HomeMy WebLinkAboutRe-Plat of Part of Lot 31 Rolling GreenRE -PLAT OF PART OF LOT 31 ROLLING GR EN KNOW ALL Mr.IV B fee 0/117e fol/owing 717at part of L o t Beginning at a oo the 500th wes terly A Me 5041117westerly ti, to the Northeasterly a di5tonce of 92.5 fe Edina Minn. M.J. 8erscheid. Land Surveyor. hHE5F PRE9EN75; That we 6unnar JOhn5on, Ma/1 Johnson, Husband and Wife, owner,5 in �'e5cribed property; 1, Rolling Green, llennep/n County, Minnesota described as follows; 711n the Southwesterly line ofSa/d Lot 31, a d/Stonce of 138.65 feet 5o/rtheasterly measured along s o f said L o t 31, from the North west or most Westerly corner thereof thence Northwesterly along s of5aid L o t 3 / to the Northwest or most Westerly corner ofSafd Lot 31, thence Northeasterly 71 -most Northerly corner of Said Lot31; thence 5061theasterly a/ong the Northeasterly line thereof t; thence Southwesterly to the point of beginning. Have cawsed the bove to be laid out info lots ay Shown by the plat on this sheet and the same to be known a5 "REL -,0A7 OF PAR Oc L 0 7 3 / ROLL ING 6REFN: Witness our hand 7nd seal this —day of A� - 1953 Witne55 for Gunn r Johnson Witness for Malt Johnson f 5 tate 07" Minnesota Coun ty of Hennepin M/nne5 o ta, persona persons described acknow/edged such 5.5. On this— day of 2�A' /953, a Notary Aublic, /n and for the coup ty of Hennepin appeared Gunnar ,/ohn,6on and Malt Johnson; Husband and Wife and to me known to be the and who executed Me foregoing instrument and who before me personally appeared and each � be their own free act and deed. 5 tate of Minneso to Coun ty of Hennepin 1 5.5. divided' the Same M numbered as shown in feet and decima, ground as shown o/ shown on sAg4 p/a thereon shown. 5ub5cr this--Zz This plot aporo theday Notary public, Hennepin county, Minnesota My Commi5s/on expires Unly, �'V nn. I hereby Certify that I have Surveyed the land described /n the dedication on this sheet and o lots as Shown by the plat hereon which correctly shows Such d/vision, that sa/d /ot is in the annexed plat hereon, that Me d/mensions of lots and Me width of streets are correctly shown of a foot, that fhe monuments for the guidance of future surveys have been placed /n the said plat, that the topography i5 correctly shown, that the outside boundaries are correctly that there are no wet lands orpobl/c highways to be des/grated on said plat other MaI7 i5 Re Lond Surveyor Minn. #(/359) a' and sworn before me a Notary Public, in and for the county of Nenneoin /Vinne5ota —day f. Notary Public, Hennepin Minnesota by the village council of the village of Edina 1953. My Commi55ion `5.�a;art, otey P=abFr�:, Hennepin CoUntj Minn. Minneso tai a f a regular meet/ng held Village of Edina; By its President Recorder. �( seal r