HomeMy WebLinkAboutSchey's Park View 2nd AdditionKrsow alt• *ea b y th"& pre4ent4: 9oe t e. �ohn-on and &.t44rs F1. �ohnaon, b , Robet X. itteAand ad Doroty fi. Z te4t asd, huaba,zd"° husandadwie wife,�?°VSCHEY'S PARK VIEW 2 ADDITIONeea�ok wu part of the ciONth one -hat f (I') of •tine -)omthoeat u of the No r thwe a t � of the . _ _-_-__4444-----4444__ ----- #�»�: ->�� a pow .thereof aai.d po•i.st being aaO Jett t of the NottAe4dt c 4A" tise ceof ; thence £a4t ataxy. 4aid Naeth line a diatanre H E N N E P I N COUNTY, MINNESOTA of 1440 Jett to the No4thea4t carnet thereof; thence South a tonip the £a,&t tine of 4aid SoNthweat 4 of the Noethwe4t w of the Notihwe4t u to the )o"theaat eotnec theteof; thence Wt44 atony. the Sown Line of 4aid So"tiwue4t S of the Notthw"t 4 of the Notthweat r, a di,4tawe, of 222 feet; thence Notthwe4.te4d y to the pont Of btJ444449., leave Ca"ed the 4a*e to be. 4utveyed and platted as S C k£ I ' S P H k K U 1£ U) 2 N D H D D 1> 1 0 N and do hereby donate and dedicate to the pubtie Nae forever the toad a,& 4hown on the awwted plat and ,the ea4ewetU jot m4tt4Af and dtainaye purpo4e4. a,& shown o4 the a44exed ptat. 9x witness. whereof, 4aid Suet X. �ohn-ors asd N44,4 rs N. �onaars, hN4band and wife, iuwe hetewnto set theit hand4 and sea& on this day of N. D. 1962, and C(obett X. X42t"Uassd and Dorothy R..C<.C&-4uand, hnaband and W44e, e, have heteunto set thebt land-, asd 4"4 on thio day of H. D, 1962. LA 90t Pteaence Ufa <Sey�ud: ia iiz n. of -Sou44 Line of Ohs NWS of4;& NW; of Sec -8, Twp. 1161 Rqe. ZI I t B L. 0 C rt 1 IN E. �\ s Z N y Y � V S ia- :i �• : • Cc - cry 'r .M n w N 00 ••S l• _..�_.. o B L. 0 C rt 1 IN E. Au.z4g H. 90hn4on k0bett X. L' UA4t4a9d Dorothy A. XV2w.sttand Mate of Ninwz.aota. County of ke.vw.pen. On thi a day of H. D. 1962, before *e, a Notary /jNbti.e, w-Uh and for 4aid Coanty and State, PetdaiaUAf appealed 9vet X. �ohnaas and Maei.tyn H. �oh"", h" -band. and wqe, to we pet -o atty k wwn to be the pe444" da4ctibed in and who executed the ?ateyoiny. 4n4t4iwent and they ackmooledye that they eAcNted the "se as their own foe act and deed. Notary Pwblia, kennepsn. Cowsty, 1Nwn"ota Nit Cowsia-.i.on £><pi.cee State of Nf~40" County of 1441VWP4n Ck th.i4 day of H. D. 1962, before re., a Notary P464ia, wi.thit and fof said Cowsty and State, pec -costly appeaud kobett X..0 &e4t ca sd and bctothy N. 1'WA44.uLnd, hoabaad and w44e, to *e peuonaUq kiwwm to be the petaona described rrs and Who exee oted the f ate#04Af 44a e&Me" and they acknowtedye that they elceewsted the 4a*e as theft own free act and deed. Notary Pubtic, ka wV4.s. County, Min4e.4ota Nil Co"i,a44.04 £xPi 4" 9 hereby ceetsfy that 9 have-utueyed and putted the property described and shown as this plat a*,S C b £ � 1 S P fl R K V 1 £ W 2 N D A D D 1 9 1 0 N, that thi,& plat i4 a cotteet 44p -tea .stats ar of said 4wwey, that alt diataaces ace cottezt4 4hown ors 4aid plat in feet and du i*a.ta of a foot, that the *orw*enta fat the y+uda4ce of fat ate 4unity,& have been covertly ptaeed aot the y.towsd a,& 4howrs on acid plat, that the outeide bowsdaty linea ate c atteetty deaiyna.ted on said plat, and thele ate no wet taro!,& of public highway,& to be de44#nated on 4a i d plat adw.t than a,& 4howrs th eceon. h<atty S. }oh"Mi.wesota Kegi4ttati.on No. 5065 State of Nimes to Cowsty of kemepin Jhe above cett4irate was. 464b4ccibed and 4wotKto before *e, a Natcuy Public, wi h4A and fof-.atd Cowsty and State, on thio day of A. D. 1962. Notary Pubt4ACV kewuprn County, Minneaota Ny Co.rsi.-a.ioa £V"" 9&44 plat was re..eowaended J" approuat b y the planning. cow*i .u4 as of the Ui Cl aye o? £d i.na, Now",ota, at a teyu.Ca t weetury. Vwwof, held tAi4 41 .day °f--� H. D. 1962. `Jhi.4.plat was approved and accepted by the Uittage Cowu it of £diva, Minnesota at a 4a# t" *eetiny thereof, held thie�day of 1962. � Ui,Uage Cowsril of £diva, Ni.vseaota '/ SCa t'e ' 1 ""• 50" � A�7e" �.. Mayor / 1 `0' Deiza�ea, Izoa Moaalneizi ghe. boundatiias of th44 plat and the boNndaties of the blocs theAein have been.*athewsaticaUy 8ea2z, raf4, aze A -d d,am.ea/ checked and approued. No detetavuZi.on ha,& been *ade to a4cetta.in that the tepai deactiptio►c aft&" &4tA 4aid ptat, Dated thio day of R. D. 1962 LAND 1VRV(VCI,i A717ySelolrnson ssociates s Z y • cry 'r .M n w Au.z4g H. 90hn4on k0bett X. L' UA4t4a9d Dorothy A. XV2w.sttand Mate of Ninwz.aota. County of ke.vw.pen. On thi a day of H. D. 1962, before *e, a Notary /jNbti.e, w-Uh and for 4aid Coanty and State, PetdaiaUAf appealed 9vet X. �ohnaas and Maei.tyn H. �oh"", h" -band. and wqe, to we pet -o atty k wwn to be the pe444" da4ctibed in and who executed the ?ateyoiny. 4n4t4iwent and they ackmooledye that they eAcNted the "se as their own foe act and deed. Notary Pwblia, kennepsn. Cowsty, 1Nwn"ota Nit Cowsia-.i.on £><pi.cee State of Nf~40" County of 1441VWP4n Ck th.i4 day of H. D. 1962, before re., a Notary P464ia, wi.thit and fof said Cowsty and State, pec -costly appeaud kobett X..0 &e4t ca sd and bctothy N. 1'WA44.uLnd, hoabaad and w44e, to *e peuonaUq kiwwm to be the petaona described rrs and Who exee oted the f ate#04Af 44a e&Me" and they acknowtedye that they elceewsted the 4a*e as theft own free act and deed. Notary Pubtic, ka wV4.s. County, Min4e.4ota Nil Co"i,a44.04 £xPi 4" 9 hereby ceetsfy that 9 have-utueyed and putted the property described and shown as this plat a*,S C b £ � 1 S P fl R K V 1 £ W 2 N D A D D 1 9 1 0 N, that thi,& plat i4 a cotteet 44p -tea .stats ar of said 4wwey, that alt diataaces ace cottezt4 4hown ors 4aid plat in feet and du i*a.ta of a foot, that the *orw*enta fat the y+uda4ce of fat ate 4unity,& have been covertly ptaeed aot the y.towsd a,& 4howrs on acid plat, that the outeide bowsdaty linea ate c atteetty deaiyna.ted on said plat, and thele ate no wet taro!,& of public highway,& to be de44#nated on 4a i d plat adw.t than a,& 4howrs th eceon. h<atty S. }oh"Mi.wesota Kegi4ttati.on No. 5065 State of Nimes to Cowsty of kemepin Jhe above cett4irate was. 464b4ccibed and 4wotKto before *e, a Natcuy Public, wi h4A and fof-.atd Cowsty and State, on thio day of A. D. 1962. Notary Pubt4ACV kewuprn County, Minneaota Ny Co.rsi.-a.ioa £V"" 9&44 plat was re..eowaended J" approuat b y the planning. cow*i .u4 as of the Ui Cl aye o? £d i.na, Now",ota, at a teyu.Ca t weetury. Vwwof, held tAi4 41 .day °f--� H. D. 1962. `Jhi.4.plat was approved and accepted by the Uittage Cowu it of £diva, Minnesota at a 4a# t" *eetiny thereof, held thie�day of 1962. � Ui,Uage Cowsril of £diva, Ni.vseaota '/ SCa t'e ' 1 ""• 50" � A�7e" �.. Mayor / 1 `0' Deiza�ea, Izoa Moaalneizi ghe. boundatiias of th44 plat and the boNndaties of the blocs theAein have been.*athewsaticaUy 8ea2z, raf4, aze A -d d,am.ea/ checked and approued. No detetavuZi.on ha,& been *ade to a4cetta.in that the tepai deactiptio►c aft&" &4tA 4aid ptat, Dated thio day of R. D. 1962 LAND 1VRV(VCI,i A717ySelolrnson ssociates