HomeMy WebLinkAboutRaether's AdditionR A E THER S A DD/T/0/Y
SCALE -,l /N. --50Fr.'
North /rr7e o{ SF% o{ S`v% o{.Sec. 20, 7-28 R24
11�/20 _ tag. /g —
,` W. 60 TH. S
O I /r0/171on.
? _ � ��_-.x/3•/8_ __. _ _ _ _ _80---�- -
,Z041117 1177e o{Norfi7 240 41St% 20
Chec7�eddndapproved Phis day of /954
f/enne/7in County Surveyor
ovr a//.nen �y th ese �resenls fhaf we, �9/hcrf C �Paeffier und/Y/arre E. Rc�efherhushAnd Qnc1
VV lle owners ana �r000�rie>`or� of ff7e fo/%wing A'escrihed /�r000�erty si/waled /r7 the �lgfe
o M/nr�esofu and County a{/%nneoir7 fo W11, - the Egsf 20g, I8 feet o{ffie /Yorfh 240
fel of 71117� �S'outhellJt Quarferl�E%f� offfie �Saufhwerfquorfer�OGV/�j anc/ fhe Wesf /20
f et o{ fhe East 328.78 feet of fhe Nel-lh 24o leer` of fhe SoulheaJt9uorfer(SE%/ oll e
,S ulhwesl �uarfer(SiY%/ .axoepf fhe Gt/esf ,30 feel (hereof a////.7 Xeci,ion 7-wen7,y(2ol,
wnship 28, Ron9e 24 ,have causea/ the same fo he surveyeo/a�Q'/0 0' d a.s
ETHERS Aoz-J/T/a/Y and da hereby c%nale acrd aled�ca/e /v the /vablic for112uh//c
e forever /`he �sfreet and ave/7z/e us ,shown on fhe onoexec/�lal,
/ w/bless whereof we have hereon to set our hands m7d sea& qey
/JreSer7Ce of
•9/6 er t C..P/aefher
c/rie E. Rae{her
S fe of /elmesaha SS.
C Ur77Y of i5%nne�✓ir� }
On lhis�i'� do y A D. /95"� f�efare me 0 /Yofar�'
p6�6/i' wil/iin qnd for so/d C0unfy, and S1bfe />ersano//y c�ppeorea �9/f�er�`C' eaefher and
Nj rie E. Rgelher his wi/`e� 7<) me �f own 1`o he fheOersons c%scrr6edir7 ana'who executed
f e forego/i791r7s><rurnent and {hey acLnow/edged thal l`hey execuled the same
a their CYYn free aCt 0/74;/ dee4'
Nolory Pub/cc /j'er7nepin Cpun1`y/YlirrnesofQ
NY c0r77177 /S70r7 ex1911--es
1 ere�y certify lha/` Ii7ove surveyed ar7d�/offed the /�ro/�er/y c%scrr6cdiin fhislo/a/` as
iP ETHERS fI0/J/T/ON , (hot fhis�/qt is a correct re�reser�tnfion of,JQidv'urvey; t/iaf4N
Cyl faOces ore corrEc>`/y Shown an 74he /9/a7/ /h flet a/7c/ c%lino%S of a fool , 171701 /he
/n r7a/77ent.r for9uidar7C//e of future �rarveyshave/seer7 correct/yam/aced/r7 /1/io9rour�4
c9 ,Shown 0,-7 14e 12/al; 7>"!pf /�h oL/7`s;i% f✓oar7dary /17es crre corrG'Cf/y c%siC�r7pf�c�'oLr/
l/7 al the fopcFra/>hy Of 1114E /0/7d /X correc7`y shown On 70e 1-21017egnc/77l/Af fne/eare
/745 wet/ands 01-1061h/c /7/yhways /`o /✓e c%aiyn4P/e4'o7 saidplal ot/7er than &rr _Thown
cerfificole �-u6scrihedc�nd,st-vorn ><o hefare me /`h/.s
i h,
��41 ,
(seen/slered Lar7471.57a,-veyor 4111,fS
/I./J.19, 4
_...2Ut. N. tY cY4-1
:::nary Public, Hennepin Cocnry, Mim'.
ray Commission Exiles Oct. 15. 1957
NotoryPu6/c, Hennep/ri Coun/y, N//i7neraf
/WV comm/rsion ox�ires r
5is/s/a/ was a12,01-ove01 0171 acce7ole47" by fhe Y//a9e C04117ci% of Ec7'/na, /YI/n�eso7`Q
t a reyu/ar m eeti�y 1`herBof he/Q' fh7r 12 ��' clay ofd X417• /944`
� / •:�res7o'en7� j