HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrrin E Thompson's Edina Additiona\,.4, W IQ) Q 50 i S. /ine o/ A/ 65-t 4/pee/ 65& s/ 50 i /o/hY�ol/i�v�rseci/orr 65'�firee/anq/ //% W /ae fire, %anq' q'ercrife9/ i lz Zs W 6fi St_S" -- S./ine oL•Gor. Lo� 2 Sec. 4, T. //6, e. 24 0 Qj / o/n/ a /i✓/EIScc7/a/I O/ 7Ae---k/be o/ Closelellne Ave, rt///h fhe /Y 1117 o/ A/ 66 s/reef OPPINE 7VOMPSOMS EDINA A001TION. /1. J. BIMSCHEID. surye-yar. /'1110W AL L M/ /Y BY 7"f/ESE P•£'ESE Y TtS; Th v/ we Orrin E. Tho ,- o.5 orr 7.vel f/e%17 C_ 7hor.�/vson, fYus64ri,/Q�q' .few owx>ers /// fee of fhe Jco!/owlT el&scmb q/ /oro/aenf e fo-W/f Thafp9r/ of Goverment La/ Two <z), 5ec /org lour 64), Township One hur��rec�/ six/eer/ //6)� �Qr/9e Twer�fy-orae �2/), descY/bed as fo/%w,5f3e9inn/r/9 qnl fhe /vo�f of /// ersecfior/ of fhe o/` fhe South 1117 of West 6h"�Jfreel wish /he Wes/ 1117 of e/oseah/.oe 4ve7we) fher/ce sou/h zlo.�7 s=he wes/ /fin of v/ose/of/ne aYer/ve a 9l�s/n//4-e of S/x-hun cl ^ec/ (600) feet fo fhe /no/ref 01-MI/ersec110r/ oll c%se/o%>/ae aver/ue w/1h fhe /Ymy-lh //n of West Six/y-si><fh sfreel) fher>ce West a/o/ay fhe 7/0Y•fh // e 0 west (66/b% S"/ree/ a Q/is/once of 7W- o hurtq/rec- �eYeN7 0270) {eel /o fhe vol, -7 / of /rr/e-rsec 1/0/2 of sq�� �o� /h // of 1'Vesf Six/y- s/x/h Sfree/ w//h the ,�'crsf 1117 of W1 1 -r �verlue j /her>ce NoYlh q/o/� fhe eqs/ /�r/e of soic/'GVi/ryas Q✓e2/ue q' Vlrl '/ice of S/x -hvn (:1req' C600) {eel /o lh e llao/r/ o� /r/lersec//ort of fhe eas/ /ire of .5 r/q/ W//p ave//ve w/hh /he souhh /�r,e o/ Wesf S/x/y-f// h shreef; fhe�ce evf14/0//9 f souhf� /�/7e of sq/q/ West Sixty {ffh slNee/ % /he /ao/n/ ofbe9I,�WIn�, q/isf4W Two- hvr/glred-sever/l CZ70) f'eel�fare cause(/ 0& A.6ove premises fa 6e /aiq1ouf/aA7 /al -5 �s show27 o�Tis s//eefa/Vcf fhe sa/rre fo he- k ri own gas `OR R/N E. THO/l7PSON:5 X!0 NH ADD/T"!O/v': W/fness our hared a/id sea/ /,4/s lav W> 11755 /or Orrin F. W,>`ress {or /le%/r C State Of lvlw//eso/a Coah�y of Hen/IeP/h Ort f/iis�Q day o� Minnesota Persona//y ay��eare d Orr/r /n and who executed fhe forego/n9 insfru, 5t4te o/ M1,04e5ofa� COUnYy of Hens?P/o�/o S s. I here by teddy l ha /heP/q/ hereon !s a cort, e ct re/o reser fa Aa /o/s Qre 1pu/vhd /sr feet 0,1 q1 o'eclwa/s o/`'a loo/ r fhe gwouho/ a s //ro//caleo/ or said vo/Qf 1ha: are cor"eof/y des/ynaleo/ on sa/d /o/91, p/af o/her Phan /s fh ereo/? zr, ovw/, on 6&/•ore me a Notary Pub/c, /� 4,o? o( /,I 14h Covh fy o / WM7e,01n, Thompson ono/ f/e%,h C. Thom/oson; lo rr/e /rnarYn to be fhePet-sons o%scr/ bed 7enf 4wo/ each acl&aw/edyeo/ such fo 6e fhetr otir/7 free act an deed /Yofdry Pah/c, He�h e/o/s� Cou/�fy, r/ane so fa �.GI�rJ /yy commrss/on ex/o/res I hove survyed the /a/�d descr/bed //� fhe dea�ic�t•/ior? of f/i/s s//eef /hah of sa/o/ survey/ fh�rl q//�sfQ�ces ore co�recHy shoiv/a o/? sa/or/v/af, fhal a// fs as s/?oW/7 ort 6'a/0l /o/f f/�af fhe p/e/ytelas/o/1s of'a// /ofs are Ca" C f/y 'al IXe /7oaa/r/e/r /-Fmor fhe yc./o%/7ce o/`' faf�re surveys have flees? /o/oceo��/7 Jfiie fa/J09ralg//`/ of fhe /alto/ /s COrrecf S%/Owf1, fhdf 1`/le OClfs/de hal/h4/4r,v /-Ve5 `hal /`here are ao we / /a/? o/s at- �6,,6/c highways fo he de5/9/?aleo/ or/ so/o/ Subscri,6eo/ a/io/ swora before me a Ala y Rvillc, /n a/?o/for f/?e cou/?fy a/` f/ehhe/v//?, /jirt/tesof4 y!!is �° dot/ /95/. /Yofar� fc�6/rc, h'eon&e,,a/p County, Miaaeso/a /'� comm/ss/oh exloires Th�s/o%f o/o/vroved by /he v///age Coa/?c// d fhe vi//aye o/ 1:,V 0- Miahesor`o, of A /'ego%r meefisiy fie%/ 7`iie �Qyoi G CU /j/L� fru n.a l Vit/age Recoro%N�rw - 691-� 4. �i�Q1/�irc�e 5 G /35 — /35 ,4 t5 /3S /35 /3S /35 14 3 /35 /35 Ir j3 4 tAl /35 /35 ti r2 � 5 h /35 /35 /35 /35 ti tC /3514) /3So th3°9 8 -I�rh /35 /35 50 i /o/hY�ol/i�v�rseci/orr 65'�firee/anq/ //% W /ae fire, %anq' q'ercrife9/ i lz Zs W 6fi St_S" -- S./ine oL•Gor. Lo� 2 Sec. 4, T. //6, e. 24 0 Qj / o/n/ a /i✓/EIScc7/a/I O/ 7Ae---k/be o/ Closelellne Ave, rt///h fhe /Y 1117 o/ A/ 66 s/reef OPPINE 7VOMPSOMS EDINA A001TION. /1. J. BIMSCHEID. surye-yar. /'1110W AL L M/ /Y BY 7"f/ESE P•£'ESE Y TtS; Th v/ we Orrin E. Tho ,- o.5 orr 7.vel f/e%17 C_ 7hor.�/vson, fYus64ri,/Q�q' .few owx>ers /// fee of fhe Jco!/owlT el&scmb q/ /oro/aenf e fo-W/f Thafp9r/ of Goverment La/ Two <z), 5ec /org lour 64), Township One hur��rec�/ six/eer/ //6)� �Qr/9e Twer�fy-orae �2/), descY/bed as fo/%w,5f3e9inn/r/9 qnl fhe /vo�f of /// ersecfior/ of fhe o/` fhe South 1117 of West 6h"�Jfreel wish /he Wes/ 1117 of e/oseah/.oe 4ve7we) fher/ce sou/h zlo.�7 s=he wes/ /fin of v/ose/of/ne aYer/ve a 9l�s/n//4-e of S/x-hun cl ^ec/ (600) feet fo fhe /no/ref 01-MI/ersec110r/ oll c%se/o%>/ae aver/ue w/1h fhe /Ymy-lh //n of West Six/y-si><fh sfreel) fher>ce West a/o/ay fhe 7/0Y•fh // e 0 west (66/b% S"/ree/ a Q/is/once of 7W- o hurtq/rec- �eYeN7 0270) {eel /o fhe vol, -7 / of /rr/e-rsec 1/0/2 of sq�� �o� /h // of 1'Vesf Six/y- s/x/h Sfree/ w//h the ,�'crsf 1117 of W1 1 -r �verlue j /her>ce NoYlh q/o/� fhe eqs/ /�r/e of soic/'GVi/ryas Q✓e2/ue q' Vlrl '/ice of S/x -hvn (:1req' C600) {eel /o lh e llao/r/ o� /r/lersec//ort of fhe eas/ /ire of .5 r/q/ W//p ave//ve w/hh /he souhh /�r,e o/ Wesf S/x/y-f// h shreef; fhe�ce evf14/0//9 f souhf� /�/7e of sq/q/ West Sixty {ffh slNee/ % /he /ao/n/ ofbe9I,�WIn�, q/isf4W Two- hvr/glred-sever/l CZ70) f'eel�fare cause(/ 0& A.6ove premises fa 6e /aiq1ouf/aA7 /al -5 �s show27 o�Tis s//eefa/Vcf fhe sa/rre fo he- k ri own gas `OR R/N E. THO/l7PSON:5 X!0 NH ADD/T"!O/v': W/fness our hared a/id sea/ /,4/s lav W> 11755 /or Orrin F. W,>`ress {or /le%/r C State Of lvlw//eso/a Coah�y of Hen/IeP/h Ort f/iis�Q day o� Minnesota Persona//y ay��eare d Orr/r /n and who executed fhe forego/n9 insfru, 5t4te o/ M1,04e5ofa� COUnYy of Hens?P/o�/o S s. I here by teddy l ha /heP/q/ hereon !s a cort, e ct re/o reser fa Aa /o/s Qre 1pu/vhd /sr feet 0,1 q1 o'eclwa/s o/`'a loo/ r fhe gwouho/ a s //ro//caleo/ or said vo/Qf 1ha: are cor"eof/y des/ynaleo/ on sa/d /o/91, p/af o/her Phan /s fh ereo/? zr, ovw/, on 6&/•ore me a Notary Pub/c, /� 4,o? o( /,I 14h Covh fy o / WM7e,01n, Thompson ono/ f/e%,h C. Thom/oson; lo rr/e /rnarYn to be fhePet-sons o%scr/ bed 7enf 4wo/ each acl&aw/edyeo/ such fo 6e fhetr otir/7 free act an deed /Yofdry Pah/c, He�h e/o/s� Cou/�fy, r/ane so fa �.GI�rJ /yy commrss/on ex/o/res I hove survyed the /a/�d descr/bed //� fhe dea�ic�t•/ior? of f/i/s s//eef /hah of sa/o/ survey/ fh�rl q//�sfQ�ces ore co�recHy shoiv/a o/? sa/or/v/af, fhal a// fs as s/?oW/7 ort 6'a/0l /o/f f/�af fhe p/e/ytelas/o/1s of'a// /ofs are Ca" C f/y 'al IXe /7oaa/r/e/r /-Fmor fhe yc./o%/7ce o/`' faf�re surveys have flees? /o/oceo��/7 Jfiie fa/J09ralg//`/ of fhe /alto/ /s COrrecf S%/Owf1, fhdf 1`/le OClfs/de hal/h4/4r,v /-Ve5 `hal /`here are ao we / /a/? o/s at- �6,,6/c highways fo he de5/9/?aleo/ or/ so/o/ Subscri,6eo/ a/io/ swora before me a Ala y Rvillc, /n a/?o/for f/?e cou/?fy a/` f/ehhe/v//?, /jirt/tesof4 y!!is �° dot/ /95/. /Yofar� fc�6/rc, h'eon&e,,a/p County, Miaaeso/a /'� comm/ss/oh exloires Th�s/o%f o/o/vroved by /he v///age Coa/?c// d fhe vi//aye o/ 1:,V 0- Miahesor`o, of A /'ego%r meefisiy fie%/ 7`iie �Qyoi G CU /j/L� fru n.a l Vit/age Recoro%N�rw - 691-� 4. �i�Q1/�irc�e 5 G