HomeMy WebLinkAboutNormandale CourtH EN N EPI N COUNTY, Scale- i''-=601}- Marcb, 1953 MINNESOTA. EGAN, F 1 ELD NOWAK EnQ i veers Er 5 urveyors r; 1-4A 775.5. --. 1inePara11e1 wilh 2nd 660 feel Mork oiihe 5oulh lim oi6owl Zofd Sec 99 ,_Iron Mon. M o /�i)ow a(/rnen 6 y fheye prese�ls fhai /lath 6. Petersoo ar�d%r�n C. Oefersor), his W//'9',owoers aod�ropriefors of Theo foffowioy- des - cribed oro/oe y situate in fhe 5/a% of'/J/Jio/�esofa ar�d Courof y of'//er)/Toi/) tow/1- Thafload ol'Goverlgmel2f Lot Four%�), Thirty-three W), Towmhi/o Orae //uodred 5eveo%l) (117), )� � Twe/)}y-orae (21) descri�edas //ows: ComrnPocir� ' Rf,1�je /Vorfheasl corr/er o/7f�e 5041112 Ei�hf(B) rods of ;5aio/LofFour��% fh�ce /VOI-1112 012 saidEasf /ire fo 1�e/ooir�/ o�ir�/ersec r� of'said/r)e a/oda /roe rumin l*ra//d wrfh and Six f�Lrodred5ixfy (660)7eef Nor1%01rAe 5041112 111V0f seioILoIFoui�'); fence Weslo12.said c5ra/// /ne a ds>n' e of Forfy- 5eve� (�7� roo/5 fo a�ooir�f rnarkeo/6y a ,/udcia//.a�marr�; thence i� a 5ou1/oeasfer'/y driecfio� or/ a /roe draw fo a f /0 fhe fa51 Gee 01'LofS /r9 s0 -71o/ 5ecfiov 33, Fify(�)�od5 50uf/� o o',he Nor/��a5>`coi��r o�5aioi6oyer�i�errf Lots u�/i//f 114"-5ecfs a /roe o�r�wr�/oara//e/fo the 015aidLof ar�d37rod W s>Ler/y ore saro/E�s//rrie o/4"lof�; thence oo said/ioe which is dl. lIgwf 37r00/51 ce5l 1rorn saio�Easf/rioe o�'Lof/� lo 1heiVorfh k2e 0179a101Soalh 8roo/s 0/7_'r7/'- Loft whichyr0iofis flier;ce,56sfor�1120Alorrlh1�wofsaro�5ou>I�i fra-s to 1hey�oir� o�W416Z411��Iyll rnarkeo�6ya ✓41oc/a/lar�d�ar/ setiresaio/ryeofa ooir�f1/�reio JMele1 wsf ol"Av �rorn Saidpoi / oii/�i hive cac�5edfhe same fo 6e surveyed ar�d�/affeda5 AloRmAmoA« Cour r'arrd do heredy c6vle.rod dedicate fo fh ou6 r b/rc use loreverfhe court aodhyhw.y.s show/o orr fhe arrV2ewodo/af. Ire w/1r�ess w1w6,a nwe have herr- avlo 5ef Ol/ Aawo'S ar�dsea/5 /his o/ay o/' 4-.01953. /n le e-mxxe ol-' 4 F, 0 N z 3 a6� 2 COURT N /Z5.o 6/0.0 Na/,, 4e 0150411128rod5 of Go v'/. Lold, Sec. 33 Sfak/oM COun/y 0/'X Court ; fhd oecim8/5 of fhaf fhe ou, p/a/' arod/ 1 as k Rglgh C.Velfoon 1 aid Ann C. klersoo (SEAL) (SE,9L) �e5ofgl 7e0in f 5.5'0,9 /his day ol'-949Al 9, 6elore me s NofaryPu6% wi lJ andlo'r s.idCour�fy ar�d5/ate per5ooa/fy '7 6 Afer5ow an-1*1;, C, /gefer5o15� his wig, 10127e /<r2own /0 6e fheperson5 o'escribediio sr/dwho execUfedfhe> or�oi�� i).51 - /hey ac%ow/e�reol hh 1112e y exec41fed the same as /heir o wro free acf acrd deeo! Nofary Pub/c, l-/enneroin Couo/y, Minneso% My Commis5ion Exp/res �neso/a nnepinf S.S. hereby cell y fhaf /have surveyedY.?cpoa/fed fhe properly de5crided0re/his p/af as "NoRMANDALE fhisp/af/sacorrec/reoreyer�fafio/� 01'ya1o/56y-vey; that of/drsfaroces are correc//y shown oo 16e,o/a/ir)te'ef awd/rr >foof; rlhaf fhe rrronurnenfs for dno'ufurSrveys re corect/d.yei' fhe fy-ouoda5 5howr) on fhe,o/af- ide boundary /ices are correct/y desi�oafedoro /he o/af, fhatfhefoo0 VIN offhe fa/�dis correct/y shown ori /he of there are r>o Wet /ands or/o416%rc highways lo 6e p''egpoofedo�er fharo a5 shown thereon- Surveyor- Minn. 1I r N° 1197 Above cer/r /cafe sud scribed arrd 5 worn/ lo 6etore me, a No/ary A16/rc, 11215 day 01'-14,1) �•� 1953. Notary Dub/rc, ffer7r)epiro Cou of y Minoesofo� My Commission Expires The fore oin�p/afwasaoprovedarrdacceoledbyfhe�/aroniroJp'Comm�ssior� of fhe 1///;pe of'Edna, M�hneso/a, a/aryu/arrneefiroy- he/d this da y of q. 0 1953. PUAI ✓1NG COM4415510N OF V1LLA6E OF E,01A1A7 M/N/VE50TA 6y il5 Chairman The re01P16714-0 in plawas approved andaccepfed 6y fhe Vf� e Counci/o�Edrna, /l�liroroesofa, 07/0-7l yd 4r meefiio� he%' 11215 day W A. 0.1953. .� VILLAGE COUNC/L OF EDIAIA, M1NNE50rA by /fs Mayor by ifs Clerk 0 S/ate of P/ COU/ /. )/0 appeareo% � rurr/enf 4 F, 0 N z 3 a6� 2 COURT N /Z5.o 6/0.0 Na/,, 4e 0150411128rod5 of Go v'/. Lold, Sec. 33 Sfak/oM COun/y 0/'X Court ; fhd oecim8/5 of fhaf fhe ou, p/a/' arod/ 1 as k Rglgh C.Velfoon 1 aid Ann C. klersoo (SEAL) (SE,9L) �e5ofgl 7e0in f 5.5'0,9 /his day ol'-949Al 9, 6elore me s NofaryPu6% wi lJ andlo'r s.idCour�fy ar�d5/ate per5ooa/fy '7 6 Afer5ow an-1*1;, C, /gefer5o15� his wig, 10127e /<r2own /0 6e fheperson5 o'escribediio sr/dwho execUfedfhe> or�oi�� i).51 - /hey ac%ow/e�reol hh 1112e y exec41fed the same as /heir o wro free acf acrd deeo! Nofary Pub/c, l-/enneroin Couo/y, Minneso% My Commis5ion Exp/res �neso/a nnepinf S.S. hereby cell y fhaf /have surveyedY.?cpoa/fed fhe properly de5crided0re/his p/af as "NoRMANDALE fhisp/af/sacorrec/reoreyer�fafio/� 01'ya1o/56y-vey; that of/drsfaroces are correc//y shown oo 16e,o/a/ir)te'ef awd/rr >foof; rlhaf fhe rrronurnenfs for dno'ufurSrveys re corect/d.yei' fhe fy-ouoda5 5howr) on fhe,o/af- ide boundary /ices are correct/y desi�oafedoro /he o/af, fhatfhefoo0 VIN offhe fa/�dis correct/y shown ori /he of there are r>o Wet /ands or/o416%rc highways lo 6e p''egpoofedo�er fharo a5 shown thereon- Surveyor- Minn. 1I r N° 1197 Above cer/r /cafe sud scribed arrd 5 worn/ lo 6etore me, a No/ary A16/rc, 11215 day 01'-14,1) �•� 1953. Notary Dub/rc, ffer7r)epiro Cou of y Minoesofo� My Commission Expires The fore oin�p/afwasaoprovedarrdacceoledbyfhe�/aroniroJp'Comm�ssior� of fhe 1///;pe of'Edna, M�hneso/a, a/aryu/arrneefiroy- he/d this da y of q. 0 1953. PUAI ✓1NG COM4415510N OF V1LLA6E OF E,01A1A7 M/N/VE50TA 6y il5 Chairman The re01P16714-0 in plawas approved andaccepfed 6y fhe Vf� e Counci/o�Edrna, /l�liroroesofa, 07/0-7l yd 4r meefiio� he%' 11215 day W A. 0.1953. .� VILLAGE COUNC/L OF EDIAIA, M1NNE50rA by /fs Mayor by ifs Clerk