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Schluter's Addition
N ' S C HL U T ,E R'S A DD i T 10!Y Know a/1 Wren by theso presents that Richard C. Sch/titer- and Norma F. Schluter husband and wife, owners dnd proprietors; and Home Federa/ Savinysand Loan Associat/on, a c`oroorafior� organized under the laws of the HENNEPINfOUNTy M/NNESom United Stites of America, rnortgagee,of the following described property situated in the State of M/nnesotd and Covniy al"Iennep/n to wit: The East 150 feet offheSoufh l4 rods of Government L of 1 %n Section SCALE 1 rN • 40 Fr. 32, Township 117, Range 21 Have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as ,YCHLUTER'S ADD/T/ON and do hertby donate and dedicrte to thepub/ic for,0416/ic use forever thesfreet as shown on the annexed,ohf,a/sosubjerf o Denotes iron monument to utr/ifyasements as shown on 1`he ar�e7red p,/dt, Bearn?x shown oJvn tine assumed 4 North //n® of theSoufh /4rodJ of bovernmsnt Lot l Jeetion 3Z,7ownship /l7, Rouge Z1 am (V% M m W1111y 2 a 1 BLOCK I WEST 62,vOSTREET line of 6oVf4ot 1, 5ecbiow92 T/17 RZ1 r i I 30 ht"nnt /n CouotyMonoMPnt M TavAh Corner ofsec//on3Z M The boundaries of this p/at and the 60andar/es of the block therein have been mathematically checked and approved. No determination has been made to ascertain that the legal description agrees with said plat. Dated this day ofAp. 1968 by Elmer J Peterson, Hennepin Covnfy Surveyor, This plat was recommended tor approva/ by the Planning Cammist/on of the Village of Edina Minnesota,atare9ular meeting thereof, held this Ist dayof A16U. A,0/96f P/c/nning Commission of the village of Edina, Minnesota (�•��c.��-u-c_ LJ. �;��� Chairman /n witnes hands aAd has eau, affixed l 1ln pre State of ' County c for Said personal execvted whereof Richard C. Sch/ufer and ormd F Sch/titer j husband crud wife, have hereunto settheir r/sfhis 1'._ day of A..O. /968 and I`iame Federa/ Savings and Loan Association these resents to h e s/gn d b y /ts ,proper officers and its corporate sea/ fo fie hereunto s --.qday of< n ' 140 1968. Of " <Sign ed Richard C. Schluter lyormaF, Sch/cater Home Federa/S4vi179s and Loan A.fsociotion /n esen e of f r , l 6Y�} �C / -PStdnoa� 1C v N 4C(o taL47_. innesota Hennepin On this �t %- — doy before fie a Notary pub/IC within and aunty and <State, didpersonal/y Qppear Ri anti C.Sch/ufer dnd Norma F. Sch/ufer, h/s wife to me known, who each being duly sworn, d/dXay that they are the persons described /I& I who he fore o/n instrument and oclEnowled ed that the .L .:' 9 9 9 y executed the same as their free ae?Wn tided, Notary Pah/c, Hennepin Ginty, %�linne ora My commission expires State of Minnesota County of e/wepin Or) this ' � day of- � -c, . A.D. 1968 before me a Notary Public within and for ,fakid County and State, did ersonal/ a�-� r 3 6t�iz o -c s known '° Y Pped �_ andl�r1,_rto me personally �o each being du/y sworn, did say that they ore �i�, �YL� andli ` � `k�� . ' of Home respectively tiara/ Savings and Loan Association, the corporation named in the foregoing instrument and that said instru'ent was s/geed and sealed in behalf of said corporation 6 authort and achnorfleodged sa/d instrument to be the free arl and deed of said e porat/on, and that the seta/affiors to said /nstument is the corporate sea/ of said coroorafjon, Notary Pu6/ic,tfe17nepin iANN6 My commission expires t hereby certify Correct surveyed and platted the10roperty described on th,4 p/af as SCttL�JTERS ADD/T/oH that this p/rtis a correct representation of Said survey, that 0/1 distances are correctly shown on the p/crt /n feet and d�C/mals ofafoof; that all monuments have been correct/y placed /n the ground as shown on the plat; that the outside boundary /fines are correctly designated on thepl at; thcrf there are n� wef /ands arpubl/c h/ghways to be designated av�fhe plaf other than as shown tfrron. 73. ?v State otMiniresota 13. H. Bradley, Minn. State Req. h'o. /lBd Covnfy of/rf�,nepin., Above Certificate was subscribed and sworn >fi before Aid; /gid. i Ine `y� this ,/©'ofT.j✓ xtF Notary Public, Hennepin County Minnesota 4z w.V x,vci 21 's'37d, 4 My col"MASSron I This p/at tas approved acrd accepted f>ye Village Council of Edina'. Minnesota,at meeting then eof held fhis_ day of �_.-,41219,68 arequ/ar t/il/aqeCouncil of�dina, Ajinnesotq V l/age Manager