HomeMy WebLinkAboutRearrangement of Block 23 Mendelssohn5 I i REARRANGEMENT OF BLOCK Zi, MENDELSSOWN SCALE: i In' =50 * !z AUGUST, i%?i M ALON EY AVENUE 130.0 ..... PARK SURVEYORS I � 1 ' I � lu � ,h el 0 N N m � I ( o 9io r " b _I' •i -706' — — — — — -konM lin- parallel wills and W' Norllt of 5ouli line o4look ?;,Me nclekiaAn KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRES bank of Minneapolis, a Minnesota corpo That part of block 13, in Mendel5sohn lyir In wilne5s whereof' said JA.A.Ander5on and Mechanics Savin s (ankof Minneapc %D� 80Y of A.D. 1953. In (Presence of -.- STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF I-IENNEPINJ SS On this s I d A the persons described in and who executed STATE Or- M I N N ESOTAI c S J.J. COUNTY OF WENNEPINS On ihis-1Q- ta+4 to me personally known, who by r the corporation named in the fore¢oin4 instr and sealed in behalf of said corporation by a deed of said corporation. NTS that J.L.A. Anderson and Jeanette P. Anderson, his wife,owners and proprietors,ond Farmers and Mechanics Savin4s Pion, mor} a¢ee, of Ike followings described property situate in the Stale of Minnesota and County of 1-krinepin towir-- North ciMe South Wfeet }hereof; have caused the 5arne to be surveyed and platted as REARRANGEMENTOF BLOCK 23,MENDELSSOBN. Ind Jeanette 1.1. Anderson, have hereunto set their hands and Seals 1hi5JQday of .D. 1953, and 5918 Farmers > have caused these presents to be Signed by their proper officers and their corporate seal to be hereunto affixed }his a5 to J.L.A.And¢rson ( and 3¢an¢ite Andersen 5igned:- piARMERS ANDMECNANICS SAVINGS BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS as 1oG.G.cow e 2 ` its Vice President and�atiodelaiNre `' � ``-�d,.� ilyVicePresident V ofA.D. 1953, before me personally appeared J.L.A. Anderson and Jeanette U. Anderson, his wife, to me known to be the fore oing Instrument and they acknowledged that they executed the same as their own free act and deed. j Notary Public, uennepin County, %in, e,5ostz. My Commission Expires _day A.D. 1953, bepore me, a Notary Public, within and for said County, personally appeared G.G.Cowie and lAndo each duly sworn, did Say that Ikey are each Vice Presidents of Farmers and Mechanics Savings bank of Minne9poF� -nent; Ihal the seal affixed to said inetrumenl is the corporate seal of said corporation and that said inslrumeni was signed horny of its board of Directors and said G.G.Cowie and John de l.aillre acknowledged said instrument to be the tree act and Nolary Public, uennepin County, Minnesota, STATE OF MINNESOTA( I My Commission Expires S.S. . COUNTY OF UENNEPIN I do hereby certify that I have surveyed and plot led the property described on 1h15 plat 05 REARRANGEMENT OFUOCK23,MENDELSSONN; that this plat is a correct representation of said survey ; lh l all distances are correctly shown in feet and decimals of a fool ; that the monuments for ouidonce of future surveys have been correctly placed in Iinground as shown on }h plat; that the outside boundary lines are correctly designated on the plat ;that the topography of the land is correct shown on the plat and Ilial there are no wet lands orpubli highways to be designated on said plat other than as Shown }hereon. Above certificale subscribed and sworn This plat was approved and accepted by the This 9121 was approved and accepted by the before me this ^/ day of /avlYa sr` A.0.1953. Council of Edina, Minne5ola ata regular meeting lhereof held this Sur e or- Minn. Qe¢J. X1264 No�arY uv. I�en epin County, Minnesota. My Commission Expires day of VILLAGE COUNCIL OF EDINA, MINNESOTA its Mayor ils Clerk Commission of the Village of Edina,Minnesolo, at a regular meeting thereof held }his day of A.D. 1953. PLANNING COMMISSION OF VI LLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA by its Chairman