HomeMy WebLinkAboutReplat of Part of Lot 1 Block 3 NormandaleM E Sca/e • Oenofes /ion "017U/J7C/JT K 1v. 1r'•: i-1, �; .; :'_• i'•i ii•J i i t`.i1 If. 62 ~° S7wjQEE7 OFLoT1,BL VILLAGE OF ED/NA, HENNEP/N j W t-= Uj a a The fore�o, s plat was approved and accepted by fhe Plannin¢ Commission of /he v11a¢e V Edina, Minnesota, a reSU13r me64i 70 thereof held 1h /.-S of A. D. /9545 ELAN, FIELD En vers PLANNING COMM/SS/ON of VILLAGE o/EDINA, MINNESOTA b ifs Chairman The forejoin¢ plat was approved and accepted by the Villa¢e Council o{ Edina, Minneso{a, at a 11 611,11 meetin (hereof halo( Phis day of A.D.195,5" V/LLA UNG/Lr /NA, M/NNESOTA i *�� b1 ! fs Mayor Checked and approved day of /��k-1--y /-- A-,0 1954 ils ClenL Hennepin Counl)l Surveyor CKk3, JV01ZMANDALE L NO W � K. Surveyors KNOW ALL Mi and proprietors of fh Hennepin lowit : - Tf, REPLAT OF PART 0j annexed plat for use oyer said casements and Charlolle Kuhn, A.D. /954. Stale of Minnesota s Goun l y of Nennepin said County and 51a persons described ii 6e same as their o M/NN. / BY THESE PRESENT: Thal Bohn W. /luhn and Charlolle /luhn, his wife, owners lollowin¢ 0%scri6ed property .situate in the Slate of M��nesoia and fhe Gounly of East 1 of Zal /, Block 3, Normanodale. fTas caused the same /0 he surveyed and 10/ailed as LOT /, BLOCK 3, NORMANDALE. Also subject fo fhe Ufilify Easement as shown on the municipa/ity or other pu61i6 u11/ties; for /he maintenance ol favi/dies irisla//ed In or serve a� cent or other premises in the vicinity. /n witness whereof said doN Nuhn is wife, have hereunlo set (heir hands and seals lhls io th. dayof ����A�y /n Presence o/. - Si ned--- o 7� a/� / As to ✓ohn W Kuhn (✓ohn sr avhn and Charlille kuhn On fhis_Lo day of F�6R�,�R A.0.1954, before me a Holary Public, within and for Personally appeared John N Nuhn and Char/offe Nuhn, his w1le, To me known % be the and who executed fhe foreuoin¢ inslrument and They acknowled¢ed /hat they executed n free act and deed. Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minnesota My Commission Expires - 5f9 le of Minnesolas s. Counlyof Hennepin / do hereby cerli{y 1hal / have surveyed and Platted fhe property described on this plat 4?5 REPLAT OF PART OF LOT /, BLOCK 3, NORMANDALE; Thal /his plat is a correct representation of said survey; that al/ distances are correctly shown on fhe Plat in feel and decimals of a foot'; That fhe monuments for &10(a, ce of fuIure surveys have been correctly Placed in the ¢round as shown on the /plat; that the outside ,%oundary /nes are correctly des�naled on fhe plat; /hal fhe 16 graphy of The land is correctly shown on fhe pial; and 1hal There are no wel lands or publc hihway fo be desi nated on said P121 other than as shown (hereon.-v�=���� ' Surveyor - Minnesota Re¢isfrallbn N° 2264 Abo ve cerli f cafe sub crihed and sworn lo bet re me 1h15 7 6 � day o f - Z.- � ��- A.D.1954. Notary Public , Nennep1n County, Minnesota My Cornm;ssion &#M5--- (f _. �� '"- L'