HomeMy WebLinkAboutParkwood Knolls 4th Additiona April J *4 TL A��2D�� I�� T = LO N, EDINA, MINNESOTA Scale. l° =110 + () R06Iron Monument ;.r A NW.corntroiNE4oiNW4 �' � aF5¢c.31,7,11i,R.11 m a d I I I I I I I I I I I I A a i------- T-60 6 EGAN,FIELD &NOWAK 1\ Engineers t Surveyors X75 pi�� 9g , { t Pyr H •s ro.'Q•. \ II m zi ,\,a �/ Souiit rn¢oY SeC.30.T.In,R.11 P r9 oti.\6Q0 g. v �v \\ :_ I r`. r, _ :L.r; � Qac• ' 101.3It O �J h4 i -< '.r --- a ab � 191.6 a `% a � , • ;..., I SSO �. 9 3S, J � �•; I 140.{5 NPW !� 19.42 s , y • 4.1 •' -'r�. I 7v • s� �0 a ... I. , Soulhliat,otNE-4e�NW'-4of5ec.i1-u'1-'U KNOW All MEN by THESE PRESS and Counly d ue.nnepinkowit:-TW par as follows: Commencing at the most We plaltk61n PARKw000 KNOLLS 1"a AOOI' radius of `155.94 feel a distance of 11. the actual poini of be¢;nnin�, of 4he track { line,kan¢�en� kolas) `described curve,lc in a skrat ht line,tan�enl kolas} de5cri 265.11 f ee.; thence southwesterly on a k leek with a radius of 848.51 feet a di5}ar 1es5,to an inkerseekIon wikh the NA l' 115.1 f eek to the Northwest corner therec thence east alon kheSoukh line op Sail 1^a Aoo1TION; hence northerly alonS Nlence norkheaskerty along the %4\4e. 1 in said block 1 ko 4he mosk Wester)y cc corner of Said 'Lok I ; thence easterly a6 &in6n� ak khe NOVWIA sWcorner of khereok'; k6m norkhwe5krl1 atolls kk\e N of 51 �e.e} ; khence 5oukllweSk'erl in a yk 4'" A001TIoN; anddohereby�onake on the annexed plat For use d municipalit premises in khevicinity.In wikneSS Al In PrvSvxp-ol STATE OF MINNESOTA1 COUNTY OF NENNEDINJ S•S•On this and llelen M.1-lan5en,hi5 wife, to me, kr Same as their own Free ask and deed ITS: 1W Carl M.Nansen and Nekn M.NanserI'Wswife,owners aMpropriebrs of lhefollowi%&sc,66ed properly s4uatein $e Slak of Minnesota of theNorthea5t4 of the Northwest4 of Sec}ion 31 and of the Sou$uSl4 of the Soukhwesk'4 of Section S0,311 in Township 111, Rang '11,de5cribe6 �erly corner of toll, 61ock 3,' PAaKw000 KNoILS";thence northerly 140.51 feel along the Easterly line of Londonderry Road as laid out and ON bein¢�aline convex to }he sou}hwe5k with a radius of 4a1.4s feet; thence northwesterly on a tan enkial curve ko the left with a 4 feet to an i4er5ec}ion with the Easterly extension oMQ Nor%trly line of lot I,b`Ioo-0,'PAR W'000 KNOLLS T" AODITION", bein5 'land ko be described'thence c04itlu'l norlhwesierly aloq la5l described curve a 315kance of 11.13 fee}; khence nockhwesterly in a Strat#t '.15 fee ; thenM norkhWeskerly on a kan¢en6la curve k04M} W4 a ra410 0}' IAN feek a distance O� M-01 Week; thence Y104666 ed curve, 254.51 Feel', thence northwesterly and Wes}erly on a tan¢�en}ia� curve to thete�} with a radius of 501.46 feek, a di5kance off' genkiak curve ko the l&'WA s radius of 144.59 Feet, a 6156nee 4189.21 feet; }hence Soukvly on a kangenktal curve ko }i1e XV 155.5 peek; thence Sou}hefty On IS 6n e.nk'W cry ue 6klat66l With a iradius d $09.4 PuJ,a dlra6nu, d %.6I 6e ,more or to of Said Norkheask 4 of 4he Nor6t4 a of ection 31;thence we4'q1o%the North lined said Norkheast 4 of %e. Nor%v44 a distance of thence south along khe West line of said Norkheast 4 of the Northwest ¢, a distance o}' MI5 -6 Peek ION, SouNntsk corner *ered-, %rkheask1 of khe IKO&ViOs a 6 i5kance d 148:15 feet more or less, to an inkerseetion with the Wes}efts tint PAQKW000 KNOLLS 14. Wester) line of S6PARKwooO KNOLLS `L" AOOITION° to khe most Weskrly corner of Lok 9, b10(' k 1, 6� PARKWOOO KNOLLS V4 AQOITION"; line of Said Wo to the mosk Nork vly corner khere.of , thence 5ou%ozaskerly alon the Norkhea5terly or rear lines d WC) 9,8 and ner of l.ok6,irt 5416 block k -, khenee norkherly alon¢ N. We5kerly or rear lines d �0t5 6,� 4,3 eL and 1 in Said Mocks l ko N. Nor60trly the Norkherly line o� said Lok I 91R6 QA6 101R khere.op ko N. a&'A point of be�nnin¢�, qv empkif ¢ 6A ?art thereof krouibed as NlowS: aid Lok I,UOZo 1,°PWKW000 KNOLLS 1^a AooITION",thence eaSkerly alons N. t%r4herly lined Said Lok 1 to the Norkl\ms}erly corner thu`ly 4�en5iorx OPht ba5kerl� line of Said 1_ot k, beiIA a curved Iine convex to the. Nor%p,%Sk wi% a radius of 195.94 k`eek,a distance ai hk line 291.5 feek,moce orleSS, ko khe poink ok' be¢�innin¢5. "ave caused khe Same to be Surveyed and plakked as,° PARKW000 KNOLLS ana 8e6ie8}e ko.khe public t'or public use t'orever &Rosd as shown on the annexed plak. A150 Subject to NMI easements, as, shown orokher public utilities •, k' or inskallakion and mainkenance of 4'acikilie5 inSkalled in an6 over Said ea5emmks to Serve adjamnk or Au top we have hereunko 5ek our han6s and Seals khis day of NA 1%4. Lr 1 as4oCarIM.Nanstn ( anbll¢,1¢,nM•Nanscn SEAL) _day of A.D.t954, bv&fe me., a Nokary Public, wikhin and for said Country and State, personally appeared Carl M• 1-tanm n ko be the persons described in and who exe-A-6 the �Ore�oin� inskrumen} and they acknowled¢8e.8 thak khey execuked the ' Notary Public, knnepin Counky, Minnooka { j My Commission Expires STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNVINS S,S, I her y certify khat Ihave surveyed and pIAQ'd the property described onN5 plat a5' NRKWOOD KNOLLS 0 4,001TION"-, ih%t khi5 plak i5 a correct repreSenkakion of Said sure ;that all di4anee5 are correctly shown on kplal in %k and decimals of s 6k -)kW the monumen6 For guidanceu(t d M surveys have been correctly place6 i kyhe, around as shown on the plat; that the. outside boundary lines are correctly de5ipsn 0'd on the pial ; �W the koporaphy of the land is, correctly shown onh' pl k 'A Vnsk km are no wek lands or public hi¢�hways to be, hroi¢�naled on coQ play o}her khan as, Shown khereon. L. v Above cerkAIz' }e subscribed and SurA,yor Mic`•ation N° 1264 to before rne, a Notary Public, khi5 6` day o�'_� NA %4. -'—e. e"N. D Nokary Public,klenneQin Coun y, MinneSoka My ComrniSsion Expires G ' 2'3, iSGo This plat was approved and accepted by } Villa' e Council of Edina,Minnesota, ak a re ular rneetin¢�thereo}' held khi5 i day of �- - A.Q.1954. f � � T VIL,LME COUNCIL OF EDINA, MINNESOTA approved this day O� Hennepin Counk� Surveyor U.%4.