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Paul Wind Christopher Second Addition
4- PAUL WIND CHRISTOPHER SECOND ADDITION I I I fifity IEaS¢mant 3 WEST WOODLAND ROAD C'T%\/%I/r' n/1 .�7 A K1(,' •nC /.�.n�n{\ Tf'r•�r.A ^E I kj%jKa Ci.$.. ! iAly. 'JIV ., •✓V1�! _"JI\V ! GR�<<-/:+•G Note: o Denotes iron Monument Ab =� SCALE 0 KNO(iY;' ALL MEN BY THE -5E PRESENTS: That we, Farmers and Mechanics Sav;.vgs 6anK of Minneapo/is, a Minnesota corporation, Mortgage of the fo/%w%ny described property situate m the County of Hennepin, 5tatr of A/Iinnesota, to wit- Thal part 0'0 the, ,S6uthmast Quarter(S.E. /a} of the Northwest Ovart¢r (N.W,'/4) oF' Sect/oh NineteeP709), Townshi Twantyetyht(28),Range Tiv¢ntyFour(24),deseribed as follows: Bmcfinnin9 at apoint on the Fast /ine of se, d southeast Ouaetar j. rtE 1¢)oF the Northwest Quary'ar (N.W.'/4) which is Two Hundred Tr4-¢ntyeight and. Thirt Five Hundredths (228.35)Feet South o-efhe kortheast corner of the 5oufh Thr -az- (2L1 (5.314) of the Southeast Ovarter (5.E.'/4) of the Northwest Quarter ((W. i/4)of said Section N�niteen(/9), thence i right angles Westerly One I-lundred Eightyfive(/8s)feet, thence at right an9les Soulheely One "undr d Twenty(/Zo)feet thence, at right angles E'aat'er/y One Hundred Ei91h-tyFive(185) Feet 'to the East line of said Southeast Qvarter OF the Northwest Quaeler(N,W.1/4), Thence Northerly along said East line ofthe S theast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (MW,%4),5ection: Nineteen (19),One /"=50 Hundred Twenty (IZo)F et to the point of beginni*ng,and George aChristopher and Dagn,ar L. Chri5fopher/ his wife, owners and proprietors of the fo//owinq described property, s;fuate In the County of Hennept State of Minnesota, to wit: Lots E/even (H), Twelve (l2), Thirteen(13)and Fourf a en (14), f3/oci! One (l), PA.U.L WINO CHR/3TOPHER AD01,710N.: Have caused the same to be Surveyed and platted as PAUL WIND ChIR/STOPHER.' SECOND ADD/TION. Ako- subject to the utility easements as shown on the annexed plat. IN WiTNESS W EREOF, we have hara. unto set our hands *7."d seals on this 'day 06JAI l`95SAL In the presence' OF: Signed: (� FYI, and0�� - and Signed: Farmers and Mechanics Savings Banff Minneapolis oC.e and &'`�� O//Lt� Vitt President. and ASS t,Trtasur¢r / hereby cortiFy that /have surveyed and platted the land desceibad in the dedication as PAUL WIND CHRISTOPHER SECOND ADD/TION; that fhrs plat is a correct representation of said survey; that all distances are correctly shown on said plat in Figures denoting Feet and decimals of a Foot; that the monurnents For the guidance of future Surveys have been correctlyy place -d in the ground ss shown on send p/sti thaf the topography of the land 15 eorreclly� shown on said plat; that the outside boundaries of the land are correctly designated on said plat; and that them are no wet lands or public highways to be designated on said plat other than arra shown thereon. STATE OF M/NNES0TA�sS. COUNTY OF HENN ERIN Above ca rtiFieerfe subseribad and sworn to before me, a notary public County and Sfete, on thisday of 1955 A©. Notley Public, HennepA7 County, M{'nnasota within and Fpr said My COmmi'ssion Expires iVou, % /�5p STATE OF M1411VE,107AI COUNT Y QF HENNEPIN s ' On, this day of 1955 AD, before me, a notary public Within and for said County and State, personal/y a estad eorye G, Cht-�stophar:and Dargrnsr L.Christopher, his wife, tome personally Known` to be the persons described in and who executed. the foregoing instrument, and sold George C. Christopher and Dogma. L. Christopher, his wife afFii-m and ac'Know/edge that they executed the sore, as their own Free act and deed, Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minnesota M� Commission Expires v QG d STATE OF MINNESOTA ss' COUNTY Off' HE'NNEP/N f On thrs da F 955 A,D�,,vv core n+aIx notary public w,thin and For said County and Stite, personal/y appeared a►nd'� ,to me parsons//y Known, who bdonq oath by me duly sworn did say that they are respectively Vee President and Assistant TraaSurer "rVAned �n the foregoing instrument, and Mot the sea/ aFP xed to ,Said instrurn¢nt is the Corporate Sea/ of said Corporation, and that said instrument wwss 9 e and sealed in bei, /F of said Corporit/on by authority of i1t Board of Directors, and �acftnowled4e said rnstrur»ent to be the Free act and and that said- deed o F said Corporation, This p/at was approved and accepted by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minn- This plot sccdpted�, ¢sofa, a1 a regular rneetinq there of held thisll2� day 01955 AV.. �//� // COUNT Y V/LL AIG ( UNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EVINA, WNSES074 &p By � ✓fes Its President ay (L I to ml�lylqc-ER- PL_AiJi+iINJG r'OMIMISSION, y gas" N Lary Public, Hennepin M Commission Ex Aires County, Minnesota /o. 1y60 checHed this �� day ofd 1955 A.D, FiVEY R, HENNEPIN " COUNT y MINNESOTA