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as NAOMI ADDITION and do hereby donate and dedicate to the public for public use forever the road as shown on the annexed plat, also subject to the utility easements as shown on the annexed plat. In witness thereof Thomas C. Ward and Naomi H. Ward have hereunto set their hands and affixed their *sale this e?/ sE'd&y of�<2ag /a. A,D. 1963, wd The Farmers and Mechanics Savings Bank of Minneapolis has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this ?i Sr day of_J2 ro a e,e A.D. 1963. / o ` laig"�VdI n�^—setteof al J homes C. War �e Naomi H. Ward A The Farmers and Mechanics Savings Bank of Minneapolis /Q - BS/DCiv: sST. T'RBpSuReTR State of MS esota Countyof H nnepin 6. S. On this day of o ere A.D. 1963 before me, a Notary Public, within and for said County and State, did personally ppear Thomas C. Ward and Naomi H. Ward, his wife, to as personally known, who each being duly sworn, did say that they are the persons des ribed in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they executed the sane &s their own free act and deed. State of MS sots County of H nnepin S.S. On this A/ personally 4ppear WM. 12, CtfR�srors/e,Pco, say that th y are the y_teg-.PRwsios-Nr of Minneapolo is, the bank named in the forego authority o its board of directors, and sold instrument be the free act and deed of as . tZy is,expireain County, Minnesota opt ea°. a Ash9 Myommsion y§G�q'tR co D. 1963 before me, a Notary Public, within and for saigCounty and State, did ! Sum D r , to me personally known, who each being duly sworn, did 7 ,rasoRrie , respectively, of The Farmers and Mechanics Savings Bank and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said bank by :roPNERson1 and f% R. S[/ND r acknowledged said t the seal affixed to ssaateiidin(\/s/trrumenntIs the corporate seal of said bank. My commission 1 Ti$.Y. co' —.. I hereby cetify that I have surveyed and platted the property described on this plat as NAOMI ADDITION; that this plat is a correct representatin on of said survey; that all distances are correctly shown on the plat in feet and decimals of a foot; that monuments for guidance offuture surveys have been correctly placed in the ground as shown on the pl , t t the outside boundary lines are correctly designated the plat; that there are no wet land* or public highways to be designate ott id plat other,Skopsis shown hereon. State of County of The bound been made Thi"e plat This Reg\No. S.S. Above certificate subscribed &nd sworn to before no this & disy ofs� A.D. 1963. wvvacv ruuaau, avu zyau % Ww Ujv, Jsaunesura WiNETH L. THOMSEN, My commission expires 7 Public, Henn.pi. Co.my, mien, raj 6oe.mi,»ion 1-01- July 20, M7;' ` e of this plat and the boundaries of the block therein have been mathematice}jly checks a approved. No determination has ascertain that the legal description agrees with said plat. Dated this ft�� %V day of /' A.D. 1963. b7 I7 t'�) 11,1je nt Ami /�16ao& recommended for approval -by the Planning Commission of the village of Ndina, Minnesota, at a regular meeting thereof, held of`.0 bEi@ A.D. 1963. f approved and accepted by the village Council of =dins, Minnesota, at a D. 1963. VillsAi Coi meeting thereof, held this ,7+ h day of :Village Manager