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JUNE , 1959
6� W
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KNO4 RLL MEN 9Y THESE PRESENTS. that Doris Payton and Al Payton, her husband owners and propriefor5
o4� the ol/owing described property, situated in the County of X¢nnepin, State of Minnesota, described as follows
to wit
The wes t 30 feet of Loi 2, Block /, Payton Court and that pari of Loi 1, Block /, Po fon Courf descri bed as folio ws
Comm¢ Cing at the northwest corner thereof; thence east along, the north line there f a distance of 30feef;
thence south parallel lo the west line thereof to a point on the south line thereof d jS ant 30 feet eosf¢rl y of the
soufhw st corner thereof; (hence west a disfonce of 3o P¢ along fhe south line hereat to the southwest corner
of said of ; thence north along the west line thereof to he point of beginning; Also fhaf pari
of fhe Souih west Quarter of Section 30, Township 28, Row24a described as follows : thgt pari of thio south 3/2.48 feet
of fhe orth 1249.92 feet of the west 660 feet of fhe souwest quarter lying west of a line drawn north and south,
parallel with and 230 feef wesf of fhe east line of said premises,
Novo cerused4he same to be surveyed and platted as P4YTON COURT SECOND ADDITION and do hereby doriof¢yand dedieofe
to the ubliq for public use forever the Court and Boulevard as shown on th annexed plat gqlso sub'ect to utili ondsewereas¢menfs
as sho n on the annexed plat, for the use of municipolity, or ofher public ufili7ies for installation anmaintenanceof facilities
insfall din and over soid easemenis to serve cd jocenf or ofher premises in fhe vicinity.
in wit ¢ss whereof ._w¢_ have hereunto sof our hands and affixed our sea/s this / day of ;_C{,�-A•D.1999
,in pr nc¢
or: Sign¢d:� ;
Donis Pay f zin
COUNTV OFHENNEPIN On Phis day of A.D. 1959, bePgre me, a Notary Public,wifhin and
for sac Cauni and Sfof¢, did persona!/yapp¢or Doris Pa ton and A/ Pa ton, her husband to m¢ personally
known, ho eacii being duly sworn, did Sa that they are >�e persons describyad i and who executed the foregoing insfrDmenf
and ock owl¢dg¢d that they executed th same os fheirown ire¢ act and d¢ea7
Notaf Pufl/e, Hennepin County, Minnesota
Myr mmission Expires ROY H. RliTE RSbn
: ignapin oun Y, nn.
!$ 160A1n7laalpn 6a,ina itw, ?A, tSAb
l here y certify fhaf l have surveyed and plotted the property described on this plat as PAYTON COURj SECOND ADDIBION
thofthisp/at is'i" correct representation of said urvey; ,that all distances are correctly shown on *hepa in feet and decimals
OP a foo , t�af monumenf/S for guidonee cf fu4ur¢ surveys have been eorrec% placed in fhe round as sewn on the plot;
that th ou side boundor_y Ines are correctly designofed on the .plat ; that there are no wet Blonds or pu ie highways. to be
design fed on said p/o ocher than os shown hereon ; 'and that fhe topography of 'Me land is eorr¢cfly shown on Said plat
Cardarelle & Associates-, Inc.
ohn E. Cordare le Minn SfPlz Reg, No. 566
COUNT V OF HENNEPIN Above certificate subscribed andsworn to before me this day of A.A1959.
Notqr,lq Public, Neknepin County, Minnesota
My Commission Expires 120Y W
itry, Public, 110nM %ft
(,@I ,.
L:OmuUtslon EYQIt,a Iiot,t jug -.i
The out ide boundariesof +his Plat and of the block therein have been checked and found to be
mathem tically correct fhis 3o-° day of irn ___A.0.1959
aunty Surveyor, Hennepin County, Minnesota
was recommended for cpprovol by the Planning Commission of the Village of Edino, Minnesota, of a regu/ormeefing (hereof,
held fhi
qday of cul '
A.D. 1959
- -_
Planning;Eolrr�issio� fhe`V l/age 67P, Edina, Minnesota
This ploA
was approved and accepted
by iheVillage Council of
Edina, Minnesota,ata regulcr meeting thereof, held this 6.? -y
day of
76,4 A. D, 1959
Village Council of
Edina, Minnesofa
Moyor-2,11� 1U11
Village Manager